author = {v.Wichert, G. and Klimowicz, C. and Neubauer, W. and W\"osch, Th. and Lawitzky, G. and Caspari, R. and Heger, H.-J. and Witschel, P. and Handmann, U. and Rinne, M.},
title = {The Robotic Bar - An Integrated Demonstration of Man-Robot Interaction in a Service Scenario},
booktitle = {11th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, Berlin, Germany, Proceedings},
year = {2002},
pages = {374-379},
doi = {10.1109/ROMAN.2002.1045651},
file = {:ROMAN-vWiHanEtAl2002.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {v.Wichert, G. and Klimowicz, C. and Neubauer, W. and W\"osch, Th. and Lawitzky, G. and Caspari, R. and Heger, H.-J. and Witschel, P. and Handmann, U. and Rinne, M.},
title = {The Robotic Bar - An Integrated Demonstration of a Robotic Assistant},
booktitle = {Advances in Human-Robot Interaction - Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR)},
year = {2005},
volume = {14},
pages = {359-370},
publisher = {Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-31509-4_30},
file = {:Springer-vWiHanEtAl2005.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {v.Seelen, W. and Gayko, J. and Handmann, U. and Kalinke, T.},
title = {Scene Analysis and Organization of Behavior in Driver Assistance Systems},
booktitle = {International Conference on Image Processing; IEEE Signal Processing Society, Vancouver, Canada, Proceedings},
year = {2000},
volume = {3},
pages = {524-527},
doi = {10.1109/ICIP.2000.899483},
file = {:ICIP-vSeGayHanKal2000.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {v.Seelen, W. and Handmann, U. and Kalinke, T. and Tzomakas, C. and Werner, M.},
title = {Image Processing for Driver Assistance},
booktitle = {Mustererkennung 1998},
year = {1998},
series = {Informatik aktuell},
pages = {11-- 22},
address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-72282-0_2},
file = {:DAGM-vSeHanEtAl1998.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-3-540-64935-9},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Chateau, N. and Regal, X. and Bodden, M. and Handmann, U.},
title = {The effect of noise on directional bands},
journal = {ACUSTICA-acta acustica},
year = {1996},
volume = {82},
number = {1},
pages = {210},
issn = {1610-1928},
file = {:ACTA-ChaHanEtAl1995.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
publisher = {S. Hirzel Verlag Stuttgart, Germany}
author = {Edelbrunner, H. and Handmann, U. and Igel, C. and Leefken, I. and W. von Seelen},
booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2001), Oakland, California, USA, Proceedings},
title = {Application and Optimization of Neural Field Dynamics for Driver Assistance},
year = {2001},
pages = {309 - 314},
doi = {10.1109/ITSC.2001.948674},
file = {:ITSC-EdeHanEtAl2001.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Fey, J. and Djahan, C. and Mpouma, T.A. and Neh-Awah, J. and Handmann, U.},
title = {Active Thermographic Structural Feature Inspection of Wind-Turbine Rotor Blades},
booktitle = {IEEE Far East Nondestructive Testing (FENT 2017)},
year = {2017},
pages = {138-142},
address = {Xi'an, China},
publisher = {IEEE},
doi = {10.1109/FENDT.2017.8584610},
file = {:FENT-FeyHanEtAl2017a.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-1-5386-1615-4},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2017.05.09},
url = {}
author = {Grimm, M.A. and Hommel, S. and Handmann, U. and Voges, V. and Weigmann, U.},
title = {Intelligent support of video surveillance at airports (Poster)},
booktitle = {Berlin Air Show (ILA 2014), Conference: Security and Service in Commercial Aviation - Contradiction or Synergy?},
year = {2014},
address = {Berlin, Germany},
file = {:ILA-GriHomHanEtAl2014.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2015.03.04},
url = {}
author = {Grimm, M.A. and Hommel, S. and Handmann, U. and Voges, V. and Weigmann, U.},
title = {Multi-Camera Human Tracking At Airports Based on an Intelligent System Architecture (Poster)},
booktitle = {7. Future Security, Bonn, Germany},
year = {2012},
file = {:FS-GriHomHanEtAl2012.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {}
author = {Grimm, M.A. and Hommel, S. and Handmann, U. and Voges, V. and Weigmann, U.},
title = {Intelligent Support of Video Surveillance At Airports (Poster)},
booktitle = {7. Future Security, Bonn, Germany},
year = {2012},
file = {:FS-GriHomHanEtAl2012a.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {}
author = {Gr\"uneberg, C. and Thiel, C. and Sommer, S. and Koch, O. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{'Quarter agile - active in the neighborhood' - promoting older people's social participation and community in the neighborhood via participative training of physical and cognitive everyday skills (study)}},
howpublished = {German Clinical Trials Register, DRKS-ID: DRKS00010595},
month = {06},
year = {2016},
note = {Public funding by {Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung, Bonn, Germany, 2016}},
file = {:DRKS-GruHanEtAl2016.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2017.02.03},
url = {}
author = {G\"unther, L. and Osterhoff, A. and Thiel, C. and Sommer, S. and Niehoff, M. and Sharma, M. and Handmann,U. and Koch, O. and Gr\"uneberg, C.},
title = {{'Quartier Agil' - Feasibility of Combined Physical and Cognitive Activities in the Community /Neighbourhood with Smartphone Support for Stimulating Social Participation in the Elderly}},
booktitle = {13th Annual Meeting and 8th Conference of HEPA Europe - Modern Approaches to Physical Activity Promotion and Measurement},
year = {2017},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2017.09.11},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{B}ewegungssteuerung autonomer {F}ahrzeuge mit neuronalen {F}eldern},
booktitle = {Mustererkennung 2000},
year = {2000},
pages = {341-348},
address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-59802-9_43},
file = {:DAGM-Han2000.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
title = {{N}euronale {I}nformationsverarbeitung f\"ur {F}ahrerassistenzsysteme},
publisher = {Logos-Verlag, Berlin, Germany},
year = {2000},
author = {Handmann, U.},
isbn = {978-3-89722-425-4},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{N}euronale {I}nformationsverarbeitung f\"ur {F}ahrerassistenzsysteme},
school = {Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Lehrstuhl Theoretische Biologie, Ruhr-Universit\"at, Bochum},
year = {2000},
file = {:PHD-Han2000b.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{U}ntersuchungen \"uber die {E}rstellbarkeit einer instrumentellen {M}esstechnik zur {V}orhersage psychoakustischer {A}nalysen},
school = {Lehrstuhl f\"ur Allgemeine Elektrotechnik und Akustik, Ruhr-Universit\"at, Bochum},
year = {1995},
type = {Diplomarbeit},
file = {:RUB-Han1995.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{E}ntwicklung eines interruptf\"ahigen, symmetrischen {{$I^2$}{C}-{B}us}-{I}nterface zum {A}nschluss an einen {M}ikroprozessor},
school = {Fachbereich Nachrichtentechnik, Berufsakademie Stuttgart},
year = {1991},
type = {Diplomarbeit},
file = {:BA-Han1991.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Bodden, M.},
booktitle = {Fortschritte der Akustik DAGA 95, Saarbr\"ucken, Germany},
title = {{P}sychoakustische {U}ntersuchungen an {F}ahrzeuginnenger\"auschen},
year = {1995},
pages = {879-882},
publisher = {Arnold, W. and Hirsekorn, S.},
file = {:DAGA-HanBod1995.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-3-9804568-0-7},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Hommel, S. and Brauckmann, M. and Dose, M.},
title = {Face Detection and Person Identification on Mobile Platforms},
booktitle = {Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments - Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR)},
year = {2012},
volume = {76},
pages = {227-234},
publisher = {Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-25116-0_17},
file = {:Springer-HanEtAl2012.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Kalinke, T.},
title = {Fusion of Texture and Contour Based Methods for Object Recognition},
booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems '97, Boston, USA, Proceedings},
year = {1997},
pages = {876-881},
doi = {10.1109/ITSC.1997.660589},
file = {:ITSC-HanKal1997.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Kalinke, T. and Tzomakas, C. and Werner, M. and v.Seelen, W.},
title = {An Image Processing System for Driver Assistance},
journal = {Image and Vision Computing, Elsevier Science},
year = {2000},
volume = {18},
number = {5},
pages = {367-376},
doi = {10.1016/S0262-8856(99)00032-3},
file = {:IVC-HanEtAl2000.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Kalinke, T. and Tzomakas, C. and Werner, M. and v.Seelen, W.},
title = {An Image Processing System for Driver Assistance},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Vehicles '98, Stuttgart, Germany, Proceedings},
year = {1998},
pages = {481-486},
file = {:IV-HanEtAl1998.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Kalinke, T. and Tzomakas, C. and Werner, M. and v.Seelen, W.},
title = {Computer Vision for Driver Assistance Systems},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 3364, Session Enhanced and Synthetic Vision, Orlando, USA},
year = {1998},
pages = {136-147},
doi = {10.1117/12.317463},
file = {:SPIEHanEtAl1998d.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Leefken, I.},
title = {Scene Interpretation and Behavior Planning for Driver Assistance},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4023, Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2000, Orlando, USA},
year = {2000},
pages = {201-212},
doi = {10.1117/12.389343},
file = {:SPIE-HanLee2000.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Leefken, I. and Goerick, C.},
title = {Analysis of Dynamic Scenes},
booktitle = {International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (IAPRS) - XIXth Congress of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)},
year = {2000},
volume = {XXXIII, part B5/1},
pages = {347-354},
file = {:IAPRS-HanLeeGoe2000.pdf:PDF},
issn = {1682-1750},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Leefken, I. and Steinhage, A. and v.Seelen, W.},
title = {Behavior Planning for Driver Assistance using Neural Field Dynamics},
booktitle = {Second International Symposium `Neural Computation', Berlin, Germany},
year = {2000},
file = {:NC-HanLeeStevSe2000.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Leefken, I. and Tzomakas, C.},
title = {A Flexible Architecture for Intelligent Cruise Control},
booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems '99, Tokyo, Japan, Proceedings},
year = {1999},
pages = {958 - 963},
doi = {10.1109/ITSC.1999.821193},
file = {:ITSC-HanEtAl1999a.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Leefken, I. and Tzomakas, C.},
title = {A Flexible Architecture for Driver Assistance},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 3838, Mobile Robots XIV 2, International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Advanced Manufacturing, Conference 'Intelligent Transportation Systems", Boston, USA},
year = {1999},
pages = {2 - 11},
doi = {10.1117/12.369241},
file = {:SPIE-HanEtAl1999b.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Leefken, I. and Tzomakas, C.},
title = {{E}ine flexible {A}rchitektur f\"ur {F}ahrerassistenzsysteme},
booktitle = {Mustererkennung 1999},
year = {1999},
series = {Informatik aktuell},
pages = {36-43},
address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-60243-6_4},
file = {:DAGM-HanEtAl1999c.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Leefken, I. and Tzomakas, C.},
title = {A Flexible Architecture for Driver Assistance Systems},
booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence: KI'99, Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, Germany},
year = {1999},
pages = {281-284},
doi = {10.1007/3-540-48238-5_23},
file = {:KI-HanEtAl1999d.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Leefken, I. and Tzomakas, C. and v.Seelen, W. and Goerick, C.},
title = {{A}nalyse dynamischer {S}zenen},
booktitle = {19. Wissenschaftlich - Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF, Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung - Neue Sensoren, neue Anwendungen},
year = {1999},
pages = {227-234},
address = {Essen, Germany},
file = {:DGPF-HanEtAl1999.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0942-2870},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Lorenz, G. and v.Seelen, W.},
title = {{F}usion von {B}asisalgorithmen zur {S}egmentierung von {S}tra{\ss}enverkehrsszenen},
booktitle = {Mustererkennung 1998},
year = {1998},
pages = {101-108},
address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-72282-0_9},
file = {:DAGM-HanEtAl1998b.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Lorenz, G. and Schnitger, T. and v.Seelen, W.},
title = {Fusion of Different Sensors and Algorithms for Segmentation},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Vehicles '98, Stuttgart, Germany, Proceedings},
year = {1998},
pages = {499-504},
file = {:IV-HanEtAl1998a.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Hommel, S. and Grimm, M.A. and Handmann, U. and Voges, V. and Weigmann, U.},
title = {An Intelligent System Architecture for Multi-Camera Human Tracking at Airports},
booktitle = {13th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Budapest, Hungary},
year = {2012},
pages = {175 - 180},
doi = {10.1109/CINTI.2012.6496755},
file = {:CINTI-HomHanEtAl2012.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Hommel, S. and Grimm, M. and Malysiak, D. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{APFel} - Fast multi camera people tracking at airports, based on decentralized video indexing},
journal = {Science\mbox{$^\textit{2}$} - Safety and Security},
year = {2014},
volume = {2},
pages = {48-55},
issn = {2197-7240},
note = {HOMELAND SECURITY UG, Hemer, Germany},
file = {:Science2-HomHanEtAl2014.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.11.15}
author = {Hommel, S. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{AAM} based Continuous Facial Expression Recognition for Face Image Sequences},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 12th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Budapest, Hungary},
year = {2011},
pages = {189 - 194},
doi = {10.1109/CINTI.2011.6108497},
file = {:CINTI-HomHan2011.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Hommel, S. and Handmann, U.},
title = {Realtime {AAM} based User Attention Estimation},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Subotica, Serbia},
year = {2011},
pages = {201 - 206},
doi = {10.1109/SISY.2011.6034322},
file = {:SISY-HomHan2011a.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Hommel, S. and Malysiak, D. and Handmann, U.},
title = {Efficient People Re-Identification based on Models of Human Clothes},
booktitle = {15th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics; Budapest, Hungary},
year = {2014},
pages = {137-142},
doi = {10.1109/CINTI.2014.7028664},
file = {:CINTI-HomMalHan2014.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.08.23},
url = {}
author = {Hommel, S. and Malysiak, D. and Handmann, U.},
title = {Model of Human Clothes based on Saliency Maps},
booktitle = {14th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics; Budapest, Hungary},
year = {2013},
pages = {551 - 556},
doi = {10.1109/CINTI.2013.6705258},
file = {:CINTI-HomMalHan2013.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2013.09.30},
url = {}
author = {Hommel, S. and Rabie, A. and Handmann, U.},
title = {Attention and emotion based adaption of dialog systems},
booktitle = {Intelligent Systems: Models and Applications, Topics in Intelligent Engineering and Informatics},
year = {2013},
volume = {3 (4)},
pages = {215-235},
publisher = {Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-33959-2_12},
file = {:Springer-HomRabHan2013.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Eberwein, J. and Geisler, S. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Touch versus mid-air gesture interfaces in road scenarios - measuring driver performance degradation}},
booktitle = {IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2016)},
year = {2016},
pages = {661-666},
address = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil},
publisher = {IEEE},
doi = {10.1109/ITSC.2016.7795624},
file = {:ITSC-KopHanEtAl2016b.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2016.09.05},
url = {}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Geisler, S. and Caron, L.-C. and Gepperth, A. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{A real-time applicable 3D gesture recognition system for Automobile HMI}},
booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2014)},
year = {2014},
pages = {2616-2622},
address = {Qingdao, China},
doi = {10.1109/ITSC.2014.6958109},
file = {:ITSC-KopHanEtAl2014a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.08.13},
url = {}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Geisler, S. and Handmann, U.},
title = {Gesture-based human-machine interaction for assistance systems},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA 2015)},
year = {2015},
pages = {510 - 517},
address = {Lijian, China},
doi = {10.1109/ICInfA.2015.7279341},
file = {:ICIA-KopGeiHan2015.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2015.05.12},
url = {}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Geisler, S. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Demonstrator f\"ur ein handgestenbasiertes Interaktionskonzept im Automobil}},
booktitle = {3. Workshop Automotive HMI; Mensch \& Computer 2014 - Workshopband},
year = {2014},
pages = {205-210},
publisher = {De Gruyter Oldenbourg, Berlin, Germany},
doi = {10.1524/9783110344509.205},
file = {:MuC-KopGeiHan2014.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.06.17},
url = {}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Geisler, S. and Handmann, U.},
title = {Contactless Interaction for Automotive Applications},
booktitle = {2. Workshop Automotive HMI; Mensch \& Computer 2013 - Workshopband},
year = {2013},
pages = {87-94},
address = {Bremen, Germany},
publisher = {Oldenbourg Verlag},
file = {:MuC-KopGeiHan2013.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-3-486-77855-7},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2013.09.30},
url = {}
author = {Th. Kopinski and Gepperth, A. and Geisler, S. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2014},
title = {Neural Network based Data Fusion for Hand Pose Recognition with multiple {ToF} Sensors},
year = {2014},
pages = {233-240},
publisher = {Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
volume = {8681},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-11179-7_30},
file = {:ICANN-KopHanEtAl2014.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.04.09},
url = {}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Gepperth, A. and Handmann, U.},
title = {A Time-of-Flight-Based Hand Posture Database for Human-Machine Interaction},
booktitle = {14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV 2016},
year = {2016},
address = {Phuket, Thailand},
doi = {10.1109/ICARCV.2016.7838613},
file = {:ICARCV-KopGepHan2016.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2016.03.01},
url = {}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Gepperth, A. and Handmann, U.},
title = {A real-time applicable dynamic hand gesture recognition framework},
booktitle = {IEEE 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2015)},
year = {2015},
pages = {2358 - 2363},
address = {Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands (Spain)},
organization = {IEEE},
doi = {10.1109/ITSC.2015.381},
file = {:ITSC-KopGepHan2015a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2015.05.12},
url = {}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Handmann, U.},
title = {Touchless Interaction for Future Mobile Applications},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICCNC 2016)},
year = {2016},
address = {Kauai, Hawaii, USA},
publisher = {IEEE},
doi = {10.1109/ICCNC.2016.7440589},
file = {:ICCNC-KopHan2016.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2015.11.05},
url = {}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Magand, S. and Gepperth, A. and Handmann, U.},
title = {A light-weight real-time applicable hand gesture recognition system for automotive applications},
booktitle = {IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2015)},
year = {2015},
pages = {336-342},
address = {Seoul, Korea},
doi = {10.1109/IVS.2015.7225708},
file = {:IV-KopHanEtAl2015.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2015.05.12},
url = {}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Magand, S. and Gepperth, A. and Handmann, U.},
title = {A pragmatic approach to multi-class classification},
booktitle = {The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2015)},
year = {2015},
pages = {1-8},
address = {Killarney, Ireland},
doi = {10.1109/IJCNN.2015.7280768},
file = {:IJCNN-KopHanEtAl2015a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2015.05.12},
url = {}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Malysiak, D. and Gepperth, A. and Handmann, U.},
title = {Time-of-Flight based multi-sensor fusion strategies for hand gesture recognition},
booktitle = {15th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics; Budapest, Hungary},
year = {2014},
pages = {243-248},
doi = {10.1109/CINTI.2014.7028683},
file = {:CINTI-KopHanEtAl2014b.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.08.23},
url = {}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Sachara, F. and Gepperth, A. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{A Deep Learning Approach to Mid-air Gesture Interaction for Mobile Devices from Time-of-Flight Data}},
booktitle = {13th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MOBIQUITOUS 2016)},
year = {2016},
address = {Hiroshima, Japan},
publisher = {EAI},
doi = {10.1145/2994374.2994392},
file = {:MOBIQUITOUS-KopHanEtAl2016.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2016.09.02},
url = {}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Sachara, F. and Gepperth, A. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning (ICANN 2016)},
title = {{A Deep Learning Approach for Hand Posture Recognition From Depth Data}},
year = {2016},
pages = {179-186},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
volume = {9887},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-44781-0_22},
file = {:ICANN-KopHanEtAl2016c.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2016.04.02},
url = {}
author = {Kronenberger, J. and Malysiak, D. and Handmann, U.},
title = {Text and Character Recognition on Metal-sheets},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA 2017)},
year = {2017},
pages = {392-397},
address = {Macau, China},
doi = {10.1109/ICInfA.2017.8078940},
file = {:ICIA-KroMalHan2017.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2017.05.10},
url = {}
author = {Malysiak, D. and Handmann, U.},
title = {An efficient Framework for distributed Computing in heterogeneous Beowulf Clusters and Cluster-Management},
booktitle = {15th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics; Budapest, Hungary},
year = {2014},
pages = {169-178},
doi = {10.1109/CINTI.2014.7028670},
file = {:CINTI-MalHan2014.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.08.23},
url = {}
author = {Malysiak, D. and Handmann, U.},
title = {An Algorithmic Skeleton for Massively Parallelized Mean Shift Computation with Applications to {GPU} Architectures},
booktitle = {15th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics; Budapest, Hungary},
year = {2014},
pages = {109-116},
doi = {10.1109/CINTI.2014.7028658},
file = {:CINTI-MalHan2014a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.08.23},
url = {}
author = {Malysiak, D. and Roemhild, A.-K. and Niess, C. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {9th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2017)},
title = {Boosting Detection Results of HOG-based Algorithms Through Non-Linear Metrics and ROI Fusion},
year = {2017},
address = {Kanazawa, Japan},
pages = {577-588},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
volume = {10191},
chapter = {Boosting Detection Results of HOG-based Algorithms Through Non-Linear Metrics and ROI Fusion},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-54472-4_54},
file = {:ACIIDS-alHan2017a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2016.09.26},
url = {}
author = {Meunier, S. and Canevet, G. and Bodden, M. and Grabke, J. and Handmann, U.},
title = {Auditory adaptation and localization: Effect of frequency and bandwith},
journal = {ACUSTICA-acta acustica},
year = {1996},
volume = {82},
number = {1},
pages = {215},
issn = {1610-1928},
file = {:ACTA-MeuHanEtAl1995.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
publisher = {S. Hirzel Verlag Stuttgart, Germany}
author = {Niess, C. and Fey, J. and Schwahlen, D. and Reimann, M. and Handmann, U.},
title = {Applying step heating thermography to wind turbine rotor blades as a non-destructive testing method},
booktitle = {56th Annual Conference of the British Institute for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT 2017)},
year = {2017},
pages = {68-76},
address = {Telford, UK},
file = {:NDT-NieHanEtAl2017.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-1-5108-4726-2},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2017.05.05},
url = {}
author = {Pawlowski, J. M. and Eimler, S. C. and Jansen, M. and Stoffregen, J. and Geisler, S. and Koch, O. and M{\"u}ller, G. and Handmann, U.},
title = {Positive Computing},
journal = {Business \& Information Systems Engineering},
year = {2015},
volume = {57},
number = {6},
pages = {405-408},
note = {Springer, Heidelberg, Germany},
doi = {10.1007/s12599-015-0406-0},
file = {:Springer-PawHanEtAl2015.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2015.11.05},
url = {}
author = {Rabie, A. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {{International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, Proceedings Volume 2 (ICPRAM 2015)}},
title = {Privacy Aware Person-specific Assisting System for Home Environment},
year = {2015},
address = {Lisbon, Portugal},
pages = {186-191},
doi = {10.5220/0005199301860192},
file = {:ICPRAM-RabHan2015.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.11.15},
url = {}
author = {Rabie, A. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {IEEE World Congress on Information Technology and Computer Applications (WCITCA 2015)},
title = {Biometric for Home Environment Challenges, Modalities and Applications},
year = {2015},
address = {Hammamet, Tunisia},
pages = {1-4},
doi = {10.1109/WCITCA.2015.7367021},
file = {:WCITCA-RabHan2015a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2015.05.12},
url = {}
author = {A. Rabie and U. Handmann},
booktitle = {International Conference on Next Generation Computing and Communication Technologies (ICNGCCT 2014)},
title = {{NFC}-Based person-specific medical assistant for elderly and disabled people},
year = {2014},
address = {Dubai, UAE},
pages = {238-243},
file = {:ICNGCCT-RabHan2014.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-93-83303-42-7},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.03.21}
author = {A. Rabie and U. Handmann},
title = {{NFC}-Based person-specific Assisting System in Home Environment - Case Study: Medical Assistant for Elderly and Disabled People},
booktitle = {11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA 2014)},
year = {2014},
pages = {5404-5409},
address = {Shenyang, China},
doi = {10.1109/WCICA.2014.7053637},
file = {:WCICA-RabHan2014a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.04.20},
url = {}
author = {Rabie, A. and Handmann, U.},
title = {Multimodal Biometrics for Real-Life Person-Specific Emotional Human-Robot-Interaction},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics 2014 (ROBIO 2014)},
year = {2014},
pages = {344-349},
address = {Bali, Indonesia},
doi = {10.1109/ROBIO.2014.7090354},
file = {:ROBIO-RabHan2014b.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.09.24},
url = {}
author = {Rabie, A. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {Pattern Recognition - 33rd DAGM Symposium},
title = {Fusion of Audio- and Visual Cues for Real-Life Emotional Human Robot Interaction},
year = {2011},
pages = {346-355},
publisher = {Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
volume = {6835},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-23123-0_35},
file = {:DAGM-RabHan2011.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Sachara, F. and Kopinski, T. and Gepperth, A. and Handmann, U.},
title = {Free-hand Gesture Recognition with 3D-Convolutional Neural Networks for In-car Infotainment Control in Real-time},
booktitle = {IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2017)},
year = {2017},
pages = {959-964},
address = {Yokohama, Japan},
organization = {IEEE},
doi = {10.1109/ITSC.2017.8317684},
file = {:ITSC-KopHanEtAl2017.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2017.02.03},
url = {}
author = {F. Sachara and T. Kopinski and F. Handmann and N. Cremer and A. Gepperth and U. Handmann},
title = {{A Large-Scale Multi-Pose 3D-RGB Object Database}},
booktitle = {The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2017)},
year = {2017},
pages = {1326-1332},
address = {Anchorage, Alaska, USA},
doi = {10.1109/IJCNN.2017.7966006},
file = {:IJCNN-SacHanEtAl2017.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2016.12.21},
url = {}
author = {Schwahlen, D. and Fey, J. and Niess, C. and Reimann, M. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {5th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SUSTECH 2017)},
title = {Increasing economic viability and safety through structural health monitoring of wind turbines},
year = {2017},
address = {Phoenix, Arizona, USA},
publisher = {IEEE},
doi = {10.1109/SusTech.2017.8333511},
file = {:SUSTECH-SchHanEtAl2017.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2017.05.05},
url = {}
author = {Siddiqui, A. and Koch, O. and Rabie, A. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - 'Transforming healthcare through innovations in mobile and wireless technologies' (MOBIHEALTH 2014)},
title = {Personalized and Adaptable mHealth Architecture},
year = {2014},
address = {Athens, Greece},
pages = {381 - 384},
doi = {10.4108/icst.mobihealth.2014.257483},
file = {:MOBIHEALTH-SidHanEtAl2014.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.09.01},
url = {}
author = {Wertheimer, R. and Handmann, U. and Kalinke, T. and Tzomakas, C. and Werner, M. and v.Seelen, W. and Baur, M. and Schumm, T. and Schanz, M. and Eckart, T. and Nitta, C. and Hosticka, B.J. and Wagner, R. and Liu, F. and Donner, K. and Haas, J. and Ehrmann, O. and Buschick, K. and Chmiel, G. and Paredes, A. and Glaw, V. and Reichl, H.},
title = {{E}in hochsprachenprogrammierbares {S}ystem zur {V}ollbildauswertung im {V}ideotakt: {A}nwendungen zur {I}nterpretation monokularer, semi-strukturierter {B}ildfolgen bei nat\"urlicher {B}eleuchtung und schnell bewegter {K}amera},
booktitle = {Mustererkennung 1998},
year = {1998},
pages = {37-65},
address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-72282-0_4},
file = {:DAGM-WerHan1998.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Wiegand, S. and Igel, C. and Handmann, U.},
title = {Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization of Neural Networks for Face Detection},
journal = {International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications},
year = {2004},
volume = {4},
number = {3},
pages = {237-253},
doi = {10.1142/S1469026804001288},
file = {:IJCIA-WieIgeHan2004.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Wiegand, S. and Igel, C. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {ESANN 2004, 12th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Bruges, Belgium, Proceedings},
title = {Evolutionary Optimization of Neural Networks for Face Detection},
year = {2004},
pages = {139-144},
file = {:ESANN-WieIgeHan2004a.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {2-930307-04-8},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Sarkar, A. and Gepperth, A. and Handmann, U. and Kopinski, Th.},
booktitle = {9th International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction (IHCI 2017), Evry, France, December 11-13, 2017, Proceedings},
title = {{Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition for Mobile Systems Using Deep LSTM}},
year = {2017},
address = {Cham},
editor = {Horain, Patrick and Achard, Catherine and Mallem, Malik},
pages = {19--31},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
volume = {10688},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-72038-8_3},
isbn = {978-3-319-72038-8},
pdf = {},
url = {}
chapter = {Driver Stress Response to self-driving vehicles and takeover request - an experts assessment},
pages = {737-743},
title = {Human Systems Engineering and Design. IHSED 2018 - 1st International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications},
publisher = {Springer, Cham},
year = {2018},
author = {P. M\"arz and U. Handmann},
editor = {Ahram, T. and Karwowski,W. and Taiar, R.},
volume = {876},
series = {Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing},
address = {Reims, France},
isbn = {978-3-030-02052-1},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-02053-8_112},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Schwahlen, D. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {6th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SUSTECH 2018)},
title = {{Effects of Environmental Influences on Active Thermography to Detect the Inner Structures of Wind Turbine Rotor Blades}},
year = {2018},
address = {Long Beach, California USA},
pages = {153-157},
publisher = {IEEE},
doi = {10.1109/SusTech.2018.8671329},
file = {:SUSTECH-SchHan2018.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-1-5386-7791-9},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2017.05.05},
url = {}
author = {Malysiak, D. and Markard,, M. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {Asian Conference on Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2016)},
title = {Increasing the Efficiency of GPU-based HOG Algorithms through Tile-Images},
year = {2016},
address = {Da Nang, Vietnam},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
volume = {9621},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-49381-6_68},
url = {}
author = {Arntz, A. and Eimler, S.C. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Artificial Intelligence Driven Human-Machine Collaboration Scenarios in Virtual Reality}},
booktitle = {{Intelligent Automation Symposium -When Robots Think. Interdisciplinary Views on Intelligent Automation}},
year = {2018},
address = {M\"unster, Germany},
pdf = {}
author = {G\"unther, L. and Osterhoff, A. and Thiel, C. and Sommer, S. and Niehoff, M. and Sharma,, M. and Handmann, U. and Koch, O. and Gr\"uneberg, C.},
title = {{Wirksamkeit eines Smartphone-unterst\"utzten k\"orperlich-kognitiven Trainingsprogrammes zur quartiers- bezogenen Teilhabef\"orderung \"alterer Menschen}},
booktitle = {ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GERONTOLOGIE UND GERIATRIE - Gerontologie und Geriatrie Kongress Vielfalt des Alterns: biomedizinische und psychosoziale Herausforderungen},
year = {2018},
volume = {51},
number = {1 Supplement},
pages = {62},
address = {K\"oln, Germany},
publisher = {Springer, Heidelberg},
doi = {10.1007/s00391-018-1435-3},
file = {:GGK-GueHanEtAl2018.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0948-6704},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Zengeler, N. and Handmann, U. and Kopinski, Th.},
title = {{Time-of-flight Hand Gesture Data Analysis in an Automotive Context }},
booktitle = {MIGW - 8th Conference on Mobility in a Globalised World},
year = {2018},
note = {M\"ulheim, Germany},
pdf = {}
author = {Zengeler, N. and Handmann, U. and Kopinski, Th.},
journal = {Sensors},
title = {{Hand Gesture Recognition in Automotive Human Machine Interaction}},
year = {2019},
issn = {1424-8220},
note = {MDPI, Basel, Switzerland},
number = {1;59},
pages = {1-28},
volume = {19},
doi = {10.3390/s19010059},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {L\"ubbers, T. and Nowak, D. and Handmann, U.},
howpublished = {bildung+ schule digital},
title = {{Microcontroller-Einsatz im Unterricht - Wie geht eigentlich programmieren?}},
year = {2018},
pages = {40-41},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Zengeler, N. and Grimm, M. and Borgmann, C. and Jansen, M. and Eimler, S. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{An Evaluation of Human Detection Methods on Camera Images in Heavy Industry Environments}},
booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2019)},
year = {2019},
pages = {205-210},
address = {Xi'an, China},
doi = {10.1109/ICIEA.2019.8834060},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {C. Stra{\ss}mann and S. Eimler and A. Arntz and D. Ke{\ss}ler and S. Zielinski and G. Brandenberg and V. D\"umpel and U. Handmann},
title = {{Relax yourself - Using Virtual Reality to enhance employees mental health and work performance}},
booktitle = {ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI' 19)},
year = {2019},
address = {Glasgow, Scotland},
doi = {10.1145/3290607.3312946},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {A. Arntz and S. Eimler and U. Handmann},
title = {{Teaching Practical Tasks with Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality An Experimental Study Comparing Learning Outcomes}},
booktitle = {21st General Online Research Conference},
year = {2019},
pages = {49},
address = {Cologne, Germany},
isbn = {I978-3-9815106-7-6},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Hermsen, K. and Eimler, S.C. and Arntz, A. and Ke{\ss}ler, D. and Jansen, M. and Qasem, Z. and Grimm, M. and Zengeler, N. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Dynamic, Adaptive and Mobile System for Context-Based and Intelligent Support of Employees in the Steel Industry}},
booktitle = {4th ESTAD (European Steel Technology and Application Days)},
year = {2019},
address = {D\"usseldorf, Germany},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Malysiak, D. and Kopinski, T. and Handmann, U.},
title = {A Generic and Adaptive Approach for Workload Distribution in Multi-Tier Cluster Systems with an Application to Distributed Matrix Multiplication},
booktitle = {16th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics},
year = {2015},
address = {Budapest, Hungary},
doi = {10.1109/CINTI.2015.7382933},
url = {}
author = {Malysiak, D. and Grimm, M. and Handmann, U.},
title = {On the Challenge of Training Small Scale Neural Networks on Large Scale Computing Systems},
booktitle = {16th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics},
year = {2015},
address = {Budapest, Hungary},
doi = {10.1109/CINTI.2015.7382935},
url = {}
author = {C. Stra{\ss}mann and S. Eimler and G. Brandenberg and A. Arntz and D. Ke{\ss}ler and S. Zielinski and V. D\"umpel and U. Handmann},
title = {{Positive and Relaxing Effects of Virtual Reality Applications}},
booktitle = {The 11th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society},
year = {2019},
pages = {140-141},
address = {Chemnitz, Germany},
isbn = {978-3-96100-094-4},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Voges, V. and Hommel, S. and Grimm, M and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Die Richtung l\"asst auf das Verhalten schlie{\ss}en}},
journal = {SECURITYinsight},
year = {2012},
pages = {38-40},
pdf = {}
author = {C. Stra{\ss}mann and S. Eimler and A. Arntz and D. Ke{\ss}ler and S. Zielinski and G. Brandenberg and V. D\"umpel and U. Handmann},
title = {{Development of a Virtual Reality Application Affecting Relaxation and Well-being}},
booktitle = {womENcourage 2019 - 'Diversity Drives Societal Change'},
year = {2019},
address = {Rome, Italy},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {C. Stra{\ss}mann and S. Eimler and G. Brandenberg and A. Arntz and D. Ke{\ss}ler and S. Zielinski and V. D\"umpel and U. Handmann},
title = {{Virtual or Reality? Same Effects of Short-Term Relaxation Scenarios on Affect and Stress}},
booktitle = {Technology, Mind \& Society (TMS' 19)},
year = {2019},
pages = {40-41},
address = {Washington, USA},
note = {Poster},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Thiel, C. and Sommer, S. and G\"unther, L. and Osterhoff, A. and Koch, O. and Handmann, U. and Gr\"uneberg, C.},
booktitle = {B\&G - Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport},
publisher = {Georg Thieme Verlag KG},
title = {{Implementierung und erste Effekte Smartphone-unterst\"utzter k\"orperlich-kognitiver Aktivit\"aten im Quartier zur F\"orderung der sozialen Teilhabe \"alterer Menschen}},
year = {2019},
note = {ISSN 1613-0863},
number = {5},
pages = {235-245},
volume = {35},
doi = {10.1055/a-0968-1359},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Zengeler, N. and Arntz, A. and Ke{\ss}ler, D. and Grimm, M. and Qasem, Z. and Jansen, M. and Eimler, S. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Person Tracking in Heavy Industry Environments with Camera Images}},
booktitle = {10th EAI International Conference on Sensor Systems and Software},
year = {2019},
address = {Braga, Portugal},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Arntz, A. and Ke{\ss}ler, D. and Borgert, N. and Zengeler, N. and Jansen, M. and Handmann, U. and Eimler, S.},
booktitle = {Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality - Industrial and Everyday Life Applications, 12th International Conference, VAMR 2020 - Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference (HCII 2020)},
title = {{Navigating a Heavy Industry Environment Using Augmented Reality - A Comparison of Two Indoor Navigation Designs}},
year = {2020},
address = {Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
volume = {12191},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-49698-2_1},
isbn = {978-3-030-49697-5},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Zengeler, N. and Handmann, U.},
journal = {Journal of Risk and Financial Management - Special Issue 'AI and Financial Markets'},
title = {{Contracts for Difference: A Reinforcement Learning Approach}},
year = {2020},
issn = {1911-8074},
note = {MDPI, Basel, Switzerland},
number = {4:78},
pages = {1-12},
volume = {13},
doi = {10.3390/jrfm13040078},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Zengeler, N. and Handmann, U.},
journal = {AI and Financial Markets},
title = {{Contracts for Difference: A Reinforcement Learning Approach}},
year = {2020},
note = {MDPI, Basel, Switzerland},
pages = {41-52},
doi = {10.3390/books978-3-03936-225-7},
isbn = {978-3-03936-224-0},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Zengeler, N. and Arntz, A. and Ke{\ss}ler, D. and Grimm, M. and Qasem, Z. and Jansen, M. and Eimler, S. and Handmann, U.},
editor = {Santos, H and Pereira, G.V. and Budde, M. and Lopes, S.F. and Nikolic, P.},
chapter = {{Person Tracking in Heavy Industry Environments with Camera Images}},
pages = {324-336},
publisher = {Springer Nature},
title = {Science and Technologies for Smart Cities, 10th EAI International Conference on Sensor Systems and Software},
year = {2020},
address = {Cham, Switzerland},
isbn = {978-3-030-51004-6},
note = {Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, volume 323},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-51005-3},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Szabo-M\"uller, P. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {EAI S-CUBE 2020 - 11th EAI International Conference on Sensor Systems and Software},
title = {{Feature-fusion transfer learning method as a basis to support automated smartphone recycling in a circular smart city}},
year = {2020},
address = {online},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Wehrmann, M. and Zengeler, N. and Handmann, U.},
journal = {Journal of Risk and Financial Management},
title = {{Observation Time Effects in Reinforcement Learning on Contracts for Difference}},
year = {2021},
issn = {1911-8074},
note = {MDPI, Basel, Switzerland},
number = {2:54},
pages = {1-15},
volume = {14},
doi = {10.3390/jrfm14020054},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Szabo-M\"uller, P. and Handmann, U.},
journal = {EAI Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities},
title = {Transfer learning-based method for automated e-waste recycling in smart cities},
year = {2021},
month = {4},
number = {16},
pages = {1-9},
volume = {5},
doi = {10.4108/eai.16-4-2021.169337},
journal_a = {SC},
keywords = {Artificial Intelligence, Transfer Learning, Circular Economy, Automated E-Waste Recycling, Smart Cities},
pdf = {},
publisher = {EAI},
url = {}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Szabo-M\"uller, P. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {Science and Technologies for Smart Cities - 6th EAI International Conference, SmartCity360, Virtual Event, December 2-4, 2020, Proceedings},
title = {{Feature-fusion transfer learning method as a basis to support automated smartphone recycling in a circular smart city}},
year = {2021},
address = {Cham, Switzerland},
note = {Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, volume 372},
pages = {422-441},
publisher = {Springer Nature},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-76063-2},
isbn = {978-3-030-76063-2},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Wafo, F. and Mabou, I.C. and Heilmann, D. and Zengeler, N. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {IEEE 16th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA)},
title = {A Transfer Learning Evaluation of Deep Neural Networks},
year = {2021},
pages = {1411-1416},
comment = {},
doi = {10.1109/ICIEA51954.2021.9516253},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Larson, I. and Schwermer, K. and Handmann, U.},
journal = {Schulwelt NRW},
title = {{Digital4u: Finde deinen Traumberuf!}},
year = {2021},
issn = {2626-823X},
month = sep,
pdf = {}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Zengeler, N. and Handmann, U.},
journal = {Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction},
title = {A Transfer Learning Evaluation of Deep Neural Networks for Image Classification},
year = {2022},
issn = {2504-4990},
number = {1},
pages = {22--41},
volume = {4},
doi = {10.3390/make4010002},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {N. Zengeler and T. Glasmachers and U. Handmann},
booktitle = {26TH International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2022)},
title = {{Transfer Meta Learning}},
year = {2022},
address = {Montreal, Canada},
pages = {4471-4478},
doi = {10.1109/ICPR56361.2022.9956622},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Rohrschneider, D. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {The 30th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN 2022)},
title = {Battery detection of XRay images using transfer learning},
year = {2022},
address = {Bruges, Belgium},
pages = {241-246},
doi = {10.14428/esann/2022.ES2022-60},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Stehr, J. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {31st International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2022), Bristol, UK. Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning},
title = {{Transfer Learning Approach towards a Smarter Recycling}},
year = {2022},
address = {Springer, Cham},
pages = {685--696},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
volume = {13529},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-15919-0_57},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {IEEE Sensors 2022},
title = {{An approach for smart and cost-efficient automated E-Waste recycling for small to medium-sized devices using multi-sensors}},
year = {2022},
address = {Dallas, Texas, USA},
doi = {10.1109/SENSORS52175.2022.9967195},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Stehr, J. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {10th IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SUSTECH 2023)},
title = {{E-Waste Recycling Gets Smarter with Digitalization}},
year = {2023},
address = {Portland, Oregon USA},
pages = {205--209},
publisher = {IEEE},
doi = {10.1109/SusTech57309.2023.10129536},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {W. Irrek and U. Handmann},
journal = {{IM+io Best \& Next Practices aus Digitalisierung, Management, Wissenschaft}},
title = {{Sauber getrennt ist halb verwertet - Recycling mittels KI}},
year = {2023},
issn = {1616-1017},
month = mar,
number = {01},
pages = {26-29},
volume = {2023},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Rohrschneider, D. and Abou Baker, N. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {17th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN 2023), Ponta Delgada, Portugal, June 19 - 21, 2023, Proceedings, Part I},
title = {Double Transfer Learning to detect Lithium-Ion batteries on X-Ray images},
year = {2023},
address = {Springer Nature, Switzerland},
pages = {175-188},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
volume = {14134},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-43085-5_14},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {The 31th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN 2023)},
title = {Don't waste {SAM}},
year = {2023},
address = {Bruges, Belgium},
pages = {429-434},
doi = {10.14428/esann/2023.ES2023-116},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {{Transformation zur Circular Economy}},
title = {{KI-basierte Unterst\"utzung beim automatisierten Elektroschrott-Recycling}},
year = {2024},
editor = {B\"uttner, S. and Handmann, U. and Irrek, W.},
pages = {135-148},
publisher = {Springer},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-43338-3_10},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {B\"uttner, S. and Handmann, U. and Irrek, W.},
editor = {B\"uttner, S. and Handmann, U. and Irrek, W.},
publisher = {Springer},
title = {{Transformation zur Circular Economy - Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen im Wandel begleiten}},
year = {2024},
month = jul,
doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-43338-3},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {B\"uttner, S. and Handmann, U. and Irrek, W. and v. Unruh, F.},
booktitle = {{Transformation zur Circular Economy}},
title = {{Das Prosperkolleg im Kontext der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation}},
year = {2024},
editor = {B\"uttner, S. and Handmann, U. and Irrek, W.},
pages = {3-17},
publisher = {Springer},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-43338-3_1},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Seabra da Rocha, S. and B\"uttner, S.},
booktitle = {{Transformation zur Circular Economy}},
title = {{Circular Digital Economy Lab}},
year = {2024},
editor = {B\"uttner, S. and Handmann, U. and Irrek, W.},
pages = {113-117},
publisher = {Springer},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-43338-3_8},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Szabo M\"uller, P. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {{Transformation zur Circular Economy}},
title = {{Qualifizierung f\"ur die Circular Economy - ein Train-the-Trainer-Konzept}},
year = {2024},
editor = {B\"uttner, S. and Handmann, U. and Irrek, W.},
pages = {167-180},
publisher = {Springer},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-43338-3_12},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {B\"uttner, S. and Irrek, W. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {{Transformation zur Circular Economy}},
title = {{Kompetenzzentrum Circular Economy mit regionaler Hub-Struktur}},
year = {2024},
editor = {B\"uttner, S. and Handmann, U. and Irrek, W.},
pages = {199-217},
publisher = {Springer},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-43338-3_14},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Irrek, W. and Handmann, U. and B\"uttner, S.},
booktitle = {{Transformation zur Circular Economy}},
title = {{Transformation zur Circular Economy kompakt}},
year = {2024},
editor = {B\"uttner, S. and Handmann, U. and Irrek, W.},
pages = {239-244},
publisher = {Springer},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-43338-3_16},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Gepperth, A. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {23th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN 2015)},
title = {A simple technique for improving multi-class classification with neural networks},
year = {2015},
address = {Bruges, Belgium},
pages = {469-474},
doi = {10.48550/arXiv.1601.01157},
file = {:ESANN-KopGepHan2015.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-287587014-8},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.12.05},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, F. and Abou Baker, N. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {19th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2024)},
title = {{Plant Control for Fully Automated AI-Driven Product Type Recognition}},
year = {2024},
address = {Kristiansand, Norway},
publisher = {IEEE},
doi = {10.1109/ICIEA61579.2024.10664983},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Irrek, W. and Handmann, U. and B\"uttner, S.},
booktitle = {{Transformation zur Circular Economy}},
title = {{The Prosperkolleg project - english summery}},
year = {2024},
editor = {B\"uttner, S. and Handmann, U. and Irrek, W.},
pages = {245-249},
publisher = {Springer},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-43338-3_17},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Handmann, U.},
journal = {Scientific Reports (Sci Rep)},
title = {{One size does not fit all: Benchmarking modelselection scores for image classification}},
year = {2024},
issn = {2045-2322},
month = dec,
number = {30239},
pages = {1-26},
volume = {14},
doi = {10.1038/s41598-024-81752-w},
pdf = {},
publisher = {Nature},
url = {}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Rohrschneider, D. and Handmann, U.},
journal = {Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction},
title = {{Parameter-efficient fine-tuning of large pretrained models for instance segmentation tasks}},
year = {2024},
issn = {2504-4990},
month = dec,
number = {4},
pages = {2783--2807},
volume = {6},
doi = {10.3390/make6040133},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2024-12-01},
url = {}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {{International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2025)}},
title = {{Rethinking Model Selection Beyond ImageNet Accuracy for Waste Classification}},
year = {2025},
address = {Porto, Portugal},
month = feb,
pages = {223-234},
publisher = {SciTePress},
doi = {10.5220/0013111200003905},
pdf = {},
url = {}
@comment{{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}}
author = {Uwe Handmann},
title = {{Forschung an Fachhochschulen}},
booktitle = {DIE FACHHOCHSCHULE 4.0},
year = {2015},
pages = {53-58},
publisher = {Selbstverlag des hlbNRW},
file = {:HLB-Han2015.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2015.12.03},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Geisler, S. and Kopinski, Th.},
title = {Contactless Gestures/Intelligent Gesture Recognition and Interaction Concepts},
booktitle = {Human-Machine Interaction},
year = {2014},
pages = {41},
publisher = {InnovationsAllianz der NRW-Hochschulen e.V.},
file = {:IA-HanGeiKop2014.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-3-00-046106-4},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.01.31},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Grimm, M.},
title = {Pedestrian Movement Analysis at Airports - Video-based Analysis across multiple Camera Systems},
booktitle = {Safety \& Security - Public Safety / Emergency Management},
year = {2013},
pages = {13},
publisher = {InnovationsAllianz der NRW-Hochschulen e.V.},
file = {:IA-HanGri2013.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-3-00-041075-8},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.01.31},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Grimm, M.},
title = {Pedestrian Movement Analysis at Airports across multiple Camera Systems (Poster)},
booktitle = {Safety \& Security - Exzellente Forschung aus den NRW-Hochschulen},
year = {2013},
address = {Brussels, Belgium},
organization = {NRW-Landesvertretung},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2015.12.19},
towner = {handmann.uwe}
title = {{K\"unstliche Intelligenz in der automatisierten Mobilit\"at}},
address = {Gesch\"aftsstelle Centrum f\"ur automatisierte Mobilit\"at (CAMO), c/o Bergische Universit\"at Wuppertal, Rainer-Gruenter-Str. 21, 42119 Wuppertal},
author = {J. Kronenberger and K. Trelenberg and H. Detjen and S. Geisler and U. Handmann and A. Haselhoff and N. Malzahn},
month = mar,
year = {2021},
pdf = {},
url = {}
title = {{Automatisierte Mobilit\"at: \"Uberblick \"uber die technologischen Grundlagen}},
address = {Gesch\"aftsstelle Centrum f\"ur automatisierte Mobilit\"at (CAMO), c/o Bergische Universit\"at Wuppertal, Rainer-Gruenter-Str. 21, 42119 Wuppertal},
author = {J. Kronenberger and K. Trelenberg and H. Detjen and S. Geisler and U. Handmann and A. Haselhoff and N. Malzahn},
month = mar,
year = {2022},
pdf = {},
url = {}
title = {{Der Mensch im Zentrum der automatisierten Mobilit\"at}},
address = {Gesch\"aftsstelle Centrum f\"ur automatisierte Mobilit\"at (CAMO), c/o Bergische Universit\"at Wuppertal, Rainer-Gruenter-Str. 21, 42119 Wuppertal},
author = {J. Kronenberger and K. Trelenberg and H. Detjen and X. Mattick and S. Geisler and U. Handmann and A. Haselhoff and N. Malzahn and P Kohl and Th. L\"ammer-Gamp},
month = may,
year = {2022},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {S. Grauel and W. Irrek and U. Handmann},
chapter = {{Das Projekt Prosperkolleg}},
pages = {25-27},
publisher = {Effizienz-Agentur NRW},
title = {{Plus - F\"ur mehr Ressourceneffizienz in Nordrhein-Westfalen}},
year = {2021},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {K\"orber Stiftung},
howpublished = {Dokumentation K\"orber-Dialog MINT-Regionen 2019},
title = {{Fachforum 2: Digitalisierung und Lehrerbildung}},
year = {2019},
pdf = {},
url = {}
chapter = {Wie helfen Computer den Kriminalisten? - Biometrie zur Identifizierung von Personen, Anwendungsbeispiel FaceFINDER},
pages = {34},
title = {WAS IST WAS - Polizei (Band 120)},
publisher = {Tessloff Verlag},
year = {2005},
author = {Tessloff Verlag},
address = {N\"urnberg, Germany},
note = {{FaceFINDER war ein Projekt der Projektgruppe von Dr. Handmann}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.02.17}
author = {Handmann, U. and Rabie, A.},
title = {person-specific contactless interaction - usability of assistance and information systems at home {(UsAHome)}},
booktitle = {Human-Machine Interaction},
year = {2014},
pages = {27},
publisher = {InnovationsAllianz der NRW-Hochschulen e.V.},
file = {:IA-HanRab2014.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-3-00-046106-4},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.01.31},
url = {}
author = {Bildungsb\"uro Bottrop},
title = {{Wege in eine anwendungsorientierte Ausbildung f\"ur IT-Fachkr\"afte von morgen}},
howpublished = {Dokumentation der 7. Bottroper Bildungskonferenz 2016},
month = {Februar},
year = {2017},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pages = {6-7},
timestamp = {2017.06.24},
url = {}
author = {S. Geisler and G. Bumiller and S. Eimler and U. Handmann and A. Haselhoff and M. Jansen and O. Koch and Z. Lei and G. M\"uller and A. Ostendorf and J. Pawlowski and S. Sch\"afer},
title = {{PCo -Institut Positive Computing}},
journal = {Forschung an Fachhochschulen - F\"oRDERLINIEN: FH KOMPETENZ \& FH STRUKTUR},
year = {2016},
pages = {6},
note = {PROJEKTB\"uRO Nachhaltige Forschung an Fachhochschulen in NRW, c/o zefo | Zentrum f\"ur Forschungskommunikation},
file = {:NRW-GeiHanEtAl2016.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2016.12.21},
url = {}
author = {Geisler, S. and Bumiller, G. and Eimler, S. and Handmann, U. and Haselhoff, A. and Jansen, M. and Koch, O. and M\"uller, G. and Ostendorf, A. and Pawlowski, J. and Sch\"afer, M. and Lei, Z.},
booktitle = {{Gesellschaft \& Digitalisierung}},
title = {{Technologie die befl\"ugelt}},
year = {2016},
organization = {Nachhaltige Forschung an Fachhochschulen in NRW},
pages = {32-33},
publisher = {InnovationsAllianz der NRW-Hochschulen e.V.},
file = {:IA-GeiHanEtAl2016a.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-3-9816422-5-4},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.01.31},
url = {}
author = {Gr\"uneberg, C. and Sommer, S. and Thiel, C. and Handmann, U. and Koch, O.},
booktitle = {{Gesellschaft \& Digitalisierung}},
title = {{Aktiv im Alter}},
year = {2016},
organization = {Nachhaltige Forschung an Fachhochschulen in NRW},
pages = {14-15},
publisher = {InnovationsAllianz der NRW-Hochschulen e.V},
file = {:IA-GruHanEtAl2016a.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-3-9816422-5-4},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.01.31},
url = {}
author = {Fey, J. and Niess, C. and Schwahlen, D. and Reimann, M. and Handmann, U. and Thelen, V.},
title = {{KEFIR - Entwicklung eines (teil-)automatisierten Erfassungs- und Auswertemoduls zur Identifikation von Fehlern in Innenstrukturen der Rotorbl\"atter von Windkraftanlagen}},
year = {2017},
issn = {2197-6953},
month = {November},
number = {internal report 17-03},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
file = {:IR-FeyHanEtAl2017b.pdf:PDF},
institution = {Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2017.11.31},
url = {},
urn = {}
author = {Schwahlen, D. and Niess, C. and Fey, J. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Erfassungs- und Auswertemodul zur Identifikation von Fehlern in Innenstrukturen der Rotorbl\"atter von Windkraftanlagen (Poster)}},
year = {2018},
pdf = {}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{F}usion textur- und konturbasierter {M}ethoden zur {S}egmentierung},
institution = {Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum, Germany},
year = {1997},
file = {:TechReport-Hanl997.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {}
author = {Tatarek, T. and Kronenberger, J. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Functionality, Advantages and Limits of the Tesla Autopilot}},
year = {2017},
issn = {2197-6953},
month = {December},
number = {internal report 17-04},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
file = {:IR-TatHanEtAl2017.pdf:PDF},
institution = {Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2017.11.31},
url = {},
urn = {}
author = {Grimm, M. and L\"ubbers, T. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Demonstrator Videobasierte kamera\"ubergreifende Bildsequenzanalyse}},
year = {2017},
issn = {2197-6953},
month = {January},
number = {internal report 17-02},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
file = {:IR-GriHanEtAl2017.pdf:PDF},
institution = {Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2016.03.01},
url = {},
urn = {}
author = {Fey,J. and Schlaghecke, S. and V\"oing, P. and Malysiak, D. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{CameraFramework - Socket-Kommunikation als Middleware zwischen verschiedenen Kamerainstanzen mit eigenen Kameratreibern und Clienten}},
year = {2017},
issn = {2197-6953},
month = {January},
number = {internal report 17-01},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
file = {:IR-FeyHanEtAl2017.pdf:PDF},
institution = {Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2016.03.01},
url = {},
urn = {}
author = {Tatarek, Th. and Lingenauber, N. and Thomas, J. and Kronenberger, J. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Autonomes Fahren in Baustellen am Beispiel zweier moderner Fahrzeuge}},
year = {2019},
issn = {2197-6953},
month = {March},
number = {internal report 19-01},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
file = {:IR-TatHanEtAl2018.pdf:PDF},
institution = {Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
url = {},
urn = {}
author = {Ochse, M. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Optische Abtastung f\"ur Drehzahlregelung}},
year = {1991},
note = {Semesterarbeit Berufsakademie Stuttgart},
file = {:BA-OchHan1991.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2017.02.11}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Erstellung von Programmierbeispielen f\"ur die Informationsbibliothek in der CAE-TOOL-BOX}},
year = {1990},
note = {Zulassungsbericht 1 Ingenieurassistent},
file = {:BA-Han1990.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2017.02.11}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Untersuchung des \"Ubernahmeverhaltens bei D-Flip-Plops bei set-up-Zeitverletzungen}},
year = {1990},
note = {Zulassungsbericht 2 Ingenieurassistent},
file = {:BA-Han1990a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2017.02.11}
author = {Handmann, U. and Kalinke, T. and Tzomakas, C.},
title = {{V}ideobasierte {H}inderniserkennung},
institution = {Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum, Germany},
year = {1998},
number = {IRINI 98-04},
file = {:IRINI-HanEtAl1998c.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0943-2752},
pdf = {}
author = {v.Seelen, W. and Gillner, W. and Goerick, C. and Handmann, U. and Kalinke, T. and Kastrup, D. and Leefken, I. and Lorenz, G. and Noll, D. and Tzomakas, C. and V\"olpel, B. and Werner, M. and Winkel, C.},
title = {Image Processing of Dynamic Scenes},
institution = {Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum, Germany},
year = {1997},
number = {IRINI 97-14},
file = {:IRINI-HanEtAl997.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0943-2752},
pdf = {}
author = {v.Seelen, W. and Gillner, W. and Goerick, C. and Handmann, U. and Kalinke, T. and Kastrup, D. and Leefken, I. and Lorenz, G. and Noll, D. and Tzomakas, C. and V\"olpel, B. and Werner, M. and Winkel, C.},
title = {{T}echnische {B}ildverarbeitung dynamischer {S}zenen},
institution = {Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum, Germany},
year = {1997},
number = {IRINI 97-13},
file = {:IRINI-HanEtAl997a.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0943-2752},
pdf = {}
author = {Schnitger, T. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{F}usion von {B}ildanalyseverfahren mittels einer neuronalen {K}opplungsstruktur},
institution = {Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum, Germany},
year = {1998},
number = {IRINI 98-01},
file = {:IRINI-SchHan1998.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0943-2752},
pdf = {}
author = {Malysiak, D. and Lausberg, A. and Handmann, U.},
institution = {Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{SimpleHydra} - framework for classical small to mid-scale computation clusters},
year = {2016},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
month = {January},
number = {16-01},
doi = {10.13140/RG.2.1.2096.2161},
file = {:IRMalHan2016.pdf:PDF},
issn = {2199-9937},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2016.03.01},
url = {},
urn = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Hommel, S. and Grimm, M. and Malysiak, D.},
institution = {Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Videobasierte kamera\"ubergreifende Bildsequenzanalyse}},
year = {2014},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
month = {September},
number = {14-01},
file = {:TR-HanEtAl2014a.pdf:PDF},
issn = {2199-9937},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.10.14},
url = {},
urn = {}
author = {Zengeler, N. and Grimm, M. and Arntz, A. and Ke{\ss}ler, D. and Jansen, M. and Eimler, S.C. and Handmann, U. and Hermsen, K. and Grubert, C.},
title = {{DAMOKLES 4.0 - Dynamisches, adaptives und mobiles System zur kontextbasierten und intelligenten Unterst\"utzung von Mitarbeiter/innen in der Schwerindustrie}},
year = {2019},
issn = {2197-6953},
month = oct,
number = {internal report 19-02},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
file = {:IR-ZenSHanEtAl2018.pdf:PDF},
institution = {Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
url = {},
urn = {}
author = {T. Kopinski and A. Gepperth and U. Handmann},
note = {preprint on Researchgate},
title = {{Multi-ToF sensor fusion for hand pose estimation}},
year = {2014},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Szabo-M\"uller, P. and Handmann, U.},
note = {preprint on Researchgate},
title = {{Feature-fusion transfer learning method as a basis to support automated smartphone recycling in a circular smart city}},
year = {2020},
doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.26270.77122},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {U. Handmann and D. Noll and M. Werner},
journal = {Research Report 1997 - Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum},
title = {Parametric Optimization},
year = {1997},
pages = {55-56}
author = {U. Handmann},
journal = {Research Report 1997 - Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum},
title = {Fusion for Initial Segmantation},
year = {1997},
pages = {56-58}
author = {C. Goerick and U. Handmann and T. Kalinke and M. Werner},
journal = {Research Report 1997 - Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum},
title = {{LOC}-Classification},
year = {1997},
pages = {58-59}
author = {U. Handmann and I. Leefken ans A. Steinhage},
journal = {Research Report 2001 - Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum},
title = {Semi-autonomous Driving - Intelligent Cruise Control},
year = {2001},
pages = {81-84}
author = {Szabo-M\"uller, P. and Trenz, U. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {{Sachbericht}},
title = {{reWIR: Regionaler Wandel durch Innovationen f\"ur digitale Zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung im Ruhrgebiet}},
year = {2022},
address = {Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universit\"atsbibliothek, Hannover, Germany},
publisher = {{B}undesministerium f\"ur {B}ildung und {F}orschung {(BMBF)}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2014.09.01},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Hommel, S. and Grimm, M. and Malysiak, D.},
title = {{Videobasierte kamera\"ubergreifende Bildsequenzanalyse}},
booktitle = {Analyse von Personenbewegungen an Flugh\"afen mittels zeitlich r\"uckw\"arts- und vorw\"artsgerichteter Videodatenstrome (APFel)},
year = {2014},
address = {Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universit\"atsbibliothek, Hannover, Germany},
publisher = {{B}undesministerium f\"ur {B}ildung und {F}orschung {(BMBF)}},
doi = {10.2314/GBV:83540806X},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Dose, M.},
title = {{G}esichtserkennung auf mobilen {R}oboterplattformen},
booktitle = {{DESIRE} - {D}eutsche {S}ervicerobotik- {I}nitiative},
year = {2010},
address = {Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universit\"atsbibliothek, Hannover, Germany},
publisher = {{B}undesministerium f\"ur {B}ildung und {F}orschung {(BMBF)}},
doi = {10.2314/GBV:638644445},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2014.09.01}
author = {Dose, M. and Handmann et al., U.},
title = {{Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion auf Grundlage der Gesichtsdetektion}},
booktitle = {{MORPHA -Kommunikation, Interaktion und Kooperation zwischen Menschen und intelligenten antropomorphen Assistenzsystemen}},
year = {2003},
address = {Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universit\"atsbibliothek, Hannover, Germany},
publisher = {Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung {(BMBF)}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2015.12.30}
title = {{L}ernen zur {O}rganisation komplexer {S}ysteme der {I}nformationsverarbeitung},
publisher = {Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung {(BMBF)}},
year = {2003},
author = {Handmann, U. and Dose, M.},
address = {Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universit\"atsbibliothek, Hannover, Germany},
doi = {10.2314/GBV:393993019}
author = {Handmann, U. and Dose, M.},
title = {{L}ernen im {K}ontext der {S}zenenanalyse},
booktitle = {Lernen zur Organisation komplexer Systeme der Informationsverarbeitung},
year = {2003},
address = {Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universit\"atsbibliothek, Hannover, Germany},
publisher = {Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)}
author = {v. Seelen, W. and Handmann et al., U.},
title = {{Multimodaler Sensor zur Fahrzeugf\"uhrung: Teilprojekt: Architektur, Rundumsicht und Objekterkennung}},
booktitle = {Projekt: Elektronisches Auge OPEL},
year = {1997},
address = {Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universit\"atsbibliothek, Hannover, Germany},
publisher = {Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung {(BMBF)}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2015.12.30}
author = {B\"uttner, S. and Irrek, W. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Kompetenzzentrum Zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung NRW - Den Wandel zu einer nachhaltigen und kreislauff\"ahigen Wirtschaft voranbringen}},
year = {2022},
issn = {2750-6215},
month = {January},
number = {RETHINK. Impulse zur zirkul\"aren Wertsch\"opfung / Enabling the Circular Economy 2022/01},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
institution = {Prosperkolleg e.V.},
pdf = {},
url = {},
urn = {}
author = {B\"uttner, S. and Irrek, W. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Kompetenzzentrum CE.Hub.NRW - Den Wandel zu einer nachhaltigen und kreislauff\"ahigen Wirtschaft voranbringen}},
year = {2022},
issn = {2750-6215},
month = {December},
number = {RETHINK. Impulse zur zirkul\"aren Wertsch\"opfung / Enabling the Circular Economy 2022/07},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
institution = {Prosperkolleg e.V.},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Abou Baker, N.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{Digitalization \& Circular Economy (Poster)}},
year = {2023},
pdf = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Grimm, M.},
booktitle = {{APFel: Analyse von Personenbewegungen an Flugh\"äfen mittels zeitlich r\"uckw\"arts- und vorw\"artsgerichteter Videodatenstr\"ome}},
title = {{Videobasierte kameraübergreifende Bildsequenzanalyse}},
year = {2014},
address = {Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universit\"atsbibliothek, Hannover, Germany},
publisher = {{B}undesministerium f\"ur {B}ildung und {F}orschung {(BMBF)}},
url = {}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{Plant Control for Fully Automated AI-Driven Product Type Recognition (Poster)}},
year = {2024},
pdf = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Lorenz, G. and Schnitger, T. and v.Seelen, W.},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Vehicles '98, Stuttgart, Germany, Proceedings},
title = {Fusion of Different Sensors and Algorithms for Segmentation (Poster)},
year = {1998},
pdf = {}
author = {Rabie, A. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{Multimodal Biometrics (Poster)}},
year = {2014},
pdf = {}
author = {Malysiak, D. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{GPU Cluster (Poster)}},
year = {2014},
pdf = {}
author = {Hommel, S. and Grimm, M. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{APFel - Analyse von Personenbewegungen an Flugh{\"a}fen mittels zeitlich r{\"u}ckw{\"a}rts- und vorw{\"a}rtsgerichteter Videodatenstr{\"o}me (Poster)}},
year = {2012},
pdf = {}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{Multi-Class Classification (Poster)}},
year = {2016},
pdf = {}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{Smart-Control-Device (Poster)}},
year = {2012},
pdf = {}
author = {Grimm, M. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{Motion Capture \& Virtual Reality (Poster)}},
year = {2016},
pdf = {}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{Circular Digital Economy Lab - Digitalisierungsprozess (Poster)}},
year = {2021},
pdf = {}
author = {B{\"u}ttner, S. and Beitz, B. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{Studie Digitalisierung als Enabler der Circular Economy (Poster)}},
year = {2015},
pdf = {}
author = {Schwahlen, D. and Niess, C. and Reimann, M. and Handmann, U. and Fey, J. and Thelen, V. and Maldaner, P.},
title = {{KEFIR - Entwicklung eines (teil-)automatisierten Erfassungs- und Auswertemoduls zur Identifikation von Fehlern in Innenstrukturen der Rotorbl\"atter von Windkraftanlagen}},
year = {2018},
issn = {2197-6953},
month = {March},
number = {internal report 18-01, sec. edition},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
file = {:IR-SchHanEtAl2017b.pdf:PDF},
institution = {Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2},
url = {},
urn = {}
author = {Rabie, A. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{NFC-Based person-specific Assisting System in Home Environment (Poster)}},
year = {2015},
pdf = {}
author = {B\"uttner, S. and Szabo-M{\"u}ller, P. and W{\"o}hrmann, T. and Beitz, B. and Handmann, U.},
journal = {Prospektiven - Neues zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung - Circular Economy News},
title = {{Digitalisierung als Enabler f{\"u}r Circular Economy in NRW - Bereit f{\"u}r die doppelte Transformation?}},
year = {2024},
issn = {2750-4840},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V., Uwe Handmann, Wolfgang Irrek, Sabine B{\"u}ttner (ed.)},
number = {03},
pages = {1--31},
volume = {2024},
pdf = {},
url = {}
@comment{{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Weiterentwicklung der Fachhochschulen in NRW - Forschung an Fachhochschulen (invited talk)}},
booktitle = {Workshop 'Die Fachhochschule 4.0', HLB-NRW},
year = {2015},
address = {Siegburg,Germany},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.02.18}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Wege in eine anwendungsorientierte Ausbildung f\"ur die IT-Fachkr\"afte von morgen (invited talk)}},
booktitle = {7. Bottroper Bildungskonferenz},
year = {2016},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2016.12.21}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Vom Gehirn zur Maschine und zur\"uck (invited talk)}},
booktitle = {Studium Generale HRW},
year = {2012},
address = {M\"ulheim},
organization = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.02.03}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Smart CCTV (invited talk)}},
booktitle = {VDI-Workshop Mustererkennung und Videotracking},
year = {2011},
address = {D\"usseldorf},
organization = {VDI},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2015.12.19}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Maschinen lernen sehen (invited talk)}},
booktitle = {Kinder Uni},
year = {2010},
address = {Meschede},
organization = {Fachhochschule S\"udwestfalen},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.02.03}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Maschinen lernen sehen (invited talk)}},
booktitle = {M\"ulheimer Wissenschaftstage},
year = {2010},
address = {M\"ulheim},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.02.03}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Maschinen lernen sehen (invited talk)}},
booktitle = {Mescheder Hochschulreferate},
year = {2009},
address = {Meschede},
organization = {Fachhochschule S\"udwestfalen},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.02.03},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Kamera\"ubergreifene Objekterkennung und -identifizierung mit intelligenten Videosystemen (invited talk)}},
booktitle = {Expertenforum Sicherheitstechnik - Hochaufl\"osende Videosysteme},
year = {2013},
address = {Frankfut a. M.},
organization = {I.G.T. Informationsgesellschaft Technik mbH},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2015.12.19}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Kamera\"ubergreifende Objektverfolgung und Intelligente Videosysteme im Bereich kritischer Infrastrukturen (invited talk)}},
booktitle = {Jahresforum Video\"uberwachung / Videotechnik},
year = {2014},
address = {Stuttgart},
organization = {SIMEDIA Akademie},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2015.12.19}
author = {Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {Chinesisch Deutsche Technische Fakult\"at, Qingdao University of Science and Technology (CDTF)},
title = {{Kamera\"ubergreifende Objektverfolgung (invited talk)}},
year = {2014},
address = {Qingdao, China},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.02.04}
author = {Handmann, U.},
howpublished = {Tage der Studienorientierung. Hochschule Ruhr West, Bottrop},
title = {{Informatik und autonomes Fahren - Brauchen wir in der Zukunft noch einen F\"uhrerschein? (talk)}},
year = {2017}
author = {Handmann, U.},
howpublished = {Tage der Studienorientierung. Hochschule Ruhr West, Bottrop},
title = {{Informatik und autonomes Fahren - Brauchen wir in der Zukunft noch einen F\"uhrerschein? (talk)}},
year = {2018}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Gesichtserkennung auf mobilen Plattformen (invited talk)}},
booktitle = {Deutsche Servicerobotik Initiative - ein Projekt der Leitinnovation Servicerobotik des BMBF - Abschlusspr\"asentation},
year = {2009},
address = {Institutszentrum der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Stuttgart},
file = {:talk-Han2009a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2017.02.04}
author = {Handmann , U.},
title = {{Big Brother is watching you? (invited talk)}},
booktitle = {M\"ulheimer Wissenschaftstage},
year = {2014},
address = {M\"ulheim},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.02.04}
author = {Handmann, U.},
howpublished = {Verein zur F\"orderung des Studiums im fortgeschrittenen Alter an der Universit\"at Duisburg Essen},
title = {{Autonomes Fahren - Brauchen wir in der Zukunft noch einen F\"uhrerschein? (talk)}},
year = {2018}
author = {Dose, M. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{APFel - Analyse von Personenbewegungen an Flugh\"afen mittels zeitlich r\"uckw\"arts- und vorw\"artsgerichteter Videodatenstr\"ome (invited talk)}},
booktitle = {2. VDI-Workshop Mustererkennung und Videotracking im Rahmen des BMBF-Innovationsforums Zivile Sicherheit},
year = {2012},
address = {Berlin},
organization = {VDI},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2015.12.19}
author = {Dose, M. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{APFel - Analyse von Personenbewegungen an Flugh\"afen mittels zeitlich r\"uckw\"arts- und vorw\"artsgerichteter Videodaten (invited talk)}},
booktitle = {VDI-Workshop Mustererkennung und Videotracking},
year = {2011},
address = {D\"usseldorf},
organization = {VDI},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2015.12.19}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Analyse von Personenbewegungen an Flugh\"afen mittels zeitlich r\"uckw\"arts- und vorw\"artsgerichteter Videodatenstr\"ome - APFel (invited talk)}},
booktitle = {VfS-Kongress 2012},
year = {2012},
address = {Leipzig},
organization = {Verband f\"ur Sicherheitstechnik e.V.},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2015.12.19}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Videotaktschritthaltende Gesichtsdetektion (presentation)}},
booktitle = {BMBF-Sonderstand 'Mensch-Technik-Interaktion'},
year = {2004},
address = {CeBIT, Hannover}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Intelligentes Videoanalysesystem FaceFINDER - Spin-Off-Produkt des BMBF gef\"orderten Projekts MORPHA (presentation)}},
booktitle = {BMBF-Sonderstand 'Mensch-Technik-Interaktion'},
year = {2006},
address = {CeBIT, Hannover},
file = {:CeBIT-Han2006.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2017.02.04}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{'Deutsche Service Robotik Initiative' - Gesichtserkennung auf mobilen Plattformen (presentation)}},
booktitle = {{Gemeinschaftsstand des BMBF: Leitinnovation Servicerobotik}},
year = {2009},
address = {CeBIT, Hannover},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.02.04}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{videobased facedetection and -recognition (exhibitor)}},
booktitle = {InterSec 2006 - exhibition and conference},
year = {2006},
address = {Dubai, VAE},
organization = {{Viisage AG}}
author = {Handmann et al., U.},
title = {{Quartier Agil - aktiv vor Ort (exhibitor)}},
booktitle = {Zukunftskonferenz - Forschung an Fachhochschulen aktiv gestalten!},
year = {2019},
address = {Essen, Germany}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Digitalisierungskompetenz in Bottrop (invited talk)}},
booktitle = {Lebendige Bibliothek Bottrop},
year = {2019},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2016.12.21}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {Neurocomputing (lecture)},
booktitle = {Chinesisch Deutsche Technische Fakult\"at, Qingdao University of Science and Technology,},
year = {2013},
address = {Qingdao, China},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.02.04}
author = {Niess, C. and Fey, J. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Sensordatenbasierte thermografische Rotorblattaufnahme und Bildverarbeitung zur Schadensanalyse von Windkraftanlagen und Integration in eine Analyseplattform (presentation)}},
booktitle = {Research Project: Entwicklung eines (teil-)automatischen Erfassungs- und Auswertemoduls zur Identifikation von Fehlern in Innenstruktur der Rotorbl\"atter von Windkraftanlagen (kEFIR)},
year = {2017},
address = {CeBIT, Hannover},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2017.02.04}
author = {Handmann, U.},
howpublished = {Tag der offenen Hochschule. Hochschule Ruhr West, M\"ulheim},
title = {{Brauchen wir in der Zukunft noch einen F\"uhrerschein? (talk)}},
year = {2019}
author = {Dr. Klaus B\"omken and Prof. Dr. Uwe Handmann and Dr. Martin Kreymann},
title = {{Digitalisierung \& Lehrerbildung (invited talk)}},
booktitle = {K\"orber-Dialog MINT-Regionen},
year = {2019},
address = {Berlin, Germany},
organization = {K\"orber-Stiftung},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U.},
howpublished = {Studium Generale. Hochschule Ruhr West, Bottrop},
title = {{Brauchen wir in der Zukunft noch einen F\"uhrerschein? (talk)}},
year = {2019}
author = {Fey, J. and Handmann, U.},
month = oct,
note = {Presentation},
title = {{W\"armebildanalyse bei Industriearmaturen (presentation)}},
year = {2019}
author = {Seabra da Rocha, S. and Handmann, U. and Irrek, W.},
howpublished = {Forschungsworkshop - Prosperkolleg, Hochschule. Hochschule Ruhr West, Bottrop},
title = {{Das Circular Digital Economy Lab - Ein inter- und transdisziplin\"arer Forschungsansatz (talk)}},
year = {2020}
author = {Handmann, U.},
howpublished = {Digitalisierungsmesse KI - Kann ich! - Recklinghausen},
title = {{Das Circular Digital Economy Lab des Projekts Prosperkolleg (talk)}},
year = {2020}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Verification Station (exhibitor)}},
booktitle = {biometrics 2005 - exhibition and conference},
year = {2005},
address = {London, Great Britain},
organization = {{Viisage AG}}
author = {Hermsen, K. and Handmann et al., U.},
booktitle = {2019 SEAISI Conference \& Exhibition},
title = {{Digital and Smart Factory Solutions for Steel Industry Processes (conference \& exhibition)}},
year = {2019},
address = {Bangkok, Thailand}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Handmann, U.},
howpublished = {Forschungsworkshop - Prosperkolleg. Hochschule Ruhr West, Bottrop},
title = {{AI as an enabler of smarter E-Waste Management (talk)}},
year = {2020}
author = {Handmann, U.},
howpublished = {Green Day, Hochschule Ruhr West, Bottrop},
title = {{Forschungsprojekt Prosperkolleg (talk)}},
year = {2020}
author = {Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {monatliches Impulstreffen},
title = {{60min:GREENTECH.RUHR - Digital zu Gast bei der Sapor GmbH (talk)}},
year = {2021},
address = {Greentech.Ruhr, Essen}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit - zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung (talk)}},
year = {2021},
address = {online, Hannover}
author = {Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {Was kann KI ...?},
title = {{Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit - digitale zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung (talk)}},
year = {2021},
address = {F\"orderverein HRW M\"ulheim}
author = {F. von Unruh and U. Handmann},
month = nov,
title = {{Zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung in NRW, wie sich Unternehmen auf den Weg machen k\"onnen - Digitale Deutsch-Niederl\"andische Businesswoche (talk)}},
year = {2021}
author = {Handmann, U. and Irrek, W. and B\"uttner, S.},
booktitle = {Circular Economy Hotspot 2022 - exhibition and conference},
title = {{Prosperkolleg - Transformational research on circular economy (exhibitor)}},
year = {2022},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
organization = {{Prosperkolleg e.V.}},
url = {}
title = {{Wie automatisierte Fahrzeuge die Welt sehen}},
address = {Gesch\"aftsstelle Centrum f\"ur automatisierte Mobilit\"at (CAMO), c/o Bergische Universit\"at Wuppertal, Rainer-Gruenter-Str. 21, 42119 Wuppertal},
author = {J. Kronenberger and K. Trelenberg and H. Detjen and S. Geisler and U. Handmann and A. Haselhoff and N. Malzahn},
month = mar,
year = {2021},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Arntz, A. and Ke{\ss}ler, D. and Eimler, S.C. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {E-Learning Day Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Teaching Practical Tasks with Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality}},
year = {2019},
pdf = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Jansen, M. and Hermsen, K. and Bons, J. and Grimm, M. and Ohler-Martins, K. and Erdogan, M.},
booktitle = {VGB KONGRESS 2017},
title = {Damokles 4.0 - Dynamic, adaptive and mobile system for context-based and intelligent support of employees in the heavy industry},
year = {2017},
organization = {VGB PowerTech e. V.},
file = {HanEtAl2017b.pdf:HanEtAl2017b.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2017.08.11},
url = {}
author = {Hadyk, C. and Haselhoff, A. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {World Usability Day 'Metropole Ruhr'},
title = {{Fairness in KI-Systemen zur Beseitigung von Voreingenommenheit (Poster)}},
year = {2019},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
pdf = {}
author = {C. Stra{\ss}mann and S. Eimler and A. Arntz and D. Ke{\ss}ler and S. Zielinski and G. Brandenberg and V. D\"umpel and U. Handmann},
booktitle = {World Usability Day 'Metropole Ruhr'},
title = {{Relax yourself - Using Virtual Reality to enhance employees mental health and work performance (Poster)}},
year = {2019},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
pdf = {}
author = {Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {Circular Hubs West},
title = {{Podiumsdiskussion Circular Economy}},
year = {2023},
address = {Bochum, Germany},
organization = {{Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP), Effizienz-Agentur NRW (EFA) }},
url = {}
author = {von Unruh, F. and Irrek, W. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {{Sustainable.OWL - Transfer-Tag der Nachhaltigkeit}},
title = {{Prosperkolleg - Zirkul{\"a}re Wertsch{\"o}pfung. Denken. Handeln. (poster)}},
year = {2023},
pdf = {}
author = {Irrek, W. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {Unternehmensinitiative 'transform to zero im Prosperkolleg'},
title = {{Zero Waste, Zero Pollution, Zero (fossil) Carbon: Herausforderung und Chance f{\"u}r mittelst{\"a}ndische Betriebe (talk)}},
year = {2023},
address = {Gelsenkirchen, Germany},
organization = {{Prosperkolleg, TTZ}},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Szabo-M\"uller, P.},
booktitle = {Circular Design Summit der Effizienz-Agentur NRW},
year = {2023},
address = {D\"usseldorf, Germany},
organization = {{Effizienz-Agentur NRW (EFA) }},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Transformation zur Circular Economy (talk)}},
year = {2023},
address = {M\"unster, Germany},
organization = {{In|du|strie - Gemeinsam. Zukunft. Leben.}}
author = {Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {Mittelstand \& Digitalisierung - Wege in eine digitale Zukunft},
title = {{DIGITALISIERUNG - in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (invited talk)}},
year = {2023},
address = {M\"ulheim, Germany},
organization = {{Wirtschaftsf\"orderung M\"ulheim}},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {Summit Umweltwirtschaft.NRW 2023},
title = {{K\"unstliche Intelligenz - Herausforderung f\"ur Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (invited talk)}},
year = {2023},
address = {D\"usseldorf, Germany},
organization = {Ministerium f\"ur Umwelt, Landwirtschaft, Natur- und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany}
author = {Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {Circular Hot Spot NRW: Der Digitale Produktpass im Mittelstand - unverzichtbar f\"ur die zirkul\"are Transformation},
title = {{Aus der Forschung: Daten erfassen, Wissen generieren, Kreisl\"aufe schlie{\ss}en (panel)}},
year = {2023},
address = {Gelsenkirchen, Germany},
organization = {Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Artificial intelligence: Understanding and using it - Risks and opportunities of a technological innovation. (panel)}},
year = {2023},
address = {Palermo, Italy},
organization = {LUMSA University Palermo}
author = {B\"uttner, S and Szabo-M\"uller, P. and Beitz, B. and Irrek, W. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {{Prosperkolleg - Zirkul{\"a}re Wertsch{\"o}pfung. Denken. Handeln.}},
title = {{Studie: Digitalisierung als Enabler der Circular Economy (poster)}},
year = {2023},
pdf = {}
author = {Irrek, W. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {{Prosperkolleg - Zirkul{\"a}re Wertsch{\"o}pfung. Denken. Handeln.}},
title = {{Pr\"asentation der Projektergebnisse}},
year = {2023}
author = {Handmann, U. and Irrek, W.},
booktitle = {Digital Coffee der Circular Economy Allianz Ruhr (CEAR)},
title = {{Circular Economy-Aktivit{\"a}ten des Prosperkolleg e.V. (invited talk)}},
year = {2024},
address = {online, Germany},
organization = {Business Metropole Ruhr, Essen, Germany}
author = {Handmann, F. and Abou Baker, N. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {19th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2024) (Poster)},
title = {{Plant Control for Fully Automated AI-Driven Product Type Recognition}},
year = {2024},
address = {Kristiansand, Norway},
publisher = {IEEE},
pdf = {}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {IEEE Sensors 2022},
title = {{E-Waste Recycling (Poster)}},
year = {2023},
pdf = {}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Rohrschneider, D. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {The 30th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN 2022)},
title = {{Battery detection of XRay images using transfer learning (Poster)}},
year = {2022},
pdf = {}
author = {Rabie, A. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA 2014)},
title = {{NFC-Based person-specific Assisting System in Home Environment (Poster)}},
year = {2015},
pdf = {}
author = {Rabie, A. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {{International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2015)}},
title = {{Person-specific Assisting System (Poster)}},
year = {2015},
pdf = {}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2014},
title = {{Neural Network based Data Fusion for Hand Pose Recognition with multiple {ToF} Sensors (Poster)}},
year = {2014},
pdf = {}
author = {Hommel, S. and Malysiak, D. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{Model of Human Clothes based on Saliency Maps (Poster)}},
year = {2013},
pdf = {}
author = {U. Handmann},
title = {{K\"unstliche Intelligenz - Herausforderung f\"ur Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft}},
year = {2024}
@comment{{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{Bildung an der Schnittstelle Hochschule, Schule und Unternehmen in Oberhausen}},
howpublished = {Financing bilateral},
year = {2019},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{Start-Phase des zdi Zentrums Oberhausen}},
howpublished = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE ZDI},
year = {2018},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{DIBIT- Digitalisierung in Bildung und Transfer}},
howpublished = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE ZDI},
year = {2018},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{MINT EXPRESS}},
howpublished = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE ZDI},
year = {2014},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{MINT-Bildungsgerechtigkeit}},
howpublished = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE ZDI},
year = {2014},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE ZDI},
title = {{mint4u - gemeinsam selbsttragend!}},
year = {2012},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie NRW},
note = {Research project with focus on circular economy (zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung)},
title = {{Prosperkolleg - Transformationsforschung zur zirkul\"aren Wertsch\"opfung}},
year = {2019},
timestamp = {2012.06.25},
url = {}
author = {Research Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW)},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (HMI, assistance systems, automotive)},
title = {{Kompetenzzentrum Automatisierte Mobilit\"at (CAMO)}},
year = {2019},
timestamp = {2012.06.25},
url = {}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{TeAching Computational Thinking with Digital dEvices (Tactide)}},
howpublished = {Funded by Europ\"aische Union - Erasmus+},
year = {2018},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with international educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Forschungsschwerpunkt},
title = {{Intelligente Mobilit\"at}},
howpublished = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2018},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (HMI, assistance systems, automotive)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Forschungsschwerpunkt},
title = {{Positive Computing}},
howpublished = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2017},
note = {Research project with focus on positive computing},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{KI-Map}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundeswirtschaftsministerium - ZIM-Kooperationsprojekt},
year = {2019},
note = {Research Network Artificial Intelligence},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Institut Positive Computing (PoCo)}},
howpublished = {Funded by Ministerium f\"ur Wissenschaft und Forschung NRW, FH-Kompetenz},
year = {2017},
note = {Research project with focus on positive computing},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{UsAHome - Usability (Benutzerfreundlichkeit) von Assistenz und Informationssystemen im h\"auslichen Umfeld}},
howpublished = {Funded by Ministerium f\"ur Wissenschaft und Forschung NRW, FH-Struktur},
year = {2013},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (HMI, assistance systems)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Leitmarktwettbewerb IKT.NRW},
note = {Research project with focus on smart devices, intelligent data analysis (assistance systems)},
title = {{Dynamisches, adaptives und mobiles System zur kontextbasierten und intelligenten Unterst\"utzung von Mitarbeitern/innen in der Schwerindustrie (DamokleS 4.0)}},
year = {2019},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2012.06.25},
url = {}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Entwicklung eines (teil-)automatischen Erfassungs- und Auswertemoduls zur Identifikation von Fehlern in Innenstruktur der Rotorbl\"atter von Windkraftanlagen (kEFIR)}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundeswirtschaftsministerium - ZIM F\"orderprojekt},
year = {2016},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (non-destructive testing, predictive maintenance)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Entwicklung effizienter Algorithmen zur Erkennung von Handgesten f\"ur das SCD}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundeswirtschaftsministerium - ZIM F\"orderprojekt},
year = {2013},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (HMI, assistance systems)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{Ber\"uhrungslose Erkennung von Schwei{\ss}n\"ahten in Walzstra{\ss}en}},
howpublished = {Financing bilateral},
year = {2015},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (industry 4.0)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Visualisierung von Warteschlangen im Kassenbereich}},
howpublished = {Financing bilateral (Innovationsgutschein)},
year = {2014},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (HMI, assistance systems)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Erkennung von Fu{\ss}g\"angern in Automotiv-Anwendungen}},
howpublished = {Financing bilateral (Innovationsgutschein)},
year = {2014},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (HMI, assistance systems, automotive)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{Materialverfolgung auf einem K\"uhlbett}},
howpublished = {Financing bilateral},
year = {2017},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (industry 4.0)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Integration und Test individueller Gangmuster virtueller Charaktere}},
howpublished = {Forschungsf\"orderung Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2014},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (HMI, assistance systems)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Aufnahme von Bewegungsdaten mittels Motion Capture System zum Aufbau einer Datenbank}},
howpublished = {Forschungsf\"orderung Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2012},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent (image processing)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Multibiometriestation zur Identifikation und Verifikation}},
howpublished = {Forschungsf\"orderung Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2011},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent multi-camera systems (image processing)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Quartier Agil - Aktiv in unserem Quartier. F\"orderung der Teilhabe und Gemeinschaft \"alterer Menschen im Quartier durch partizipatives Training alltagsrelevanter kognitiver und k\"orperlicher Ressourcen}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
year = {2018},
note = {Research project with focus on smart devices, intelligent data analysis (assistance systems)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{G}esichtserkennung als {F}ahndungshilfsmittel - {F}otofahndung},
howpublished = {Abschlussbericht. Wiesbaden: BKA},
year = {2007},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent multi-camera systems (image processing)},
comment = {(Teilnehmer)},
file = {:bka-Han2007.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2012.06.25},
url = {}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{VisionIC - Intelligente Vision-Plattform f\"ur den Massenmarkt, Teilprojekt: Videobasierte Fahrerassistenzsysteme}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
year = {2002},
note = {Research project with focus on integrated systems for image processing tasks.},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{MORPHA : intelligente anthropomorphe Assistenzsysteme - Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion auf Grundlage der Gesichtsdetektion}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
year = {2003},
note = {Research project with focus on assistance systems in HMI applications (robotics)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{3D Face-Recognition}},
howpublished = {Financing bilateral},
year = {2005},
note = {Research project focusing on intelligent 3D face recognition},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{Ger\"auschoptimierung am Fahrzeug - psychoakustisches Sounddesign, Research Project mit einem Automobilhersteller}},
howpublished = {Financing bilateral},
year = {1994},
note = {Research project focusing on sound design in vehicles},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Financing bilateral},
note = {Research project with focus on assistance systems in vehicles, autonomous driving},
title = {{Assistenzsysteme im KFZ, Research Projecte mit verschiedenen Herstellern aus der Automobil- und Automobilzulieferindustrie}},
year = {1997},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Elektronisches Auge, Teilvorhaben Sehsysteme f\"ur Fahrerassistenz im Automobil und Bewertung komplexer Umgebungen}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
year = {1997},
note = {Research project with focus on assistance systems in vehicles, autonomous driving.},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung im {R}ahmen des {P}rogramms der {B}undesregierung '{F}orschung f\"ur die zivile {S}icherheit' als {T}eil der {H}ightech-{S}trategie},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent multi-camera systems (image processing)},
title = {{APFel} - {A}nalyse von {P}ersonenbewegungen an {F}lugh\"afen mittels zeitlich r\"uckw\"arts- und vorw\"artsgerichteter {V}ideodatenstr\"ome},
year = {2014},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2012.06.25},
url = {}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Dynamisches Wiedererkennen von Personen an mehreren Beobachtungspunkten (Deja-Vu}},
howpublished = {Funded by Zukunftswettbewerb Ruhrgebiet},
year = {2003},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent multi-camera systems (image processing)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Deutsche Servicerobotik Initiative (Desire), Teilprojekt Gesichtserkennung auf mobilen Roboterplattformen}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
year = {2005},
note = {Research project with focus on assistance systems in HMI applications (robotics)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Lernen zur Organisation komplexer Systeme der Informationsverarbeitung (LOKI)}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
year = {2003},
note = {Research project focusing on intelligent biologically inspired systems. Complex Systems in Neuroinformatics},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Automatisches, Biometrie-gest\"utztes Grenzkontrollsystem (SecureFaceCheck)}},
howpublished = {Funded by Zukunftswettbewerb Ruhrgebiet},
year = {2005},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent multi-camera systems (image processing)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Elektronisches Auge, Teilvorhaben Multimodaler Sensor zur Fahrzeugf\"uhrung}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
year = {1997},
note = {Research project with focus on assistance systems in vehicles, autonomous driving.},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Analyse und Weiterentwicklung des Jugendschutzmoduls auf Basis innovativer Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmen}},
howpublished = {Financing bilateral (Innovationsgutschein)},
year = {2016},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{'CirConomyOWL - ein Produktionsstandort schlie{\ss}t Kreisl\"aufe'}},
howpublished = {Funded by regio.NRW, assoziierter Partner},
year = {2019},
note = {Research project with focus on circular economy (zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{Eine Uni - ein Buch}},
howpublished = {Funded by Stifterverband},
year = {2019},
note = {Transfer activity.},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Internally funded Project},
title = {{E-Learning an der HRW}},
howpublished = {Funded by HRW},
year = {2013},
note = {e-learning project with educational partners},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{MINT4u(r) Future, Sch\"ulerlabor}},
howpublished = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE ZDI},
year = {2019},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{Lab4u - MINT macht digital, Sch\"ulerlabor}},
howpublished = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE ZDI},
year = {2019},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie NRW},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
title = {{Digital4u - Finde Deinen digitalen Traumberuf!}},
year = {2020},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
title = {{reWIR - Regionaler Wandel durch Innovation f\"ur digitale zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung im Ruhrgebiet - Bottrop}},
year = {2020},
note = {Research project with focus on digital circular economy (zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25},
url = {}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE ZDI},
title = {{Lab4u - MINT macht digital, Sch\"ulerlabor - Erweiterung}},
year = {2020},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie NRW},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
title = {{LAB4U - goes hybrid!}},
year = {2021},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie NRW},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
title = {{MINT4U`R Future LAB goes virtual!}},
year = {2021},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie NRW},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
title = {{Technikum goes digital!}},
year = {2022},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Event Series},
title = {{Zirkel.Training}},
year = {2021},
note = {series of events in cooperation with several universities (circular economy)},
howpublished = {Funded by Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie NRW},
timestamp = {2012.06.25},
url = {}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie NRW},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
title = {{VR{@}FutureLab}},
year = {2023}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Volkswagen Stiftung, Ref. 95 566},
note = {Associate member},
title = {{COURAGE - A Social Media Companion Safeguarding and Educating Students}},
year = {2023}
author = {Externally funded Project},
journal = {Funded by Landesregierung Nordrhein-Westfalen},
title = {{coding4u - Probleml{\"o}sen und Modellieren / coding4u}},
year = {2023},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies}
author = {funded Project},
howpublished = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
note = {Research project with focus on positive computing},
title = {{Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL). COIL-Project in Computer Science: Digitalization in business and society}},
year = {2021}
author = {Research Project},
journal = {Funded by European Union and Land NRW - EFRE},
title = {{{\#}digital.zirkul{\"a} Wissens- und Technologietransfer f{\"u}r die digitale Circular Economy in der Metropole Ruhr}},
year = {2024},
note = {Research project with focus on circular economy (zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung)},
url = {}
author = {Research Project},
journal = {Funded by European Union and Land NRW - EFRE},
title = {{Circular Performer Emscher-Lippe}},
year = {2024},
note = {Research project with focus on circular economy (zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung)},
url = {}
author = {Research Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Europ\"aische Union - Erasmus+},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with international educational partners and companies},
title = {{Integrating Data Analysis and AI in Learning experiences (IDEAL)}},
year = {2024},
timestamp = {2012.06.25},
url = {}
author = {Externally funded Project},
journal = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE},
title = {{MINT f\"ur alle - Bottrop fit f\"ur die Zukunft machen!}},
year = {2024},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies}
author = {Externally funded Project},
journal = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE},
title = {{MINT f\"ur alle - Oberhausen fit f\"ur die Zukunft machen!}},
year = {2024},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies}
author = {Research Project},
journal = {Funded by European Union and Landesregierung Nordrhein-Westfalen},
title = {{Transferhub Digitalisierung \& Circular Economy im Prosperkolleg}},
year = {2024},
note = {Research project with focus on digital circular economy (zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung)}
author = {Research Project},
journal = {Funded by European Union and Landesregierung Nordrhein-Westfalen},
title = {{}},
year = {2025},
note = {Research project with focus on digital circular economy (zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung)}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
note = {Mitglied des Beirats},
title = {{Kompetenzzentrums soziale Robotik 'RuhrBots'}},
year = {2023}
@comment{{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}}
author = {WAZ Oberhausen},
title = {{Neues Lernzentrum er\"offnet}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2018-09-28)},
year = {2018},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Gr\"undung des ZdI-Zentrums in Oberhausen},
url = {}
author = {Stadtmagazin Oberhausen},
title = {{Neues zdi-Zentrum in Oberhausen er\"offnet}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2018-09-27)},
year = {2018},
note = {Bericht \"uber das ZdI-Zentrum Oberhausen},
pages = {28},
url = {}
author = {oh-TV},
title = {{oh-TV, dein Stadtfernsehen aus Oberhausen - Zukunft durch Innovation Zentrum Oberhausen (news)}},
year = {2018},
note = {{Bericht \"uber die Gr\"undung des ZdI-Zentrums in Oberhausen}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
url = {}
author = {ZdI Portal},
howpublished = {online, print media (2018-09-28)},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Gr\"undung des ZdI-Zentrums in Oberhausen},
title = {{zdi-Zentrum Oberhausen er\"offnet: Digitalisierung mit MINT-Kenntnissen gemeinsam gestalten}},
year = {2018},
url = {}
author = {Metropole Ruhr},
title = {{zdi-Zentrum in Oberhausen er\"offnet}},
howpublished = {online, (2018-09-2)},
year = {2018},
url = {}
author = {ZdI},
title = {{Zukunft durch Innovation - Zentrum Oberhausen (news)}},
year = {2018},
note = {{Bericht \"uber die Gr\"undung des ZdI-Zentrums in Oberhausen, Interview mit Prof. Dr. Uwe Handmann}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
url = {}
author = {Westdeutscher Rundfunk},
title = {{Aktuelle Stunde, 24. Februar 2018 - Calliope und Programmierung im Unterricht (news)}},
howpublished = {Lokalzeit (wdr)},
year = {2018},
note = {{Kooperation mit dem zdi-Zentrum Bottrop}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.04.16}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Fit f\"ur die digitale Zukunft}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2017-12-14)},
year = {2017},
note = {Bericht \"uber ein Projekt des zdi-Zentrums mint4u der Hochschule Ruhr West},
url = {}
author = {HRW},
title = {{Per Roboter durch Labyrinthe zdi-Zentrum mint4u (Bericht)}},
booktitle = {Hochschule Ruhr West im Aufbau - Aus der Praxis f\"ur die Praxis},
publisher = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2013},
pages = {12-13},
note = {{ZdI-Zentrum Bottrop}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.08.14},
url = {}
author = {Zenit},
title = {{Zukunft durch Innovation.NRW (zdi) - Land NRW unterst\"utzt F\"orderung von MINT-Nachwuchs}},
howpublished = {Zenit Aktuell, 4. Quartal},
year = {2018},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Gut orientiert zum Studium praxis4u, campus4u (Bericht)}},
booktitle = {MeHRWert},
publisher = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2015},
number = {6},
pages = {3-4},
note = {{Projekt der Hochschule Ruhr West unter der Beteiligung des Kompetenzzentrums mint4u}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.04.14},
url = {}
author = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{HRW begeistert mit Netzwerkprojekt Sch\"uler - Mit Sensoren und Aktoren trennen Sch\"uler M\"ull gr\"undlich (Bericht)}},
booktitle = {MeHRWert},
publisher = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2015},
number = {7},
pages = {32},
note = {{Projekt der Hochschule Ruhr West unter der Beteiligung des Kompetenzzentrums mint4u}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.04.14},
url = {}
author = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Fr\"uh \"ubt sich...MINT-F\"orderung beim \"ubergang Schule - Hochschule (Bericht)}},
booktitle = {MeHRWert},
publisher = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2014},
number = {5},
pages = {14},
note = {{Projekt der Hochschule Ruhr West unter der Beteiligung des Kompetenzzentrums mint4u}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.04.14},
url = {}
author = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Faszination MINT - Begeisterung f\"ur Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik im Kompetenzzentrum 'mint4u' (Bericht)}},
booktitle = {MeHRWert},
publisher = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2013},
number = {3},
pages = {24-25},
note = {{Projekt der Hochschule Ruhr West unter der Beteiligung des Kompetenzzentrums mint4u}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.04.14},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Infobox},
title = {{N\"achstes zdi-Zentrum ist an der Hochschule Ruhr West}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-03-22)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Gr\"undung des ZdI-Zentrums in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Zdi-Zentrum Bottrop vernetzt Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft}},
howpublished = {online, print media},
year = {2013},
note = {Bericht \"uber dias zdi-Zentrum der Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Bottroper Grundsch\"uler experimentieren in der Kinderuni}},
howpublished = {online, print media},
year = {2018},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Kinder-Uni an der HRW in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Oberhausen},
title = {{Auszubildende beraten Sch\"uler in Jobfragen}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2017-08-25)},
year = {2017},
note = {Bericht \"uber praxis4u Oberhausen},
url = {}
author = {Stadtmagazin Oberhausen},
title = {{Praxis 4U: Neues Format f\"ur Sch\"uler und Betriebe}},
howpublished = {online, print media},
year = {2017},
note = {Bericht \"uber praxis4u Oberhausen},
pages = {28},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Sch\"uler schnuppern in technische Berufe}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2017-08-24)},
year = {2017},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Ferienangebot ferien4u der HRW},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Sch\"uler erkunden in Bottrop die Hochschulwelt}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2016-07-02)},
year = {2016},
note = {Bericht vom Tag der offenen T\"ur in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Hochsch\"uler studieren die Energiewende}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2015-08-05)},
year = {2015},
note = {Bericht aus der HRW in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ M\"ulheim},
title = {{M\"ulheimer Sch\"uler m\"oglichst fr\"uh f\"ur Technik begeistern}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2015-06-04)},
year = {2015},
note = {Bericht \"uber ein Kooperationsprojekt der Willy-Brandt Gesamtschule in M\"ulheim mit der ISam AG und der Hochschule Ruhr West},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Sch\"uler experimentieren wie Profis}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2014-11-13)},
year = {2014},
note = {Bericht \"uber campus4u, ein Format f\"ur Sch\"uler an der HRW in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Sch\"uler in Bottrop t\"ufteln an Elektronik von Luxuskarossen}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2014-11-20)},
year = {2014},
note = {Bericht \"uber ein Sch\"ulerprojekt im Bereich Fahrzeuginformationstechnik an der Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Ferienkinder l{\"o}sen am HRW Campus-Bottrop Kettenreaktion aus}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-08-02)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber ferein4u in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {Lokalkompass Bottrop},
title = {{Kostenloses Ferienprogramm an der HRW in Bottrop Sch\"uler ab Klasse acht k\"onnen im Sommer Hochschul-Luft schnuppern}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-07-02)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber ferein4u in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {NRZ Bottrop},
title = {{Ferienkinder l{\"o}sen am HRW Campus-Bottrop Kettenreaktion aus}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-08-02)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber ferein4u in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Ferienspa{\ss} mit kreativer Wissenschaft}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-08-03)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber ferien4u in Bottrop}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Feriencamp mit Sponsoren}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-08-03)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber ferein4u in Bottrop}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Workshops bieten Sch\"ulern Joborientierung}},
howpublished = {online, print media 2019-09-11},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber praxis4u der Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{So spannend kann es an der Uni sein}},
howpublished = {online, print media 2019-09-05},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber HRW kids/mint4u der Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {M\"uhlheimer Woche},
title = {{Ein lehrreicher Spa{\ss} auf der Schleuseninsel f\"ur alle Generationen}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-09-03)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber eine Aktion der HRW mit dem Haus Ruhrnatur},
url = {}
author = {NRZ Bottrop},
title = {{Grundsch\"uler verfolgen Experimente an der Hochschule}},
howpublished = {online, print media 2019-09-05},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber HRW kids/mint4u der Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {Stadtspiegel Bottrop},
title = {{Virtuelle Welten in Bottrop kennenlernen}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2017-09-01)},
year = {2017},
note = {Bericht \"uber eine Aktion der HRW mit dem Haus Ruhrnatur},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Sch\"uler k\"onnen experimentieren}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-11-28)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Mint-EC-Camp des zdi-Zentrums in Bottrop},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Oberhausen},
title = {{Oberhausen: Gr\"underzentrum der Hochschule Ruhr West geplant}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-01-21)},
year = {2020},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Gr\"underzentrum und das zdi-Sch\"ulerlabor in Oberhausen},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Oberhausen},
title = {{Mit Beton die Arbeitswelt erkunden}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-02-13)},
year = {2020},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Zentrum in Oberhausen},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {ZdI Portal},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-07-30)},
note = {Bericht \"uber ferien4u der ZdI-Zentren in Bottrop und Oberhausen},
title = {{Staatssekret\"ar Kaiser erkundet virtuellen Escape-Room}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {M\"uhlheimer Woche},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-07-31)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das mint4u Kompetenzzentrum der HRW},
title = {{NRW-Staatssekret\"ar Kaiser besucht virtuellen Escape Room}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-08-03)},
note = {Bericht \"uber ferein4u in Bottrop},
title = {{Statt zur Hochschule geht's ins Internet}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {OWT Oberhausen},
howpublished = {online (2020-09-02)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Sch\"ulerlabor 'Lab4u - MINT macht digital' in Oberhausen},
title = {{Schl\"ussel\"ubergabe f\"ur das zdi-Sch\"ulerlabor 'Lab4u - MINT macht digital'}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {zdi - Portal},
howpublished = {online (2020-09-03)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Sch\"ulerlabor 'Lab4u - MINT macht digital' in Oberhausen},
title = {{Schl\"ussel\"ubergabe beim 'Lab4u' - Ein zdi-Sch\"ulerlabor in der Oberhausener Innenstadt}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Oberhausen},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-09-04)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Sch\"ulerlabor 'Lab4u - MINT macht digital' in Oberhausen},
title = {{Hochschule richtet Sch\"uler-Labor ein}},
year = {2020},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Radio M\"ulheim},
howpublished = {online(2020-09-02)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Sch\"ulerlabor 'Lab4u - MINT macht digital' in Oberhausen},
title = {{Sch\"ulerlabor der HRW in Oberhausen}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {LokalKlick Oberhausen},
howpublished = {online(2020-09-02)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Sch\"ulerlabor 'Lab4u - MINT macht digital' in Oberhausen},
title = {{Schl\"ussel\"ubergabe im zdi-Sch\"ulerlabor 'Lab4u - MINT macht digital'}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {oh-TV},
note = {{Bericht \"uber die Gr\"undung des ZdI-Sch\"ulerlabors in Oberhausen}},
title = {{oh-TV, dein Stadtfernsehen aus Oberhausen - Hochschule Ruhr West er\"offnet Sch\"ulerlabor (video)}},
year = {2020},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-09-14)},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Talenttage Ruhr in Bottrop},
title = {{Talenttage Ruhr sollen auch die Bottroper Sch\"uler f\"ordern}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {oh-Stadtmagazin},
note = {{Bericht \"uber die Gr\"undung des ZdI-Sch\"ulerlabors in Oberhausen}},
title = {{Schl\"ussel\"ubergabe im zdi-Sch\"ulerlabor 'Lab4u - MINT macht digital'}},
year = {2020},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Oberhausen},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-12-14)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Sch\"ulerlabor in Oberhausen},
title = {{Schon 100.000 Euro f\"ur die Oberhausen Crowd gespendet}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2021-05-23)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Projekt digital4u},
title = {{Digital4u: Hier entdecken Sch\"uler den Spa{\ss} am Programmieren}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-06-05)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum mint4u},
title = {{HRW bietet Sch\"ulern Programmier-Kurse an}},
year = {2020}
author = {M\"uhlheimer Woche},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-06-08)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das mint4u Kompetenzzentrum der HRW},
title = {{HRW bietet zehn kostenlose Onlinekurse an - MINT f\"ur Sch\"uler in den Ferien}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {NRZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-06-16)},
note = {Bericht \"uber ferein4u in Bottrop},
title = {{Hochschule bietet Ferien-Camp jetzt online an}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {NRZ M\"ulheim},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-06-23)},
note = {Bericht \"uber ferein4u in Bottrop},
title = {{Knobelaufgaben f\"ur junge Menschen}},
year = {2020}
author = {Stadt Bottrop},
howpublished = {online (2021-05-12)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum mint4u},
title = {{Pakt f\"ur Informatik: Bottrop geht mit 'Digital4u' an den Start}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2021-02-23)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum mint4u},
title = {{Girls' Day: Digitale Angebote sind willkommen}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2021-07-21)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum mint4u},
title = {{HRW und Quartiersb\"uro wollen das Viertel beleben}},
year = {2021}
author = {WAZ Oberhausen},
howpublished = {online, print media (2021-07-01)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Zentrum Oberhausen},
title = {{Sch\"uler bauen nachhaltiges Modellhaus}},
year = {2021}
author = {WAZ Oberhausen},
howpublished = {online, print media (2021-07-01)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Zentrum Oberhausen},
title = {{Pakt f\"ur Informatik soll Jugendliche f\"ur Technik begeistern}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2021-07-02)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum mint4u},
title = {{Hochschule bietet Ferienkurs auf Prosper III in Bottrop an}},
year = {2021}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online (2021-10-08)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum mint4u},
title = {{Schnupperstudium an der HRW}},
year = {2021}
author = {Lokal Klick},
howpublished = {online (2021-10-08)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Sch\"ulerlabor},
title = {{Sch\"ulerlabor am HRW Campus Bottrop}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {Bottroper Zeitung},
howpublished = {online (2021-10-08)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Sch\"ulerlabor},
title = {{Sch\"ulerlabor am HRW Campus Bottrop}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {Dorstener Zeitung},
howpublished = {online, print media (2021-10-19)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kzdi Sch\"ulerlabor MINT4U'R Future},
title = {{Er\"offnung des Sch\"ulerlabors an der HRW}},
year = {2021}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2021-10-08)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi Sch\"ulerlabor MINT4U'R Future},
title = {{Sch\"ulerlabor ist er\"offnet}},
year = {2021}
author = {Stadtspiegel Bottrop},
howpublished = {online (2021-10-07)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Sch\"ulerlabor},
title = {{'MINT4U'R Future LAB' im Fokus}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online (2021-10-06)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum mint4u},
title = {{Hochschule l\"adt Sch\"uler ein}},
year = {2021}
author = {NRZ M\"ulheim},
howpublished = {online (2021-10-01)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum mint4u},
title = {{Kinder erleben die HRW}},
year = {2021}
author = {OWT Oberhausen},
howpublished = {online (2021-07-21)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Sch\"ulerlabor 'Lab4u - MINT macht digital' in Oberhausen},
title = {{Digital4u - Jugendliche f\"ur Informatik und Digitalisierung begeistern!}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {oh-Stadtmagazin},
note = {{Bericht \"uber das ZdI-Sch\"ulerlabors in Oberhausen}},
title = {{Ein Ort zum Entdecken und Ausprobieren}},
year = {2021},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pages = {53},
url = {}
author = {OWT Oberhausen},
howpublished = {online (2018-09-19)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Projekt praxis4u in Oberhausen},
title = {{praxis4u - Azubis f\"ur Sch\"uler – OWT und zdi aktiv gegen Fachkr\"aftemangel}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {Cityportal Bottrop},
howpublished = {online (2021-05-12)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum mint4u},
title = {{Pakt f\"ur Informatik: Bottrop geht mit 'Digital4u' an den Start}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {Smart Region Emscher-Lippe},
howpublished = {online (2021-05-12)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum mint4u},
title = {{Pakt f\"ur Informatik: Bottrop ist mit 'Digital4u' dabei}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {Stadt Bottrop},
howpublished = {online (2021-10-07)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum mint4u},
title = {{Er\"offnung des zdi-Sch\"ulerlabors am HRW Campus Bottrop}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {Wochenblatt Oberhausen},
howpublished = {print (2021-11-20)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Zentrum Oberhausen},
title = {{Nie wieder dicke Luft}},
year = {2021}
author = {LokalKlick Oberhausen},
howpublished = {online(2021-12-12)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Sch\"ulerlabor 'Lab4u - MINT macht digital' in Oberhausen},
title = {{Smart City Projekt: Sch\"ulerinnen und Sch\"uler leisten Beitrag zur intelligenten Stadtentwicklung}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {Stadtmagazin Oberhausen},
howpublished = {online, print media (2021-12-13)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das ZdI-Zentrum Oberhausen},
title = {{Smart City Projekt: Sch\"ulerinnen und Sch\"uler der Friedrich-Ebert-Realschule Oberhausen leisten Beitrag zur intelligenten Stadtentwicklung}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {Wochen Anzeiger},
howpublished = {online, print media (2021-07-31)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Zentrum der HRW},
title = {{Zehntkl\"asser besuchten Workshop zu 'Smart City Oberhausen'}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Oberhausen},
howpublished = {online, print media (2021-12-11)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Zentrum Oberhausen},
title = {{Sch\"ulerinnen und Sch\"uler t\"ufteln an der Smart-City-Zukunft}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {Dorstener Zeitung},
howpublished = {online, print media (2022-02-17)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das den Girls Day},
title = {{Aktionstag zur Berufsfindung}},
year = {2022}
author = {WAZ Oberhausen},
howpublished = {online, print media (2022-02-18)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Zentrum Oberhausen},
title = {{F\"ur die Technik begeistern}},
year = {2022}
author = {WAZ Oberhausen},
howpublished = {online, print media (2023-01-13)},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Gr\"undung des ZdI-Zentrums in Oberhausen},
title = {{Warum Oberhausen eine Akademie nur f\"ur M\"adchen er\"offnet}},
year = {2023},
url = {}
author = {Stadtspiegel Bottrop},
title = {{Br\"ucken bauen}},
year = {2015},
note = {Bericht \"uber praxis4u},
howpublished = {online, print media (2015-02-11)},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Oberhausen},
howpublished = {online, print media (2023-09-02)},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Girls academy Oberhausen},
title = {{Girls Academy geht nach zwei Jahren Kampf an den Start}},
year = {2023},
url = {}
author = {NRZ Oberhausen},
howpublished = {online, print media (2023-09-04)},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Girls academy Oberhausen},
title = {{Oberhausen: Warum es M\"adchen in Technikberufen schwer haben}},
year = {2023},
url = {}
author = {Bottroper Zeitung},
howpublished = {online, print media (2024-09-24)},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Code Week},
title = {{Digitale Skills f\"ur Kinder und Jugendliche}},
year = {2024},
url = {}
author = {Stadt Bottrop},
howpublished = {online (2024-10-18)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum mint4u},
title = {{Erfolgreicher Workshop 'KI4U' im FabLab}},
year = {2024},
url = {}
author = {Stadt Bottrop},
howpublished = {online (2024-11-27)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum mint4u},
title = {{Ministerin Ina Brandes \"ubergibt F\"orderung an zdi-Zentrum}},
year = {2024},
url = {}
author = {Bottroper Zeitung},
howpublished = {online (2021-05-12)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Zentrum Bottropr},
title = {{Pakt für Informatik: Bottrop geht mit 'Digital4u' an den Start}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {Bottroper Zeitung},
howpublished = {online (2022-10-28)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Sch\"ulerlabor},
title = {{Hochschule Ruhr West und Referat Migration werben f\"ur MINT-Berufe}},
year = {2022},
url = {}
author = {Stadt Oberhausen},
howpublished = {online (2025-02-25)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das ZdI-Zentrum in Oberhausen},
title = {{zdi-Netzwerkf\"orderung: Netzwerke im Regierungsbezirk D\"usseldorf erhalten F\"orderbescheide in Oberhausen}},
year = {2025},
url = {}
author = {oh-TV},
note = {{Bericht \"uber das ZdI-Sch\"ulerlaborin Oberhausen}},
title = {{Netzwerke im Regierungsbezirk D\"usseldorf erhalten F\"orderbescheide in Oberhausen}},
year = {2025},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
url = {}
author = {oh-TV},
note = {{Bericht \"uber die das ZdI-Sch\"ulerlabor in Oberhausen}},
title = {{oh-TV, dein Stadtfernsehen aus Oberhausen - Besuch der NRW Ministerin Ina Brandes im LAB4U (video)}},
year = {2025},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
url = {}
author = {Wochenanzeiger Oberhausen},
howpublished = {online, print media (2025-02-18)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Zentrum Oberhausen},
title = {{Netzwerke im Regierungsbezirk D\"usseldorf erhalten F\"orderbescheide in Oberhausen}},
year = {2025},
url = {}
author = {LokalKlick Oberhausen},
howpublished = {online(2021-12-12)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das zdi-Zentrum in Oberhausen},
title = {{zdi-Netzwerkf\"orderung: Netzwerke im Regierungsbezirk D\"usseldorf erhalten F\"orderbescheide in Oberhausen}},
year = {2025},
url = {}
@comment{{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Auf Du und Du mit Robotern}},
howpublished = {online, print media},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Campus w\"achst auf 1600 Studenten an}},
howpublished = {online, print media},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Partnerhochschulen in elf L\"andern Europas - Studienstiftung Grasedieck unterst\"utzt Exkursion von Erstsemestern nach Rum\"anien}},
howpublished = {print media, online (2019-04-06)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Studienstiftung zeichnet drei Studentinnen aus}},
howpublished = {online, print media},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Vortrag in Bottrop: Wie macht Alexa eigentlich das Licht an?}},
howpublished = {online, print media},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Studium Generale der Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Firmen legen sich f\"ur Auszubildende von morgen ins Zeug}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2018-09-25)},
year = {2018},
url = {}
author = {Lokalkompass Oberhausen},
title = {{Gegen Fachkr\"aftemangel}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2018-09-20)},
year = {2018},
note = {Bericht \"uber Praxis4u in Oberhausen},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Grasedieck-Stiftung zeichnet Studenten f\"ur Masterarbeiten aus}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2018-02-07)},
year = {2018},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Hochschule begr\"usst in Bottrop 400 neue Erstsemester}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2018-10-01)},
year = {2018},
note = {Bericht \"uber den Semesterstart an der Hochschule Ruhr West, WS 2018}
author = {Handelsregisterauszug},
title = {{IQServ GmbH}},
howpublished = {online, print media},
year = {2018},
note = {HRB 30711: iQserv Beratung und Dienstleistung GmbH, M\"ulheim an der Ruhr, Lahnstr. 35, 45478 M\"ulheim an der Ruhr. Gesellschaft mit beschr\"ankter Haftung. Gesellschaftsvertrag vom 13.03.2018. Gesch\"aftsanschrift: Lahnstr. 35, 45478 M\"ulheim an der Ruhr. Gegenstand: die Entwicklung und Nutzung neuer Verfahren und Methoden zur Untersuchung von Industrieanlagen und deren Auswertung sowie generelle Beratungsleistungen im Zusammenhang mit der Digitalisierung von Industrieprozessen. Gesch\"aftsf\"uhrer: Dr. Handmann, Uwe; Korte, Nicolas; Maiwald, Walter},
url = {}
author = {idw - Informationsdienst Wissenschaft},
howpublished = {online, print media},
note = {Bericht \"uber den Besuch von Wirtschaftsminister Prof. Dr. Pinkwart an der HRW},
title = {{Minister Pinkwart besuchte Hochschule Ruhr West}},
year = {2018},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Minister tritt wie ein Coach auf}},
howpublished = {online, print media},
year = {2018},
note = {Bericht \"uber den Besuch von Wirtschaftsminister Prof. Dr. Pinkwart an der HRW},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bochum},
title = {{Quartier agil bewegt Senioren}},
howpublished = {online, print media},
year = {2018},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Forschungsprojekt Quartier agil},
url = {}
author = {Stadtspiegel Bottrop},
title = {{4,5 Millionen Euro f\"ur HRW-Kompetenzzentrum}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2017-04-25)},
year = {2017},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Prosperkolleg - Zentrum f\"ur Zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{400 Studenten beginnen ihr erstes Semester in Bottrop}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2017-10-02)},
year = {2017},
note = {Bericht \"uber den Semesterstart an der Hochschule Ruhr West, WS 2017},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Hochschule bietet F\"uhrungen \"uber den Campus an}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2017-06-01)},
year = {2017},
note = {Bericht \"uber den Campus Bottrop der Hochschule Ruhr West},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Hochschule schafft 20 Top-Jobs}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2017-11-10)},
year = {2017},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Hochschule Ruhr West, Prosper III, 2017}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Hochschule verbessert Ruf von Jahr zu Jahr}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2017-07-04)},
year = {2017},
note = {Bericht \"uber einen Hochschulrundgang in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Wert der Rohstoffe soll erhalten bleiben}},
howpublished = {online, print media},
year = {2017},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Planungen zum Aufdau des Prosperkolleg - Zentrum f\"ur zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung},
url = {}
author = {WAZ},
title = {{Wie Drohnen die Rotorbl\"atter von Windr\"adern pr\"ufen sollen}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2017-02-21)},
year = {2017},
note = {Bericht \"uber ein Kooperationsprojekt der iQbis mit dem Institut Informatik der HRW (Prof. Dr. Handmann)},
url = {}
author = {Stadtspiegel Bochum},
title = {{Aktiv vor Ort: Trainingsprogramm f\"ur \"altere Menschen im Quartier}},
howpublished = {online, print media},
year = {2016},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Forschungsprojekt QuartierAgil},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Berufskolleg hat eine Warteliste}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2016-04-12)},
year = {2016},
note = {Bericht aus dem Schulausschuss der Stadt Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Das hat der Campus Bottrop an Studieng\"angen zu bieten}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2016-05-18)},
year = {2016},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Studieng\"ange der Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{HRW gr\"undet neues Institut in Bottrop}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2016-11-06)},
year = {2016},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Neugr\"undung des Instituts 'Positive Computing'},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Schulwechsel k\"onnte leichter fallen}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2016-11-28)},
year = {2016},
note = {Bericht von der Bildungskonferenz in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Seniorenunion erkundet die Hochschule}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2016-03-04)},
year = {2016},
note = {Bericht von einer F\"uhrung durch die HRW in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Bottroper Studenten bauen Mini-Hovercraft}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2015-08-04)},
year = {2015},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Format WAZ \"offnet die Pforten an der Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Geb\"aude ist Teil der Forschung}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2015-03-24)},
year = {2015},
note = {Bericht \"uber das neue Hochschulgeb\"aude in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Hochschule rechnet mit starkem Zuwachs}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2015-03-24)},
year = {2015},
note = {Bericht \"uber das neue Hochschulgeb\"aude in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Ruhr West Studierende bauen Rennauto mit Elektromotor}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2014-02-17)},
year = {2014},
note = {Bericht \"uber ein Studentenprojekt (eMotion Racing) an der Hochschule Ruhr West},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Wirtschaft trifft Wissenschaft}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2014-05-17)},
year = {2014},
note = {Bericht \"uber Forschungsprojekte und Technologietransfer an der HRW},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Hochschule erweitert ihr Master-Angebot}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2013-10-18)},
year = {2013},
note = {Bericht \"uber die HRW in Bottrop}
author = {NRZ M\"ulheim},
title = {{Hochschule kooperiert mit IT-Beratern}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2013-02-01)},
year = {2013},
note = {Bericht \"uber die HRW in Bottrop}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{IT-Berater und Hochschule kooperieren}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2013-03-18)},
year = {2013},
note = {Bericht \"uber die HRW in Bottrop}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Nach dem Abi in die Hochschule}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2013-01-10)},
year = {2013},
note = {Bericht \"uber die HRW in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{269 'Erstis' starten ins Studium an der Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2012-10-01)},
year = {2012},
note = {Bericht von der Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Computer, die Kn\"ollchen verhindern}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2012-01-14)},
year = {2012},
note = {Bericht von der HRW in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Die Hochschule Ruhr West w\"achst}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2012-01-12)},
year = {2012},
note = {Bericht \"uber die HRW in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Elektro-Luxusautos dienen Studienzwecken}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2012-06-14)},
year = {2012},
note = {Bericht \"uber BRABUS und den Kooperationspartner Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Hochschule Ruhr West vergibt 14 Stipendien}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2012-03-20)},
year = {2012},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Stipendienprogramm an der HRW},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{HRW sichert hohe Standards zu}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2012-01-21)},
year = {2012},
note = {Bericht \"uber die HRW}
author = {Stadtspiegel Bottrop},
title = {{Der Apfel f\"allt nicht weit vom Stamm}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2011-01-05)},
year = {2011},
note = {Bericht \"uber das BMBF-Forschungsprojekt APFel}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Energieversorgung neu entwickeln}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2011-06-26)},
year = {2011},
note = {Bericht \"uber den neuen Studiengang Energieinformatik der HRW},
url = {}
author = {Stadtspiegel Bottrop},
title = {{Freude am logischen Denken}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2017-08-03)},
year = {2011},
note = {Bericht \"uber den neuen Studiengang Energieinformatik der HRW}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Vorlesungen zum Schnuppern}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2011-01-20)},
year = {2011},
note = {Bericht \"uber die HRW in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Wie eine staatliche Privat-Uni}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2011-02-04)},
year = {2011},
note = {Bericht \"uber die HRW in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {NRZ M\"ulheim},
title = {{Gefahr erkannt Gefahr gebannt}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2010-05-10)},
year = {2010},
note = {Bericht \"uber das BMBF-Forschungsprojekt APFel}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Informatik f\"ur den Alltag}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2010-07-16)},
year = {2010},
note = {Bericht \"uber Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Handmann - Institut Informatik}
author = {},
title = {{R\"uckw\"arts und vorw\"arts gerichtete \"uberwachung}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2010-07-05)},
year = {2010},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Sicherheitsforschungsprogramm der Bundesregierung Deutschland},
url = {}
author = {WAZ M\"ulheim},
title = {{Vom Sauerland an die Ruhr}},
howpublished = {online, print media},
year = {2010},
note = {Bericht \"uber Prof. Dr. Uwe Handmann}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Wenn die Kaffeemaschine mitdenkt}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2010-07-15)},
year = {2010},
note = {Bericht \"uber die HRW in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ},
title = {{Wissenswert - APFel sieht alles}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2010-05-15)},
year = {2010},
note = {Bericht \"uber das BMBF-Forschungsprojekt APFel}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Vortrag: Vom Gehirn zur Maschine und zur\"uck}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2012-01-06)},
year = {2012},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Studium Generale der HRW},
url = {}
author = {Hochschulnetzwerk},
title = {{Augmented Reality im Handwerk}},
howpublished = {online},
year = {2017},
note = {Beitrag \"uber das Projekt ARSuL des Instituts Informatik},
url = {}
author = {oh-TV},
title = {{oh-TV, dein Stadtfernsehen aus Oberhausen - praxis4u in Oberhausen (news)}},
year = {2018},
note = {{Bericht \"uber die Veranstaltung praxis4u in Oberhausen }},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
url = {}
author = {oh-TV},
title = {{oh-TV, dein Stadtfernsehen aus Oberhausen - praxis4u in Oberhausen (news)}},
year = {2017},
note = {{Bericht \"uber die Veranstaltung praxis4u in Oberhausen, Interview mit Prof. Dr. Uwe Handmann}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
url = {}
author = {N-TV},
title = {{APFel soll f\"ur Sicherheit sorgen}},
howpublished = {online (2010-05-07)},
year = {2010},
note = {Bericht \"uber das BMBF-Forschungsprojekt APFel}
author = {Westdeutscher Rundfunk},
title = {{Lokalzeit ruhr, 21. April 2017 - Prosperkolleg - Kompetenzzentrum f\"ur zirkul\"ares Wirtschaften (news)}},
howpublished = {Lokalzeit (wdr)},
year = {2017},
note = {{Interview mit Prof. Dr. Uwe Handmann}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.04.16}
author = {ZDF},
title = {{heute journal 10. Oktober 2006- Forschungsprojekt Fotofahndung (news)}},
howpublished = {heute journal},
year = {2006},
note = {{Projekt unter Beteiligung der Projektgruppe von Dr. Handmann}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.04.16}
author = {Wirtschaftsbericht Ruhr},
year = {2016},
note = {Interview mit Lorenco Croce Projektpartner im Projekt Damokles 4.0 mit Beteiligung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Handmann - Institut Informatik}
author = {CPS.HUB/NRW},
title = {{DamokleS 4.0}},
howpublished = {online, print media},
year = {2017},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Forschungsprojekt Damokles 4.0},
url = {}
author = {Umweltdialog},
title = {{Hochschule Ruhr West forscht an Intelligenter Mobilit\"at}},
howpublished = {online},
month = {M\"arz},
year = {2018},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.06.24},
url = {}
author = {WiN Emscher-Lippe},
title = {{Gremien der WiN Emscher-Lippe GmbH-Beirat}},
howpublished = {online},
year = {2017},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.06.24},
url = {}
author = {WiN Emscher-Lippe},
title = {{Emscher-Lippe-Region mit vielen innovativen Projekten}},
howpublished = {online},
year = {2018},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.06.24},
url = {}
author = {Radio Sauaerland},
title = {{Hochschulradio Meeschede 21.12.2008, 19:04Uhr (Interview)}},
howpublished = {UKW 104,9 (Meschede)},
month = {December},
year = {2008},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.04.16}
author = {{M\"ulheim \& Business}},
title = {{Die Welt von morgen mitgestalten - Hochschule Ruhr West: Prof. Dr. Uwe Handmann, Leiter des Instituts Informatik (Interview)}},
booktitle = {{M\"ulheim \& Business Journal - Das Kundenmagazin der M\"ulheim \& Business GmbH Wirtschaftsf\"orderung}},
publisher = {M\"ulheim \& Business GmbH Wirtschaftsf\"orderung, Wiesenstra{\ss}e 35, 45473 M\"ulheim an der Ruhr},
year = {2011},
number = {4},
pages = {12-13},
month = {December},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.08.20},
url = {}
author = {{M\"ulheim \& Business}},
title = {{Hochschule Ruhr West fasst Fu{\ss} in der Wirtschaft (Bericht)}},
booktitle = {{M\"ulheim \& Business Journal - Das Kundenmagazin der M\"ulheim \& Business GmbH Wirtschaftsf\"orderung}},
publisher = {M\"ulheim \& Business GmbH Wirtschaftsf\"orderung, Wiesenstra{\ss}e 35, 45473 M\"ulheim an der Ruhr},
year = {2012},
number = {4},
pages = {6-9},
month = {December},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.08.20},
url = {}
author = {{M\"ulheim \& Business}},
title = {{iQscan entwickelt patentiertes Pr\"ufverfahren f\"ur Windkraftanlagen (Bericht)}},
booktitle = {{M\"ulheim \& Business Journal - Das Kundenmagazin der M\"ulheim \& Business GmbH Wirtschaftsf\"orderung}},
publisher = {M\"ulheim \& Business GmbH Wirtschaftsf\"orderung, Wiesenstra{\ss}e 35, 45473 M\"ulheim an der Ruhr},
year = {2017},
number = {1},
pages = {12-13},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.08.20},
url = {}
author = {HRW},
title = {{Informatik f\"ur den Alltag - Institut Informatik (Bericht)}},
booktitle = {Hochschule Ruhr West im Aufbau - Aus der Praxis f\"ur die Praxis},
publisher = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2013},
pages = {28-29},
note = {{Institut Informatik, Leiter: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Handmann}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.08.14},
url = {}
chapter = {{Informatik f\"ur den Alltag}},
pages = {28-29},
title = {{Hochschule Ruhr West im Aufbau Aus der Praxis f\"ur die Praxis}},
publisher = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2010},
author = {HRW},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.09.16}
chapter = {{Per Roboter durch Labyrinthe}},
pages = {12-13},
title = {{Hochschule Ruhr West im Aufbau Aus der Praxis f\"ur die Praxis}},
publisher = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2010},
author = {HRW},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.09.16}
author = {Umbau21},
title = {{Zwei neue Mitglieder im Umbau21-Beirat}},
journal = {Umbau21},
year = {2017},
number = {06-2017},
pages = {7},
url = {}
author = {Umbau21},
title = {{Kompetenzzentrum soll nach Bottrop}},
journal = {Umbau21},
year = {2017},
number = {04-2017},
pages = {21},
url = {}
author = {Umbau21},
title = {{Innovative Arbeitspl\"atze}},
journal = {Umbau21},
year = {2018},
number = {07-2018},
pages = {23},
url = {}
author = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Innovative Inspektion - Softwareentwicklung zur Fehlererkennung im Inneren von Rotorbl\"attern (Bericht)}},
booktitle = {MeHRWert},
publisher = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2017},
number = {10},
pages = {38},
note = {{Forschungsprojekt kEFIR (Projektleiter Prof. Dr. Uwe Handmann), gef\"ordert durch das BMWI (ZIM)}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.04.14},
url = {}
author = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Flexibler produzieren durch Echtzeit-Infos - Forschungsprojekt unterst\"utzt kontextbasiert die Schwerindustrie (Bericht)}},
booktitle = {MeHRWert},
publisher = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2017},
number = {10},
pages = {40-41},
note = {{Forschungsprojekt Damokles 4.0, gef\"ordert durch Leitmarktwettbewerb IKT.NRW (EFRE)}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.04.14},
url = {}
author = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Aufnahme von Bewegungsdaten mittels Motion Capture System zum Aufbau einer Datenbank (Bericht)}},
booktitle = {MeHRWert},
publisher = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2014},
number = {4},
pages = {40},
note = {{Forschungsprojekt (Projektleiter Prof. Dr. Uwe Handmann), gef\"ordert durch die HRW}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.04.14},
url = {}
author = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Virtuelles St\"uck Wissenschaft (Bericht)}},
booktitle = {MeHRWert},
publisher = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2014},
number = {4},
pages = {24-25},
note = {{Projekt e-Learning der Hochschule Ruhr West unter der Beteiligung von Prof. Dr. Uwe Handmann}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.04.14},
url = {}
author = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Best Practice - Erfolgreiche Kooperationen (Bericht)}},
booktitle = {MeHRWert},
publisher = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2014},
number = {5},
pages = {31},
note = {{Projektvorstellung APFel, gef\"ordert durch das BMBF (Projektleiter Prof. Dr. Uwe Handmann) und Projektvorstellung SCD-Device, gef\"ordert durch das BMWI-ZIM (Projektleiter Prof. Dr. Uwe Handmann)}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.04.14},
url = {}
author = {fh20},
title = {{Flughafensicherheit - Analyse von Personen an Flugh\"afen (Bericht)}},
booktitle = {fh20 - Lebendige Forschung an Fachhochschulen},
publisher = {zefo K\"oln},
year = {2013},
note = {{Forschungsprojekt APFel (Projektleiter Prof. Dr. Uwe Handmann), gef\"ordert durch das Sicherheitsforschungsprogramm der Bundesregierung (BMBF)}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.02.09},
url = {}
author = {NRW, Hochschulnetzwerk},
title = {{Flughafensicherheit - Analyse von Personen an Flugh\"afen (Bericht)}},
booktitle = {{IT-SICHERHEIT -L\"osungsangebote f\"ur Unternehmen in NRW}},
publisher = {Hochschulnetzwerk NRW},
year = {2019},
note = {{Forschungsprojekt APFel, gef\"ordert durch das Sicherheitsforschungsprogramm der Bundesregierung (BMBF)}},
pdf = {},
timestamp = {2017.02.09},
url = {}
author = {Remscheider Generalanzeiger},
title = {{Autonomes Fahren: Land empfiehlt Uni}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-02-23)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum Autonomes Fahren}
author = {Wuppertaler Rundschau},
title = {{Anlaufstelle f\"ur autonomes Fahren}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-02-23)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum Autonomes Fahren},
url = {}
author = {WZ Wuppertal},
title = {{Autonomes Fahren: F\"orderung vom Land}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-02-21)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum Autonomes Fahren},
url = {}
author = {Markt \& Technik},
title = {{Hochschule Ruhr West / iQbis - Materialfehler im Inneren von Rotorbl\"attern finden}},
journal = {Markt \& Technik},
year = {2017},
url = {}
author = {NRW, Hochschulnetzwerk},
title = {{'Prosperkolleg' - innovatives und nachhaltiges Wirtschaften (Bericht)}},
howpublished = {Hochschulnetzwerk NRW},
year = {2019},
note = {{Forschungsprojekt Prosperkolleg, gef\"ordert durch das Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen}},
url = {}
author = {WiN Emscher-Lippe GmbH},
title = {{Prosperkolleg gestartet (Bericht)}},
howpublished = {online},
year = {2019},
note = {{Forschungsprojekt Prosperkolleg, gef\"ordert durch das Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen}},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Neue Ideenschmiede zieht ein ins ehemalige Gr\"underzentrum}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-08-28)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber Prosperkolleg e.V. in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WR Bottrop},
title = {{Neue Ideenschmiede zieht ein ins ehemalige Gr\"underzentrum}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-08-28)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber Prosperkolleg e.V. in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {IKZ Bottrop},
title = {{Neue Ideenschmiede zieht ein ins ehemalige Gr\"underzentrum}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-08-28)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber Prosperkolleg e.V. in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {Stadtzeitung Wuppertal},
title = {{Kompetenzzentrum Autonomes Fahren startet durch}},
howpublished = {online, print media 2019-09-11},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum Autonomes Fahren},
url = {}
author = {Lokalkompass Bottrop},
title = {{Wissenschaftlerinnen ausgezeichnet}},
howpublished = {online, print media 2019},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop}
author = {Wuppertaler Rundschau},
title = {{Wuppertal hat jetzt ein Expertenzentrum f\"ur autonomes Fahren}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-09-17)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum Autonomes Fahren},
url = {}
author = {WZ Wuppertal},
title = {{Uni forscht zu autonomem Fahren}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-09-16)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum Autonomes Fahren}
author = {Remscheider Generalanzeiger},
title = {{Uni forscht zu autonomem Fahren}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-09-17)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum Autonomes Fahren}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Hochschule wirkt auf Wirtschaft und Stadt}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-10-23)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {meo},
title = {{Forschen f\"ur den Klimaschutz - Auch intelligente Mobilit\"at dient dem Klimaschutz}},
howpublished = {meo - das Wirtschaftsmagazin f\"ur M\"ulheim an der Ruhr, Essen und Oberhausen},
year = {2019},
note = {Industrie- und Handelskammer f\"ur Essen, M\"ulheim an der Ruhr, Oberhausen, 45117 Essen},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {WR Bottrop},
title = {{Hochschule wirkt auf Wirtschaft, Nachwuchs und Stadt}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-10-23)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {NRZ Bottrop},
title = {{Hochschule wirkt auf Wirtschaft, Nachwuchs und Stadt}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-10-23)},
year = {2019},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {idw - Informationsdienst Wissenschaft},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-11-14)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Projekt Prosperkolleg - Zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung},
title = {{Produkte endlos denken: Auftaktveranstaltung des Projektes 'Prosperkolleg' zur zirkul\"aren Wertsch\"opfung}},
year = {2019},
url = {}
author = {Umbau21},
title = {{Erfolgreicher Auftakt f\"urs Prosperkolleg}},
journal = {Umbau21},
year = {2019},
number = {12-2019},
pages = {10-11},
url = {}
author = {NRW, Hochschulnetzwerk},
title = {{{Automatisiertes Fahren und intelligente Mobilit\"atskonzepte - Kompetenzzentrum Autonomes Fahren (ADAMS), Bergisches St\"adtedreieck}n (Bericht)}},
howpublished = {Hochschulnetzwerk NRW},
year = {2019},
note = {{Forschungsprojekt ADAMS, gef\"ordert durch das Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen}},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Ministerium gibt 1,7 Millionen Euro f\"ur das Projekt}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-01-05)},
year = {2020},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum Autonomes Fahren in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{Bottrop: Wenn der Mensch nicht mehr am Steuer sitzt}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-01-05)},
year = {2020},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Kompetenzzentrum Autonomes Fahren in Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
title = {{HRW l\"adt ein zur F\"uhrung \"uber den Campus Bottrop}},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-02-11)},
year = {2020},
note = {Bericht \"uber die HRW am Campus Bottrop},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-03-24)},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop},
title = {{HRW kooperiert mit Uni in Rum\"anien}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {Stadtspiegel Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-03-28)},
note = {Bericht \"uber eine Exkurssion nach Cluj-Napoca},
title = {{Ideen und Inspirationen}},
year = {2020}
author = {idw - Informationsdienst Wissenschaft},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-04-15)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Projekt Prosperkolleg - Zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung},
title = {{Prosperkolleg: Erfolgreiche virtuelle Konferenz vernetzt Forschungsakteure}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-05-05)},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop},
title = {{Bottrop: Marienhospital ist coronafrei - Wieder Operationen}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {Stadtspiegel Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-05-23)},
note = {Bericht \"uber den Projektantrag reWIR},
title = {{Idee zum nachhaltigen Strukturwandel - Hochschule Ruhr West \"uberzeugte mit dem Projekt 'reWIR'}},
year = {2020}
author = {M\"uhlheimer Woche},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-05-23)},
note = {Bericht \"uber den Projektantrag reWIR},
title = {{Nachhaltiger Strukturwandel - HRW und Impact Hub Ruhr \"uberzeugen mit Projektidee}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {WZ Mettmann},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-09-05)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Centrum f\"ur Automatisierte Mobilit\"at (CAMO)},
title = {{Automatisierte Mobilit\"at an der Universit\"at}},
year = {2020}
author = {Wuppertaler Rundschau},
howpublished = {online, print media (2019-09-18)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Centrum f\"ur Automatisierte Mobilit\"at (CAMO)},
title = {{Diskussion \"uber eine digitale Verkehrsinfrastruktur}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-10-04)},
note = {Bericht \"uber den Start des Wintersemesters in Bottrop},
title = {{Die Hochschule plant zweigleisig f\"ur das Wintersemester}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {WZ Wuppertal},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-12-03)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Prosperkolleg in Bottrop},
title = {{Wirtschaftsminister Pinkwart: Das k\"onnte f\"ur NRW einen wichtigen Impuls geben}},
year = {2020}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-12-09)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Prosperkolleg in Bottrop},
title = {{Prosperkolleg sucht Unternehmen f\"ur Studie}},
year = {2020}
author = {meo},
howpublished = {meo - das Wirtschaftsmagazin f\"ur M\"ulheim an der Ruhr, Essen und Oberhausen},
note = {Industrie- und Handelskammer f\"ur Essen, M\"ulheim an der Ruhr, Oberhausen, 45117 Essen},
title = {{Projekt 'reWIR' sucht Partnerunternehmen}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {NZR M\"ulheim},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-05-27)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Projekt reWIR},
title = {{Konzept für Strukturwandel in der Region}},
year = {2020}
author = {WZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-07-01)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Gr\"underzentrum Proper III in Bottrop},
title = {{Ein erster Schritt zur Erweiterung der Hochschule in Bottrop}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {Lokalkompass Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-07-02)},
note = {Bericht \"uber Prosper III},
title = {{Hochschule Ruhr West zieht in das Gr\"underzentrum Prosper III ein - Symbolische Schl\"usselübergabe auf Prosper III durch OB Bernd Tischler}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {Ruhr Nachrichten},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-07-02)},
note = {Bericht \"uber Prosper III},
title = {{Hochschule Ruhr West zieht in Gr\"underzentrum}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-07-02)},
note = {Bericht \"uber Prosper III},
title = {{Erster Schritt zur HRW-Erweiterung}},
year = {2020}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-07-02)},
note = {Bericht \"uber Prosper III},
title = {{Lange Planungs-, Bewilligungs- und Umbauphase}},
year = {2020}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-09-29)},
note = {Bericht \"uber Prosperkolleg und Studienstiftung Grasedieck},
title = {{F\"orderung f\"ur Projekte in Bottrop}},
year = {2020}
author = {WZ Wuppertal},
howpublished = {online, print media (2020-09-24)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Centrum f\"ur Automatisierte Mobilit\"at (CAMO)},
title = {{Austausch zu vernetzter Mobilit\"at}},
year = {2020}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2021-07-10)},
note = {Bericht \"uber Prosperkolleg},
title = {{Forschung f\"ur die Kreislaufwirtschaft}},
year = {2021}
author = {UmweltDialog},
howpublished = {UmweltDialog - Wirtschaft Verantwortung Nachhltigkeit},
note = {Industrie- und Handelskammer f\"ur Essen, M\"ulheim an der Ruhr, Oberhausen, 45117 Essen},
title = {{Qualifizierungsangebote f\"ur Zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung entwickeln mit dem Prosperkolleg-Canvas}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2021-09-18)},
note = {Bericht \"uber Prosper III},
title = {{HRW in Bottrop w\"achst: Zweiter Standort Prosper III er\"offnet}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {idw - Informationsdienst Wissenschaft},
howpublished = {online, print media (2021-09-17)},
note = {Bericht \"uber Prosper III},
title = {{Hochschule Ruhr West er\"offnet neuen Hochschulstandort PROSPER III}},
year = {2020},
url = {}
author = {Stadt Bottrop},
howpublished = {online (2021-09-17)},
note = {Bericht \"uber Prosper III},
title = {{Zweiter Standort der HRW eingeweiht}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {Bottroper Zeitung},
howpublished = {online (2021-09-17)},
note = {Bericht \"uber die HRW in Bottrop},
title = {{Zweiter Standort auf Prosper III eingeweiht}},
year = {2021},
url = {}
author = {Lokalkompass Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media 2023},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Prosperkolleg in Bottrop},
title = {{NRW-Wirtschafts- und Klimaschutzministerin Mona Neubaur zu Gast in Bottrop}},
year = {2023}
author = {Stadt Bottrop},
howpublished = {online (2023-02-02)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Prosperkolleg},
title = {{Ministerin lobt Anpacker f\"ur Klimaschutz - Mona Neubaur informiert sich im Rathaus \"uber Zukunftsprojekte}},
year = {2023},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2023-02-07)},
note = {Bericht \"uber Prosperkolleg},
title = {{Mona Neubaur lobt die Beitr\"age der Stadt zum Klimaschutz}},
year = {2023},
url = {}
author = {Bottroper Zeitung},
howpublished = {online (2023-02-02)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Prosperkolleg in Bottrop},
title = {{Ministerin lobt Anpacker f\"ur Klimaschutz - Mona Neubaur informiert sich im Rathaus \"uber Zukunftsprojekte}},
year = {2023},
url = {}
author = {Effizienz-Agentur NRW},
howpublished = {online (2022)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Prosperkolleg in Bottrop},
title = {{Circular Economy Hotspot NRW: 400 internationale Experten diskutierten in Bottrop}},
year = {2022},
url = {}
author = {Umbau21},
journal = {Umbau21},
title = {{es findet ein extremer Wandel statt}},
year = {2021},
number = {17-2021},
pages = {34-35},
url = {}
author = {Effizienz-Agentur NRW},
howpublished = {online 2023},
note = {Bericht \"uber den Circular Design Summit in D\"usseldorf},
title = {{Zirkul\"are Produkte und Gesch\"aftsmodelle f\"ur eine ressourcenschonende Zukunft}},
year = {2023},
url = {}
author = {Lokalkompass M\"uhlheim},
howpublished = {online, print media 2023},
note = {Bericht \"uber Veröffentlichungen zu Deep Learning},
title = {{Promovendin Nermeen Abou Baker publiziert erfolgreich bei internationaler KI Konferenz}},
year = {2023},
url = {}
author = {Bottroper Zeitung},
howpublished = {online, print media 24.11.2023},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Prosperkolleg in Bottrop},
title = {{Circular Economy in der Region voranbringen}},
year = {2023},
url = {}
author = {Stadt Bottrop},
howpublished = {online (2023-12-01},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Prosperkolleg},
title = {{Im Schrott nach Rohstoffen sch\"urfen - Prosperkolleg zieht nach vier Jahren Circular Economy Bilanz}},
year = {2023},
url = {}
author = {Stadt Bottrop},
howpublished = {online (2023-12-08},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Prosperkolleg},
title = {{Kooperation f\"ur Kreislaufwirtschaft im Handwerk}},
year = {2023},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2024-04-29)},
note = {Bericht \"uber die Hochschule Ruhr West in Bottrop},
title = {{Neu an der HRW in Bottrop: Informatik in Teilzeit studieren}},
year = {2024},
url = {}
author = {Industrie.Zero \& Transformation},
howpublished = {online, print media (2024-04-29)},
note = {Bericht \"uber digital.zirkul\"},
title = {{Digitalisierung f\"ur mehr Kreislaufwirtschaft}},
year = {2024},
url = {}
author = {Bottroper Zeitung},
howpublished = {online (2024-10-16)},
note = {Bericht \"uber eine Veranstaltung zum Thema KI in Bottrop},
title = {{Hightech trifft auf Tradition im Bottroper Rathaus}},
year = {2024},
url = {}
author = {Stadt Bottrop},
howpublished = {online (2024-10-15)},
title = {{Hightech trifft auf Tradition}},
year = {2024},
url = {}
author = {cna - Net-zero sustainability, a low-carbon future},
title = {{Internationaler 'Circular Economy Hotspot' Die erste asiatische Veranstaltung findet in Taiwan statt}},
year = {2024},
url = {}
author = {NRW, Hochschulnetzwerk},
howpublished = {Hochschulnetzwerk NRW},
note = {{Prosperkolleg gef\"ordert durch das Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen}},
title = {{Zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung (Bericht)}},
year = {2024},
url = {}
author = {idw - Informationsdienst Wissenschaft},
howpublished = {online, print media (2024-11-26)},
note = {Bericht \"uber das Projekt Prosperkolleg - Zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung},
title = {{Mehr als 10 Mio. Euro F\"orderung f\"ur Transferhub: HRW treibt Digitalisierung und Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Region voran}},
year = {2024},
url = {}
author = {Stadt Bottrop},
howpublished = {online (2024-11-28)},
title = {{Zehn Millionen f\"ur HRW-Projekt}},
year = {2024},
url = {}
author = {WAZ Bottrop},
howpublished = {online, print media (2024-11-27)},
note = {Bericht \"uber den Transferhub Prosperkolleg},
title = {{Zehn Millionen Euro f\"ur die HRW}},
year = {2024},
url = {}
author = {nachrichten AG},
howpublished = {online, print media (2024-11-26)},
note = {Bericht \"uber den Transferhub Prosperkolleg},
title = {{Zehn Millionen Euro f\"ur Bottrop: Innovationstreiber der Kreislaufwirtschaft!}},
year = {2024},
url = {}
author = {open PR},
howpublished = {online, print media (2024-11-26)},
note = {Bericht \"uber den Transferhub Prosperkolleg},
title = {{Mehr als 10 Mio. Euro F\"orderung f\"ur Transferhub: HRW treibt Digitalisierung und Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Region voran}},
year = {2024},
url = {}
author = {Background Tagesspiegel},
howpublished = {online, print media (2024-11-27)},
note = {Bericht \"uber den Transferhub Prosperkolleg},
title = {{Transferhub f\"ur Digitalisierung und Kreislaufwirtschaft startet in NRW}},
year = {2024},
url = {}
author = {Umbau21},
journal = {Umbau21},
title = {{Auftakt f\"ur Circular Performer}},
year = {2024},
number = {23-2024},
pages = {28}
author = {Umbau21},
journal = {Umbau21},
title = {{Millionen-F\"orderung f\"ur Circular Economy}},
year = {2024},
number = {23-2024},
pages = {30--31}
author = {Metropole Ruhr},
journal = {Metropole Ruhr - Unterwegs im Ruhrgebiet},
title = {{Kreislaufwirtschaft st\"arkt das Ruhrgebiet}},
year = {2024},
number = {Winter 2024/25},
pages = {6--11}
author = {Metropole Ruhr},
journal = {Metropole Ruhr - Unterwegs im Ruhrgebiet},
title = {{Impulsgeber Forschung}},
year = {2024},
number = {Winter 2024/25},
pages = {20--21}
author = {Bottroper Zeitung},
howpublished = {online (2022-09-20)},
note = {Bericht \"uber den Circular Hotspot in Bottrop},
title = {{Keine Klimaneutralit\"at ohne Circular Economy}},
year = {2022},
url = {}
author = {Bottroper Zeitung},
howpublished = {online (2022-09-20)},
note = {Bericht \"uber den Circular Hotspot in Bottrop},
title = {{Race to Triple Zero: Startschuss in der Emscher-Lippe-Region}},
year = {2022},
url = {}
author = {Bottroper Zeitung},
howpublished = {online (2022-09-12)},
note = {Bericht \"uber den Circular Hotspot in Bottrop},
title = {{Circular Economy Hotspot in Bottrop hat begonnen}},
year = {2022},
url = {}
author = {Bottroper Zeitung},
howpublished = {online (2024-10-08)},
note = {Bericht \"uber ein Forschungsprojekt im Themenfeld Circular Economy},
title = {{Millionen-F\"orderung f\"ur Circular Economy}},
year = {2024},
url = {}
author = {Bottroper Zeitung},
howpublished = {online (2023-12-11)},
note = {Bericht \"uber die HRW und Circular Economy in Bottrop},
title = {{Kooperation für Kreislaufwirtschaft im Handwerk}},
year = {2023},
url = {}
@comment{{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}}
author = {Research Project},
journal = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
title = {{Digital GreenTech - Umwelttechnik trifft Digitalisierung}},
year = {2020},
note = {Research project with focus on digital circular economy (zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Rohrschneider, D. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2024)},
title = {{Parameter-efficient fine-tuning foundation models using adapters for instance segmentation tasks}},
year = {2024},
address = {Kolkata, India},
publisher = {IAPR},
pdf = {}
author = {funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Provinzverwaltung Limburg},
note = {Project with focus on circular economy (zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung)},
title = {Euregional Sustainability Center},
year = {2024}
@comment{{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}}
author = {Hermandi, C. and Dierke, L. and Alscher, S. and Grundmann, M. and Irrek, W.},
journal = {Prospektiven - Neues zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung - Circular Economy News},
title = {{Circular Economy in KMU -- Konzept zur Initiierung, Einf{\"u}hrung und Umsetzung}},
year = {2022},
issn = {2750-4840},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V., Uwe Handmann, Wolfgang Irrek, Sabine B{\"u}ttner (ed.)},
number = {02},
pages = {1--21},
volume = {2022},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Mast, J. and von Unruh, F. and Irrek, W.},
journal = {Prospektiven - Neues zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung - Circular Economy News},
title = {{R-Strategien und Innovation im Circular Economy Management}},
year = {2022},
issn = {2750-4840},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V., Uwe Handmann, Wolfgang Irrek, Sabine B{\"u}ttner (ed.)},
number = {04},
pages = {1--16},
volume = {2022},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {B{\"u}ttner, S. and Irrek, W. and Handmann, U.},
journal = {RETHINK. Impulse zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung / Enabling the Circular Economy},
title = {{Kompetenzzentrum Zirkul{\"a}re Wertsch{\"o}pfung NRW - Den Wandel zu einer nachhaltigen und kreislauff{\"a}higen Wirtschaft voranbringen}},
year = {2022},
issn = {2750-6215},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V., Uwe Handmann, Wolfgang Irrek, Sabine B{\"u}ttner (ed.)},
number = {01},
pages = {1--4},
volume = {2022},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {B{\"u}ttner, S. and Hermandi, C.},
journal = {Prospektiven - Neues zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung - Circular Economy News},
title = {{Konsum in der Circular Economy. Zur Rolle von Verbraucher:innen und nutzerzentriertem Design}},
year = {2022},
issn = {2750-4840},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V., Uwe Handmann, Wolfgang Irrek, Sabine B{\"u}ttner (ed.)},
number = {05},
pages = {1--17},
volume = {2022},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Mast, J. and von Unruh, F. and Irrek, W.},
journal = {Prospektiven - Neues zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung - Circular Economy News},
title = {{Begriffsdschungel rund ums zirkul{\"a}re Wirtschaften}},
year = {2022},
issn = {2750-4840},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V., Uwe Handmann, Wolfgang Irrek, Sabine B{\"u}ttner (ed.)},
number = {01},
pages = {1--13},
volume = {2022},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Grundmann, M. and Alscher, S.},
journal = {Prospektiven - Neues zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung - Circular Economy News},
title = {{Nachhaltige Lebensmittelverpackungen. Eine Bewertungsmatrix zum systematischen Nachhaltigkeitsvergleich}},
year = {2022},
issn = {2750-4840},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V., Uwe Handmann, Wolfgang Irrek, Sabine B{\"u}ttner (ed.)},
number = {03},
pages = {1--22},
volume = {2022},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Grundmann, M. and Alscher, S.},
journal = {RETHINK. Impulse zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung / Enabling the Circular Economy},
title = {{Systematische Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Lebensmittelverpackungen - Systematic sustainability assessment of food packaging}},
year = {2022},
issn = {2750-6215},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V., Uwe Handmann, Wolfgang Irrek, Sabine B{\"u}ttner (ed.)},
number = {02},
pages = {1--4},
volume = {2022},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Mast, J. and von Unruh, F. and Irrek, W.},
journal = {RETHINK. Impulse zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung / Enabling the Circular Economy},
title = {{R-Strategien als Leitlinien der Circular Economy - R-strategies as guidelines for the Circular Economy}},
year = {2022},
issn = {2750-6215},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V., Uwe Handmann, Wolfgang Irrek, Sabine B{\"u}ttner (ed.)},
number = {03},
pages = {1--3},
volume = {2022},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Collazos, C.A. and Geisler, S. and Eimler, S.C. and Uwe Handmann, U.},
journal = {Sustainability - Special Issue},
title = {{Advanced Cutting-Edge Research on Applied Research on Human-Computer Interaction}},
year = {2022},
issn = {2071-1050},
publisher = {MDPI},
url = {}
author = {Handmann, U. and Irrek, W. and B{\"u}ttner, S.},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V.},
title = {{RETHINK - Impulse zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung / Enabling the Circular Economy}},
year = {2022},
issn = {2750-6215},
journal = {RETHINK},
pdf = {},
publisher = {Prosperkolleg e.V.},
url = {},
volume = {2022}
author = {Handmann, U. and Irrek, W. and B{\"u}ttner, S.},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V.},
title = {{Prospektiven - Neues zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung - Circular Economy News}},
year = {2022},
issn = {2750-4840},
journal = {Prospektiven},
pdf = {},
publisher = {Prosperkolleg e.V.},
url = {},
volume = {2022}
author = {Jost, T. and Duddek, M.},
journal = {RETHINK. Impulse zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung / Enabling the Circular Economy},
title = {{Pre-Recycling mit chirurgischer Pr\"azision: Robotisierte Zerlegung von Elektrokleinger\"aten}},
year = {2022},
issn = {2750-6215},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V., Uwe Handmann, Wolfgang Irrek, Sabine B{\"u}ttner (ed.)},
number = {06},
pages = {1--3},
volume = {2022},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Jost, T. and Abou Baker, N.},
journal = {RETHINK. Impulse zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung / Enabling the Circular Economy},
title = {{K\"unstliche Intelligenz erm\"oglicht automatisiertes Smartphone-Recycling}},
year = {2022},
issn = {2750-6215},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V., Uwe Handmann, Wolfgang Irrek, Sabine B{\"u}ttner (ed.)},
number = {05},
pages = {1--4},
volume = {2022},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {B\"uttner, S. and Irrek, W. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Kompetenzzentrum CE.Hub.NRW - Den Wandel zu einer nachhaltigen und kreislauff\"ahigen Wirtschaft voranbringen}},
year = {2022},
issn = {2750-6215},
month = {December},
number = {RETHINK. Impulse zur zirkul\"aren Wertsch\"opfung / Enabling the Circular Economy 2022/07},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
institution = {Prosperkolleg e.V.},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Speck, E.},
journal = {Prospektiven - Neues zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung - Circular Economy News},
title = {{Zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung in den Bundesl\"andern. Stand und Strategien in den Bundesl\"andern im Vergleich zu Nordrhein-Westfalen}},
year = {2023},
issn = {2750-4840},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V., Uwe Handmann, Wolfgang Irrek, Sabine B{\"u}ttner (ed.)},
number = {01},
pages = {1--36},
volume = {2023},
pdf = {},
url = {}
editor = {B\"uttner, S. and Handmann, U. and Irrek, W.},
publisher = {Springer},
title = {{Transformation zur Circular Economy - Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen im Wandel begleiten}},
year = {2024},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-43338-3},
url = {}
author = {Caballero Echeverria, I. and Mast, J.},
journal = {Prospektiven - Neues zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung - Circular Economy News},
title = {{Mit KPIs die zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung und ihre Nachhaltigkeitswirkung messbar machen}},
year = {2023},
issn = {2750-4840},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V., Uwe Handmann, Wolfgang Irrek, Sabine B{\"u}ttner (ed.)},
number = {02},
pages = {1--13},
volume = {2023},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Beitz, B.},
title = {{Mit dem digitalen Produktpass die Welt retten? Nutzen und Akzeptanz aus der Perspektive von Verbrauchenden}},
year = {2023},
issn = {2750-6215},
month = {December},
number = {RETHINK. Impulse zur zirkul\"aren Wertsch\"opfung / Enabling the Circular Economy 2023/01},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
institution = {Prosperkolleg e.V.},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Hermandi, C. and Rosenbaum, J. and Caballero Echeverria, I.},
journal = {Prospektiven - Neues zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung - Circular Economy News},
title = {{Branchenanalyse des verarbeitenden Gewerbes in der Emscher-Lippe-Region}},
year = {2024},
issn = {2750-4840},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V., Uwe Handmann, Wolfgang Irrek, Sabine B{\"u}ttner (ed.)},
number = {01},
pages = {1--17},
volume = {2024},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {von Unruh, F.},
journal = {Prospektiven - Neues zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung - Circular Economy News},
title = {{Zusammenarbeit und Vernetzung als Erfolgsfaktoren einer Circular Economy. Erkenntnisse aus dem virtuellen Forschungsnetzwerk CEresearchNRW des Prosperkollegs}},
year = {2024},
issn = {2750-4840},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V., Uwe Handmann, Wolfgang Irrek, Sabine B{\"u}ttner (ed.)},
number = {02},
pages = {1--18},
volume = {2024},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {B\"uttner, S. and Szabo-M{\"u}ller, P. and W{\"o}hrmann, T. and Beitz, B. and Handmann, U.},
journal = {Prospektiven - Neues zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung - Circular Economy News},
title = {{Digitalisierung als Enabler f{\"u}r Circular Economy in NRW - Bereit f{\"u}r die doppelte Transformation?}},
year = {2024},
issn = {2750-4840},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V., Uwe Handmann, Wolfgang Irrek, Sabine B{\"u}ttner (ed.)},
number = {03},
pages = {1--31},
volume = {2024},
pdf = {},
url = {}
author = {Leitl, Michael and Qaing, Jan and Helms, Birgitt and Langhammer, Kay and Graf, Johanna and Rohrschneider, David and Szabo-M{\"u}ller, P. a},
journal = {Prospektiven - Neues zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung - Circular Economy News},
title = {{K\"unstliche Intelligenz f\"ur die Circular Economy - Ein Werkzeug f\"ur die nachhaltige Transformation?}},
year = {2025},
issn = {2750-4840},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V., Uwe Handmann, Wolfgang Irrek (ed.)},
number = {01},
pages = {1--40},
volume = {2025},
pdf = {},
url = {}
@comment{{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}}
author = {Ahmad Rabie},
journal = {Dissertation Universit\"at Bielefeld},
title = {{Audio-visual emotion recognition for natural human-robot interaction}},
year = {2010},
pages = {1-118}
author = {Thomas Kopinski},
journal = {Dissertation l'ENSTA ParisTech},
title = {{Neural Learning Methods for Human-Machine Interaction}},
year = {2016},
pages = {1-147}
author = {Darius Malysiak},
journal = {Dissertation Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum},
title = {{Massive Parallelization of HOG-based Algorithms for Object Detection}},
year = {2016},
pages = {1-183}
author = {Nico Zengeler},
journal = {Dissertation Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum},
title = {{Transfer Meta Learning - Herausforderungen der Objektargumentation}},
year = {2022},
pages = {1-176}
author = {Abou Baker, Nermeen},
journal = {Dissertation Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum (doctoral candidate)},
title = {{Advancement of Recycling Systems through Multi-modal Transfer Learning}},
year = {2024}
author = {Rohrschneider, David},
journal = {Dissertation Promotionskolleg/HRW (doctoral candidate)},
title = {{Digitaler Produktpass}},
year = {2024}
author = {Baumann, Robin},
journal = {Dissertation Promotionskolleg/HRW (doctoral candidate)},
title = {{Investigating the Role of Self-Supervised Learned Embeddings in Uncertainty Estimation and Model Calibration}},
year = {2024}
@comment{{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}}
author = {Thomas Schnitger},
journal = {Diploma Thesis Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum},
title = {{Untersuchungen zum Entwurf neuronaler Kopplungsstrukturen zur Fusion von Bildanalyseverfahren}},
year = {1998},
pages = {1-64}
author = {Noorzad, Abdul Sami and Zedan, Malek},
journal = {Master Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Validation and Optimization of 3D-Human Body Pose Estimation Approaches For Use in Motion Analysis}},
year = {2019}
author = {Alexander Arntz},
journal = {Master Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Teaching Practical Tasks with Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: An Experimental Study Comparing Learning Outcomes}},
year = {2018},
pages = {1-85}
author = {Jan Eberwein},
journal = {Master Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Kamerabasiertes Tracking von Verkehrsteilnehmern - Analyse des Stands der Technik und Verbesserung bestehender Ans\"atze}},
year = {2017},
pages = {1-101}
author = {Christopher Hadyk},
journal = {Master Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Konzeption und Implementierung eines Objekt- und Fahrspurdetektors (DriveNet) f\"ur autonome Fahrzeuge mit zus\"atzlicher Anomalie-Erkennung}},
year = {2020},
pages = {1-97}
author = {Martin Harpering},
journal = {Master Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Optimierung von Spracherkennung in l{\"a}rmintensiven industriellen Arbeitsumgebungen}},
year = {2017},
pages = {1-72}
author = {Dustin Ke{\ss}ler},
journal = {Master Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Acquiring Real-Life Skills with Virtual Applications: An Experimental Study Comparing Augmented- and Virtual Reality in a Learning Environment}},
year = {2018},
pages = {1-90}
author = {Jan Kronenberger},
journal = {Master Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Analyse und Verbesserung der Erkl\"arbarkeit von tiefen neuronalen Netzen}},
year = {2018},
pages = {1-101}
author = {Norman L\"uring},
journal = {Master Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Definition eines Entscheidungsmodells zur Planung von Business Anwendungen mit Hyperledger Fabric}},
year = {2018},
pages = {1-72}
author = {Pia Hartwich},
journal = {Master Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Konzeptionierung und Evaluierung eines digitalen Assistenten zur Unterst\"utzung des Lernprozesses}},
year = {2021},
pages = {1-119}
author = {David Rohrschneider},
journal = {Master Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Instance segmentation using adapter-finetuned foundation models}},
year = {2024},
pages = {1-89}
author = {Tchana Djeuji, Ruphus},
journal = {Master Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Entwicklung einer mobilen Anwendung f\"ur Rohstoffklassifikation mit Hilfe von Deep Learning}},
year = {2021},
pages = {1-74}
author = {Philipp Student},
journal = {Master Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Entwicklung eines Kamera-Steuerungssystems zur Integration in die Automation eines Bahnkrans am Beispiel der Containerterminal Altenwerder in Hamburg}},
year = {2024}
author = {Patrick V\"oing},
journal = {Master Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Entwicklung eines robusten Algorithmus zur Bestimmung von Position und Lage eines Sch\"uttgutgreifers mittels echtzeitf\"ahiger Bildverarbeitung auf 3D-Laserscandaten}},
year = {2016},
pages = {1-109}
author = {Dominik Wehrmann},
journal = {Master Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Einfluss des Belohnungssystems auf das Verhalten von Verst\"arkungslernen}},
year = {2021},
pages = {1-72}
author = {Fabio Pietryga},
journal = {Master Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Detektion des Verzuges bei der Bearbeitung von Leder- und Textilmaterialien}},
year = {2023},
pages = {1-90}
author = {Tim B\"uttel},
journal = {Master Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West (candidate)},
title = {{Entwicklung eines Konzepts zur Pr\"ufung automatisierter Fahrfunktionen unter Ber\"ucksichtigung von Performance-Requirements nach VO (EU) 2022/1426 - Ein V-Modell-Ansatz}},
year = {2025},
pages = {1}
@comment{{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}}
author = {Andreas Seeliger},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Sonic Instant - A Neural Network-Based Approach for On-the-Fly Audio Reconstruction in Packet-Based Audio Transmission}},
year = {2024},
pages = {1-71}
author = {Carsten Brand},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Elektronische Industrieanlagenakte am Beispiel einer Windkraftanlage}},
year = {2019},
pages = {1-63}
author = {Tim B\"uttel},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Erweiterung von Sicherheitsanalysen nach ISO 26262 durch Betrachtung von zustandsbasierten Markov-Ketten am Beispiel automatisierter Fahrfunktionen}},
year = {2022},
pages = {1-65}
author = {Criss Dettmar},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{F\"orderung sozialer Interaktion von bettl\"agerigen Menschen im Alter von 65+ mit zur Hilfenahme von existierenden ITK-Systemen}},
year = {2018},
pages = {1-120}
author = {Fotso Tchimpguep, Judith Vanillie},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Digitalisierung im Unternehmen - Zukunft der Kommunikation zwischen Kunden und Unternehmen mithilfe der Digitalisierung: Strategische Anforderungen an IT-Systemen mit CRM (Customer - Relationship - Management)}},
year = {2023},
pages = {1-99}
author = {Gero Spinelli},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Konzeption einer Circular Economy App f\"ur das Remanufacturing von Elektrokonsumartikeln aus dem Hause MEDION}},
year = {2023},
pages = {1-99}
author = {Christopher Hadyk},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Konzeption und Implementierung eines Kalibrierungsverfahrens f\"ur eine Sensorfusion von Kameradaten mit einem Motion Capture System - Analyse des Stands der Technik und Verbesserung bestehender Ans\"atze}},
year = {2018},
pages = {1-65}
author = {Maik Jankowski},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Efficiency of Transfer Learning in the Classification of Recyclable Electronic Waste}},
year = {2022},
pages = {1-42}
author = {Peter Langer},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Analyse der Einf\"uhrung des Automatisierungswerkzeuges Ansible in eine Local-Area-Network-Infrastruktur am Beispiel der internationalen IT der Unternehmensgruppe ALDI S\"UD im Kontext des Infrastructure-as-Code-Prinzips}},
year = {2018},
pages = {1-68}
author = {Jo\"el Lummer},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Webbasierte Single-Sign-On Anwendung zur Einbindung verschiedener Applikationen im Web}},
year = {2017},
pages = {1-59}
author = {Mousavi Natanzy, Sayed Sahand},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Auswirkungen von Kryptow\"ahrugen auf Zahlungssysteme im E-Commerce}},
year = {2024}
author = {Raoul M\"uller},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Bewertung und Optimierung der Lagereffizienz innerhalb eines produzierenden Unternehmens auf Basis von Backtesting}},
year = {2024}
author = {Tristan Rienow},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Analyse von popul\"aren, zum Trainieren von k\"unstlichen Neuronalen Netzen verwendeten Algorithmen}},
year = {2021},
pages = {1-56}
author = {David Rohrschneider},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Erkennung und Klassifizierung elektronischer Mobilger\"ate sowie der darin enthaltenen Batterien auf X Ray Aufnahmen mittels Transfer Learning}},
year = {2022},
pages = {1-84}
author = {Lena Schaare},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Ready to Robot!? Eine qualitative und quantitative Digitalisierungsbereitschafts- und Akzeptanzstudie im Kindergarten}},
year = {2018},
pages = {1-95}
author = {Alexander Schweer},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Untersuchung der Anwendbarkeit von best\"arkendem Lernen auf Differenzkontrakthandel}},
year = {2020},
pages = {1-52}
author = {Mara Schwieger},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Bottrop nachhaltig - Gestaltung eines interaktiven Schaufensters unter Ber\"ucksichtigung des Positive Computing Paradigmas}},
year = {2022},
pages = {1-94}
author = {Florian Seifer},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Geschwindigkeitsoptimierung einer kamerabasierten Objekterkennung mittels paralleler Datenverarbeitung}},
year = {2017},
pages = {1-48}
author = {Pauline Taron},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Literaturstudie zu Aktivit\"aten im Themenfeld Circular Economy/Kreislaufwirtschaft in der BRD im internationalen Vergleich}},
year = {2024}
author = {Thorsten Tatarek},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Ausarbeitung eines Restsauerstoff-Sensormodells einschlie{\ss}lich Regler zu Simulationszwecken mithilfe von Matlab/Simscape}},
year = {2017},
pages = {1-61}
author = {Leonard Thiele},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Development and evaluation of a system for the collection and discrete description of relative hand measurements}},
year = {2018},
pages = {1-53}
author = {Bastian Triesch},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Oberfl\"achenanalyse von Kohlefasergeweben zur Integration in ein Qualit\"atssicherungssystem}},
year = {2017},
pages = {1-94}
author = {Merih T\"urkoglu},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Modellbasiertes Verst\"arkungslernen}},
year = {2021},
pages = {1-35}
author = {Ramon Wedowski},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Entwicklung und Evaluation einer Blockchain - Anwendung in Verbindung mit Smart-Contracts und klassischen, digitalen W\"ahrungssystemen}},
year = {2018},
pages = {1-70}
author = {Patrick V\"oing},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Echtzeiterkennung des Pendels eines Scherengreifers durch Einsatz eines Hochgeschwindigkeits-3D-Laserscanners}},
year = {2014},
pages = {1-60},
relevance = {relevant}
author = {Philipp Student},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Automatische Ermittlung von Parametern von Scandaten auf Basis von tiefen neuronalen Netzen}},
year = {2021},
pages = {1-78}
author = {Arif Dogan},
journal = {Bachelor Thesis Hochschule Ruhr West (candidate)},
title = {{Digitale Gesch\"aftsmodelle in der Circular Economy: Evaluierung der Potenziale von smarten Produkt-Service-Systemen (PSS) f\"ur KMU am Beispiel der Sapor GmbH}},
year = {2025}
@comment{{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;}}