author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{Bildung an der Schnittstelle Hochschule, Schule und Unternehmen in Oberhausen}},
howpublished = {Financing bilateral},
year = {2019},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{Start-Phase des zdi Zentrums Oberhausen}},
howpublished = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE ZDI},
year = {2018},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{DIBIT- Digitalisierung in Bildung und Transfer}},
howpublished = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE ZDI},
year = {2018},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{MINT EXPRESS}},
howpublished = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE ZDI},
year = {2014},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{MINT-Bildungsgerechtigkeit}},
howpublished = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE ZDI},
year = {2014},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE ZDI},
title = {{mint4u - gemeinsam selbsttragend!}},
year = {2012},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie NRW},
note = {Research project with focus on circular economy (zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung)},
title = {{Prosperkolleg - Transformationsforschung zur zirkul\"aren Wertsch\"opfung}},
year = {2019},
timestamp = {2012.06.25},
url = {https://www.prosperkolleg.de}
author = {Research Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW)},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (HMI, assistance systems, automotive)},
title = {{Kompetenzzentrum Automatisierte Mobilit\"at (CAMO)}},
year = {2019},
timestamp = {2012.06.25},
url = {https://www.camo.nrw}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{TeAching Computational Thinking with Digital dEvices (Tactide)}},
howpublished = {Funded by Europ\"aische Union - Erasmus+},
year = {2018},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with international educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Forschungsschwerpunkt},
title = {{Intelligente Mobilit\"at}},
howpublished = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2018},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (HMI, assistance systems, automotive)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Forschungsschwerpunkt},
title = {{Positive Computing}},
howpublished = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2017},
note = {Research project with focus on positive computing},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{KI-Map}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundeswirtschaftsministerium - ZIM-Kooperationsprojekt},
year = {2019},
note = {Research Network Artificial Intelligence},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Institut Positive Computing (PoCo)}},
howpublished = {Funded by Ministerium f\"ur Wissenschaft und Forschung NRW, FH-Kompetenz},
year = {2017},
note = {Research project with focus on positive computing},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{UsAHome - Usability (Benutzerfreundlichkeit) von Assistenz und Informationssystemen im h\"auslichen Umfeld}},
howpublished = {Funded by Ministerium f\"ur Wissenschaft und Forschung NRW, FH-Struktur},
year = {2013},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (HMI, assistance systems)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Leitmarktwettbewerb IKT.NRW},
note = {Research project with focus on smart devices, intelligent data analysis (assistance systems)},
title = {{Dynamisches, adaptives und mobiles System zur kontextbasierten und intelligenten Unterst\"utzung von Mitarbeitern/innen in der Schwerindustrie (DamokleS 4.0)}},
year = {2019},
pdf = {https://www.handmann.net/pdf/it-1-1-007_damokles.pdf},
timestamp = {2012.06.25},
url = {https://www.leitmarktagentur.nrw/lw_resource/datapool/_items/item_522/it-1-1-007_damokles.pdf}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Entwicklung eines (teil-)automatischen Erfassungs- und Auswertemoduls zur Identifikation von Fehlern in Innenstruktur der Rotorbl\"atter von Windkraftanlagen (kEFIR)}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundeswirtschaftsministerium - ZIM F\"orderprojekt},
year = {2016},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (non-destructive testing, predictive maintenance)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Entwicklung effizienter Algorithmen zur Erkennung von Handgesten f\"ur das SCD}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundeswirtschaftsministerium - ZIM F\"orderprojekt},
year = {2013},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (HMI, assistance systems)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{Ber\"uhrungslose Erkennung von Schwei{\ss}n\"ahten in Walzstra{\ss}en}},
howpublished = {Financing bilateral},
year = {2015},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (industry 4.0)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Visualisierung von Warteschlangen im Kassenbereich}},
howpublished = {Financing bilateral (Innovationsgutschein)},
year = {2014},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (HMI, assistance systems)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Erkennung von Fu{\ss}g\"angern in Automotiv-Anwendungen}},
howpublished = {Financing bilateral (Innovationsgutschein)},
year = {2014},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (HMI, assistance systems, automotive)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{Materialverfolgung auf einem K\"uhlbett}},
howpublished = {Financing bilateral},
year = {2017},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (industry 4.0)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Integration und Test individueller Gangmuster virtueller Charaktere}},
howpublished = {Forschungsf\"orderung Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2014},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing (HMI, assistance systems)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Aufnahme von Bewegungsdaten mittels Motion Capture System zum Aufbau einer Datenbank}},
howpublished = {Forschungsf\"orderung Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2012},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent (image processing)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Multibiometriestation zur Identifikation und Verifikation}},
howpublished = {Forschungsf\"orderung Hochschule Ruhr West},
year = {2011},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent multi-camera systems (image processing)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Quartier Agil - Aktiv in unserem Quartier. F\"orderung der Teilhabe und Gemeinschaft \"alterer Menschen im Quartier durch partizipatives Training alltagsrelevanter kognitiver und k\"orperlicher Ressourcen}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
year = {2018},
note = {Research project with focus on smart devices, intelligent data analysis (assistance systems)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{G}esichtserkennung als {F}ahndungshilfsmittel - {F}otofahndung},
howpublished = {Abschlussbericht. Wiesbaden: BKA},
year = {2007},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent multi-camera systems (image processing)},
comment = {(Teilnehmer)},
file = {:bka-Han2007.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {https://www.bka.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/UnsereAufgaben/Ermittlungsunterstuetzung/Forschung/FotoFahndung/fotofahndungAbschlussbericht.pdf},
timestamp = {2012.06.25},
url = {https://www.bka.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/UnsereAufgaben/Ermittlungsunterstuetzung/Forschung/FotoFahndung/fotofahndungAbschlussbericht.html}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{VisionIC - Intelligente Vision-Plattform f\"ur den Massenmarkt, Teilprojekt: Videobasierte Fahrerassistenzsysteme}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
year = {2002},
note = {Research project with focus on integrated systems for image processing tasks.},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{MORPHA : intelligente anthropomorphe Assistenzsysteme - Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion auf Grundlage der Gesichtsdetektion}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
year = {2003},
note = {Research project with focus on assistance systems in HMI applications (robotics)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{3D Face-Recognition}},
howpublished = {Financing bilateral},
year = {2005},
note = {Research project focusing on intelligent 3D face recognition},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{Ger\"auschoptimierung am Fahrzeug - psychoakustisches Sounddesign, Research Project mit einem Automobilhersteller}},
howpublished = {Financing bilateral},
year = {1994},
note = {Research project focusing on sound design in vehicles},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Financing bilateral},
note = {Research project with focus on assistance systems in vehicles, autonomous driving},
title = {{Assistenzsysteme im KFZ, Research Projecte mit verschiedenen Herstellern aus der Automobil- und Automobilzulieferindustrie}},
year = {1997},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Elektronisches Auge, Teilvorhaben Sehsysteme f\"ur Fahrerassistenz im Automobil und Bewertung komplexer Umgebungen}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
year = {1997},
note = {Research project with focus on assistance systems in vehicles, autonomous driving.},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung im {R}ahmen des {P}rogramms der {B}undesregierung '{F}orschung f\"ur die zivile {S}icherheit' als {T}eil der {H}ightech-{S}trategie},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent multi-camera systems (image processing)},
title = {{APFel} - {A}nalyse von {P}ersonenbewegungen an {F}lugh\"afen mittels zeitlich r\"uckw\"arts- und vorw\"artsgerichteter {V}ideodatenstr\"ome},
year = {2014},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/projektumriss_apfel.pdf},
timestamp = {2012.06.25},
url = {https://www.sifo.de/sifo/shareddocs/Downloads/files/projektumriss_apfel.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Dynamisches Wiedererkennen von Personen an mehreren Beobachtungspunkten (Deja-Vu}},
howpublished = {Funded by Zukunftswettbewerb Ruhrgebiet},
year = {2003},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent multi-camera systems (image processing)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Deutsche Servicerobotik Initiative (Desire), Teilprojekt Gesichtserkennung auf mobilen Roboterplattformen}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
year = {2005},
note = {Research project with focus on assistance systems in HMI applications (robotics)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Lernen zur Organisation komplexer Systeme der Informationsverarbeitung (LOKI)}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
year = {2003},
note = {Research project focusing on intelligent biologically inspired systems. Complex Systems in Neuroinformatics},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Automatisches, Biometrie-gest\"utztes Grenzkontrollsystem (SecureFaceCheck)}},
howpublished = {Funded by Zukunftswettbewerb Ruhrgebiet},
year = {2005},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent multi-camera systems (image processing)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Elektronisches Auge, Teilvorhaben Multimodaler Sensor zur Fahrzeugf\"uhrung}},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
year = {1997},
note = {Research project with focus on assistance systems in vehicles, autonomous driving.},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{Analyse und Weiterentwicklung des Jugendschutzmoduls auf Basis innovativer Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmen}},
howpublished = {Financing bilateral (Innovationsgutschein)},
year = {2016},
note = {Research project with focus on intelligent image processing},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
title = {{'CirConomyOWL - ein Produktionsstandort schlie{\ss}t Kreisl\"aufe'}},
howpublished = {Funded by regio.NRW, assoziierter Partner},
year = {2019},
note = {Research project with focus on circular economy (zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{Eine Uni - ein Buch}},
howpublished = {Funded by Stifterverband},
year = {2019},
note = {Transfer activity.},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Internally funded Project},
title = {{E-Learning an der HRW}},
howpublished = {Funded by HRW},
year = {2013},
note = {e-learning project with educational partners},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{MINT4u(r) Future, Sch\"ulerlabor}},
howpublished = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE ZDI},
year = {2019},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
title = {{Lab4u - MINT macht digital, Sch\"ulerlabor}},
howpublished = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE ZDI},
year = {2019},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie NRW},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
title = {{Digital4u - Finde Deinen digitalen Traumberuf!}},
year = {2020},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Research Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
title = {{reWIR - Regionaler Wandel durch Innovation f\"ur digitale zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung im Ruhrgebiet - Bottrop}},
year = {2020},
note = {Research project with focus on digital circular economy (zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung)},
timestamp = {2012.06.25},
url = {https://www.innovation-strukturwandel.de/de/2704.php}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE ZDI},
title = {{Lab4u - MINT macht digital, Sch\"ulerlabor - Erweiterung}},
year = {2020},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie NRW},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
title = {{LAB4U - goes hybrid!}},
year = {2021},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie NRW},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
title = {{MINT4U`R Future LAB goes virtual!}},
year = {2021},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie NRW},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
title = {{Technikum goes digital!}},
year = {2022},
timestamp = {2012.06.25}
author = {Event Series},
title = {{Zirkel.Training}},
year = {2021},
note = {series of events in cooperation with several universities (circular economy)},
howpublished = {Funded by Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie NRW},
timestamp = {2012.06.25},
url = {https://zirkeltraining.nrw}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Ministerium f\"ur Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie NRW},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies},
title = {{VR{@}FutureLab}},
year = {2023}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Volkswagen Stiftung, Ref. 95 566},
note = {Associate member},
title = {{COURAGE - A Social Media Companion Safeguarding and Educating Students}},
year = {2023}
author = {Externally funded Project},
journal = {Funded by Landesregierung Nordrhein-Westfalen},
title = {{coding4u - Probleml{\"o}sen und Modellieren / coding4u}},
year = {2023},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies}
author = {funded Project},
howpublished = {Hochschule Ruhr West},
note = {Research project with focus on positive computing},
title = {{Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL). COIL-Project in Computer Science: Digitalization in business and society}},
year = {2021}
author = {Research Project},
journal = {Funded by European Union and Land NRW - EFRE},
title = {{{\#}digital.zirkul{\"a}r.ruhr: Wissens- und Technologietransfer f{\"u}r die digitale Circular Economy in der Metropole Ruhr}},
year = {2024},
note = {Research project with focus on circular economy (zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung)},
url = {https://www.land.nrw/pressemitteilung/land-und-eu-unterstuetzen-projekte-zur-regionalen-entwicklung-und-transformation}
author = {Research Project},
journal = {Funded by European Union and Land NRW - EFRE},
title = {{Circular Performer Emscher-Lippe}},
year = {2024},
note = {Research project with focus on circular economy (zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung)},
url = {https://www.land.nrw/pressemitteilung/land-und-eu-unterstuetzen-projekte-zur-regionalen-entwicklung-und-transformation}
author = {Research Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Europ\"aische Union - Erasmus+},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with international educational partners and companies},
title = {{Integrating Data Analysis and AI in Learning experiences (IDEAL)}},
year = {2024},
timestamp = {2012.06.25},
url = {https://www.itd.cnr.it/en/research/projects/ideal.html}
author = {Externally funded Project},
journal = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE},
title = {{MINT f\"ur alle - Bottrop fit f\"ur die Zukunft machen!}},
year = {2024},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies}
author = {Externally funded Project},
journal = {Funded by Land NRW - EFRE},
title = {{MINT f\"ur alle - Oberhausen fit f\"ur die Zukunft machen!}},
year = {2024},
note = {Transfer activity (STEM) in cooperation with educational partners and companies}
author = {Research Project},
journal = {Funded by European Union and Landesregierung Nordrhein-Westfalen},
title = {{Transferhub Digitalisierung \& Circular Economy im Prosperkolleg}},
year = {2024},
note = {Research project with focus on digital circular economy (zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung)}
author = {Research Project},
journal = {Funded by European Union and Landesregierung Nordrhein-Westfalen},
title = {{easy.dpp.nrw}},
year = {2025},
note = {Research project with focus on digital circular economy (zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung)}
author = {Externally funded Project},
howpublished = {Funded by Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung},
note = {Mitglied des Beirats},
title = {{Kompetenzzentrums soziale Robotik 'RuhrBots'}},
year = {2023}
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