author = {Uwe Handmann},
title = {{Forschung an Fachhochschulen}},
booktitle = {DIE FACHHOCHSCHULE 4.0},
year = {2015},
pages = {53-58},
publisher = {Selbstverlag des hlbNRW},
file = {:HLB-Han2015.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/HLB-Han2015.pdf},
timestamp = {2015.12.03},
url = {http://hlb-nrw.de/fileadmin/hlb-nrw/downloads/informationen/2015-12-Tagungsband-Workshop_FH_4.0_April_2015.pdf}
author = {Handmann, U. and Geisler, S. and Kopinski, Th.},
title = {Contactless Gestures/Intelligent Gesture Recognition and Interaction Concepts},
booktitle = {Human-Machine Interaction},
year = {2014},
pages = {41},
publisher = {InnovationsAllianz der NRW-Hochschulen e.V.},
file = {:IA-HanGeiKop2014.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-3-00-046106-4},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/IA-HanGeiKop2014.pdf},
timestamp = {2014.01.31},
url = {http://www.innovationsallianz.nrw.de/archiv/innovationsallianz.nrw.de/fileadmin/redakteure/neitzert/Human_Machine_2014_10_kl.pdf}
author = {Handmann, U. and Grimm, M.},
title = {Pedestrian Movement Analysis at Airports - Video-based Analysis across multiple Camera Systems},
booktitle = {Safety \& Security - Public Safety / Emergency Management},
year = {2013},
pages = {13},
publisher = {InnovationsAllianz der NRW-Hochschulen e.V.},
file = {:IA-HanGri2013.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-3-00-041075-8},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/IA-HanGri2013.pdf},
timestamp = {2014.01.31},
url = {http://www.innovationsallianz.nrw.de/archiv/innovationsallianz.nrw.de/fileadmin/Dokumente/PDF/Safety_und_Security_Beitrag_Themen_last_mail.pdf}
author = {Handmann, U. and Grimm, M.},
title = {Pedestrian Movement Analysis at Airports across multiple Camera Systems (Poster)},
booktitle = {Safety \& Security - Exzellente Forschung aus den NRW-Hochschulen},
year = {2013},
address = {Brussels, Belgium},
organization = {NRW-Landesvertretung},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/SuS-GriHan2013.pdf},
timestamp = {2015.12.19},
towner = {handmann.uwe}
title = {{K\"unstliche Intelligenz in der automatisierten Mobilit\"at}},
address = {Gesch\"aftsstelle Centrum f\"ur automatisierte Mobilit\"at (CAMO), c/o Bergische Universit\"at Wuppertal, Rainer-Gruenter-Str. 21, 42119 Wuppertal},
author = {J. Kronenberger and K. Trelenberg and H. Detjen and S. Geisler and U. Handmann and A. Haselhoff and N. Malzahn},
month = mar,
year = {2021},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/CAMO-KI-Themenheft_211025.pdf},
url = {https://www.camo.nrw/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/KI-Themenheft_211025.pdf}
title = {{Automatisierte Mobilit\"at: \"Uberblick \"uber die technologischen Grundlagen}},
address = {Gesch\"aftsstelle Centrum f\"ur automatisierte Mobilit\"at (CAMO), c/o Bergische Universit\"at Wuppertal, Rainer-Gruenter-Str. 21, 42119 Wuppertal},
author = {J. Kronenberger and K. Trelenberg and H. Detjen and S. Geisler and U. Handmann and A. Haselhoff and N. Malzahn},
month = mar,
year = {2022},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/CAMO-AM-Themenheft-2022.pdf},
url = {https://www.camo.nrw/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/TAM_20220512.pdf}
title = {{Der Mensch im Zentrum der automatisierten Mobilit\"at}},
address = {Gesch\"aftsstelle Centrum f\"ur automatisierte Mobilit\"at (CAMO), c/o Bergische Universit\"at Wuppertal, Rainer-Gruenter-Str. 21, 42119 Wuppertal},
author = {J. Kronenberger and K. Trelenberg and H. Detjen and X. Mattick and S. Geisler and U. Handmann and A. Haselhoff and N. Malzahn and P Kohl and Th. L\"ammer-Gamp},
month = may,
year = {2022},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/CAMO-MiZ-Themenheft-20220517.pdf},
url = {https://www.camo.nrw/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/20220517_Themenheft-Mensch-im-Zentrum.pdf}
author = {S. Grauel and W. Irrek and U. Handmann},
chapter = {{Das Projekt Prosperkolleg}},
pages = {25-27},
publisher = {Effizienz-Agentur NRW},
title = {{Plus - F\"ur mehr Ressourceneffizienz in Nordrhein-Westfalen}},
year = {2021},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/Magazin_CircularEconomy_2021_WEB.pdf},
url = {https://www.ressourceneffizienz.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Dokumente_2021/Magazin_CircularEconomy_2021_WEB.pdf}
author = {K\"orber Stiftung},
howpublished = {Dokumentation K\"orber-Dialog MINT-Regionen 2019},
title = {{Fachforum 2: Digitalisierung und Lehrerbildung}},
year = {2019},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/KDMR2019_Dokumentation.pdf},
url = {https://www.mint-regionen.de/fileadmin/user_upload/KDMR2019_Dokumentation.pdf}
chapter = {Wie helfen Computer den Kriminalisten? - Biometrie zur Identifizierung von Personen, Anwendungsbeispiel FaceFINDER},
pages = {34},
title = {WAS IST WAS - Polizei (Band 120)},
publisher = {Tessloff Verlag},
year = {2005},
author = {Tessloff Verlag},
address = {N\"urnberg, Germany},
note = {{FaceFINDER war ein Projekt der Projektgruppe von Dr. Handmann}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2017.02.17}
author = {Handmann, U. and Rabie, A.},
title = {person-specific contactless interaction - usability of assistance and information systems at home {(UsAHome)}},
booktitle = {Human-Machine Interaction},
year = {2014},
pages = {27},
publisher = {InnovationsAllianz der NRW-Hochschulen e.V.},
file = {:IA-HanRab2014.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-3-00-046106-4},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/IA-HanRab2014.pdf},
timestamp = {2014.01.31},
url = {http://www.innovationsallianz.nrw.de/archiv/innovationsallianz.nrw.de/fileadmin/redakteure/neitzert/Human_Machine_2014_10_kl.pdf}
author = {Bildungsb\"uro Bottrop},
title = {{Wege in eine anwendungsorientierte Ausbildung f\"ur IT-Fachkr\"afte von morgen}},
howpublished = {Dokumentation der 7. Bottroper Bildungskonferenz 2016},
month = {Februar},
year = {2017},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pages = {6-7},
timestamp = {2017.06.24},
url = {https://mb-services.lvr.de/static-RBN/Dateien/MB_RBN_05512/24d2607f-c462-41e3-91b5-d6794ed39ed2.pdf}
author = {S. Geisler and G. Bumiller and S. Eimler and U. Handmann and A. Haselhoff and M. Jansen and O. Koch and Z. Lei and G. M\"uller and A. Ostendorf and J. Pawlowski and S. Sch\"afer},
title = {{PCo -Institut Positive Computing}},
journal = {Forschung an Fachhochschulen - F\"oRDERLINIEN: FH KOMPETENZ \& FH STRUKTUR},
year = {2016},
pages = {6},
note = {PROJEKTB\"uRO Nachhaltige Forschung an Fachhochschulen in NRW, c/o zefo | Zentrum f\"ur Forschungskommunikation},
file = {:NRW-GeiHanEtAl2016.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/NRW-GeiHanEtAl2016.pdf},
timestamp = {2016.12.21},
url = {http://fachhochschulen-nrw.de/cms/upload/event/Wegweiser_NRW/FHKompetenzFHStrukturSammlung2016.pdf}
author = {Geisler, S. and Bumiller, G. and Eimler, S. and Handmann, U. and Haselhoff, A. and Jansen, M. and Koch, O. and M\"uller, G. and Ostendorf, A. and Pawlowski, J. and Sch\"afer, M. and Lei, Z.},
booktitle = {{Gesellschaft \& Digitalisierung}},
title = {{Technologie die befl\"ugelt}},
year = {2016},
organization = {Nachhaltige Forschung an Fachhochschulen in NRW},
pages = {32-33},
publisher = {InnovationsAllianz der NRW-Hochschulen e.V.},
file = {:IA-GeiHanEtAl2016a.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-3-9816422-5-4},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/IA-GeiHanEtAl2016a.pdf},
timestamp = {2014.01.31},
url = {http://fachhochschulen-nrw.de/cms/upload/print/Publikation/Publikation_Gesellschaft_und_Digitalisierung_2016_FHNRW_web_final.pdf}
author = {Gr\"uneberg, C. and Sommer, S. and Thiel, C. and Handmann, U. and Koch, O.},
booktitle = {{Gesellschaft \& Digitalisierung}},
title = {{Aktiv im Alter}},
year = {2016},
organization = {Nachhaltige Forschung an Fachhochschulen in NRW},
pages = {14-15},
publisher = {InnovationsAllianz der NRW-Hochschulen e.V},
file = {:IA-GruHanEtAl2016a.pdf:PDF},
isbn = {978-3-9816422-5-4},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/IA-GruHanEtAl2016a.pdf},
timestamp = {2014.01.31},
url = {http://fachhochschulen-nrw.de/cms/upload/print/Publikation/Publikation_Gesellschaft_und_Digitalisierung_2016_FHNRW_web_final.pdf}
author = {Fey, J. and Niess, C. and Schwahlen, D. and Reimann, M. and Handmann, U. and Thelen, V.},
title = {{KEFIR - Entwicklung eines (teil-)automatisierten Erfassungs- und Auswertemoduls zur Identifikation von Fehlern in Innenstrukturen der Rotorbl\"atter von Windkraftanlagen}},
year = {2017},
issn = {2197-6953},
month = {November},
number = {internal report 17-03},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
file = {:IR-FeyHanEtAl2017b.pdf:PDF},
institution = {Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/IR-FeyHanEtAl2017b.pdf},
timestamp = {2017.11.31},
url = {https://epflicht.ulb.uni-muenster.de/content/titleinfo/504768},
urn = {https://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:6:2-99339}
author = {Schwahlen, D. and Niess, C. and Fey, J. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Erfassungs- und Auswertemodul zur Identifikation von Fehlern in Innenstrukturen der Rotorbl\"atter von Windkraftanlagen (Poster)}},
year = {2018},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/KEFIR2018-poster.pdf}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{F}usion textur- und konturbasierter {M}ethoden zur {S}egmentierung},
institution = {Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum, Germany},
year = {1997},
file = {:TechReport-Hanl997.pdf:PDF},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/TechReport-Hanl997.pdf}
author = {Tatarek, T. and Kronenberger, J. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Functionality, Advantages and Limits of the Tesla Autopilot}},
year = {2017},
issn = {2197-6953},
month = {December},
number = {internal report 17-04},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
file = {:IR-TatHanEtAl2017.pdf:PDF},
institution = {Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/IR-TatHanEtAl2017.pdf},
timestamp = {2017.11.31},
url = {https://epflicht.ulb.uni-muenster.de/content/titleinfo/504769},
urn = {https://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:6:2-99341}
author = {Grimm, M. and L\"ubbers, T. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Demonstrator Videobasierte kamera\"ubergreifende Bildsequenzanalyse}},
year = {2017},
issn = {2197-6953},
month = {January},
number = {internal report 17-02},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
file = {:IR-GriHanEtAl2017.pdf:PDF},
institution = {Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/IR-GriHanEtAl2017.pdf},
timestamp = {2016.03.01},
url = {https://epflicht.ulb.uni-muenster.de/content/titleinfo/504767},
urn = {https://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:6:2-99321}
author = {Fey,J. and Schlaghecke, S. and V\"oing, P. and Malysiak, D. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{CameraFramework - Socket-Kommunikation als Middleware zwischen verschiedenen Kamerainstanzen mit eigenen Kameratreibern und Clienten}},
year = {2017},
issn = {2197-6953},
month = {January},
number = {internal report 17-01},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
file = {:IR-FeyHanEtAl2017.pdf:PDF},
institution = {Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/IR-FeyHanEtAl2017.pdf},
timestamp = {2016.03.01},
url = {https://epflicht.ulb.uni-muenster.de/content/titleinfo/504766},
urn = {https://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:6:2-99316}
author = {Tatarek, Th. and Lingenauber, N. and Thomas, J. and Kronenberger, J. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Autonomes Fahren in Baustellen am Beispiel zweier moderner Fahrzeuge}},
year = {2019},
issn = {2197-6953},
month = {March},
number = {internal report 19-01},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
file = {:IR-TatHanEtAl2018.pdf:PDF},
institution = {Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/IR-TatHanEtAl2019.pdf},
url = {https://epflicht.ulb.uni-muenster.de/content/titleinfo/615892},
urn = {https://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:6:2-119329}
author = {Ochse, M. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Optische Abtastung f\"ur Drehzahlregelung}},
year = {1991},
note = {Semesterarbeit Berufsakademie Stuttgart},
file = {:BA-OchHan1991.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/BA-OchHan1991.pdf},
timestamp = {2017.02.11}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Erstellung von Programmierbeispielen f\"ur die Informationsbibliothek in der CAE-TOOL-BOX}},
year = {1990},
note = {Zulassungsbericht 1 Ingenieurassistent},
file = {:BA-Han1990.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/BA-Han1990.pdf},
timestamp = {2017.02.11}
author = {Handmann, U.},
title = {{Untersuchung des \"Ubernahmeverhaltens bei D-Flip-Plops bei set-up-Zeitverletzungen}},
year = {1990},
note = {Zulassungsbericht 2 Ingenieurassistent},
file = {:BA-Han1990a.pdf:PDF},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/BA-Han1990a.pdf},
timestamp = {2017.02.11}
author = {Handmann, U. and Kalinke, T. and Tzomakas, C.},
title = {{V}ideobasierte {H}inderniserkennung},
institution = {Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum, Germany},
year = {1998},
number = {IRINI 98-04},
file = {:IRINI-HanEtAl1998c.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0943-2752},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/IRINI-HanEtAl1998c.pdf}
author = {v.Seelen, W. and Gillner, W. and Goerick, C. and Handmann, U. and Kalinke, T. and Kastrup, D. and Leefken, I. and Lorenz, G. and Noll, D. and Tzomakas, C. and V\"olpel, B. and Werner, M. and Winkel, C.},
title = {Image Processing of Dynamic Scenes},
institution = {Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum, Germany},
year = {1997},
number = {IRINI 97-14},
file = {:IRINI-HanEtAl997.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0943-2752},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/IRINI-HanEtAl997.pdf}
author = {v.Seelen, W. and Gillner, W. and Goerick, C. and Handmann, U. and Kalinke, T. and Kastrup, D. and Leefken, I. and Lorenz, G. and Noll, D. and Tzomakas, C. and V\"olpel, B. and Werner, M. and Winkel, C.},
title = {{T}echnische {B}ildverarbeitung dynamischer {S}zenen},
institution = {Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum, Germany},
year = {1997},
number = {IRINI 97-13},
file = {:IRINI-HanEtAl997a.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0943-2752},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/IRINI-HanEtAl997a.pdf}
author = {Schnitger, T. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{F}usion von {B}ildanalyseverfahren mittels einer neuronalen {K}opplungsstruktur},
institution = {Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum, Germany},
year = {1998},
number = {IRINI 98-01},
file = {:IRINI-SchHan1998.pdf:PDF},
issn = {0943-2752},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/IRINI-SchHan1998.pdf}
author = {Malysiak, D. and Lausberg, A. and Handmann, U.},
institution = {Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{SimpleHydra} - framework for classical small to mid-scale computation clusters},
year = {2016},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
month = {January},
number = {16-01},
doi = {10.13140/RG.2.1.2096.2161},
file = {:IRMalHan2016.pdf:PDF},
issn = {2199-9937},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/IR-MalHan2016.pdf},
timestamp = {2016.03.01},
url = {https://epflicht.ulb.uni-muenster.de/content/titleinfo/504557},
urn = {https://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:6:2-99287}
author = {Handmann, U. and Hommel, S. and Grimm, M. and Malysiak, D.},
institution = {Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West},
title = {{Videobasierte kamera\"ubergreifende Bildsequenzanalyse}},
year = {2014},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
month = {September},
number = {14-01},
file = {:TR-HanEtAl2014a.pdf:PDF},
issn = {2199-9937},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/TR-HanEtAl2014a.pdf},
timestamp = {2014.10.14},
url = {https://epflicht.ulb.uni-muenster.de/content/titleinfo/504596},
urn = {https://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:6:2-99299}
author = {Zengeler, N. and Grimm, M. and Arntz, A. and Ke{\ss}ler, D. and Jansen, M. and Eimler, S.C. and Handmann, U. and Hermsen, K. and Grubert, C.},
title = {{DAMOKLES 4.0 - Dynamisches, adaptives und mobiles System zur kontextbasierten und intelligenten Unterst\"utzung von Mitarbeiter/innen in der Schwerindustrie}},
year = {2019},
issn = {2197-6953},
month = oct,
number = {internal report 19-02},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
file = {:IR-ZenSHanEtAl2018.pdf:PDF},
institution = {Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/IR-ZenHanEtAl2019.pdf},
url = {https://epflicht.ulb.uni-muenster.de/content/titleinfo/627090},
urn = {https://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:6:2-122115}
author = {T. Kopinski and A. Gepperth and U. Handmann},
note = {preprint on Researchgate},
title = {{Multi-ToF sensor fusion for hand pose estimation}},
year = {2014},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/RG-KopGepHan2014.pdf},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/277633252_Multi-ToF_sensor_fusion_for_hand_pose_estimation}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Szabo-M\"uller, P. and Handmann, U.},
note = {preprint on Researchgate},
title = {{Feature-fusion transfer learning method as a basis to support automated smartphone recycling in a circular smart city}},
year = {2020},
doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.26270.77122},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/S-Cube-BakSzaHan2020.pdf},
url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348265600_A_feature-fusion_transfer_learning_method_as_a_basis_to_support_automated_smartphone_recycling_in_a_circular_smart_city}
author = {U. Handmann and D. Noll and M. Werner},
journal = {Research Report 1997 - Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum},
title = {Parametric Optimization},
year = {1997},
pages = {55-56}
author = {U. Handmann},
journal = {Research Report 1997 - Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum},
title = {Fusion for Initial Segmantation},
year = {1997},
pages = {56-58}
author = {C. Goerick and U. Handmann and T. Kalinke and M. Werner},
journal = {Research Report 1997 - Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum},
title = {{LOC}-Classification},
year = {1997},
pages = {58-59}
author = {U. Handmann and I. Leefken ans A. Steinhage},
journal = {Research Report 2001 - Institut f\"ur Neuroinformatik, Ruhr-Universit\"at Bochum},
title = {Semi-autonomous Driving - Intelligent Cruise Control},
year = {2001},
pages = {81-84}
author = {Szabo-M\"uller, P. and Trenz, U. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {{Sachbericht}},
title = {{reWIR: Regionaler Wandel durch Innovationen f\"ur digitale Zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung im Ruhrgebiet}},
year = {2022},
address = {Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universit\"atsbibliothek, Hannover, Germany},
publisher = {{B}undesministerium f\"ur {B}ildung und {F}orschung {(BMBF)}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/TIB-SzaTreHan2022.pdf},
timestamp = {2014.09.01},
url = {https://www.tib.eu/de/suchen/id/TIBKAT%3A1789417503}
author = {Handmann, U. and Hommel, S. and Grimm, M. and Malysiak, D.},
title = {{Videobasierte kamera\"ubergreifende Bildsequenzanalyse}},
booktitle = {Analyse von Personenbewegungen an Flugh\"afen mittels zeitlich r\"uckw\"arts- und vorw\"artsgerichteter Videodatenstrome (APFel)},
year = {2014},
address = {Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universit\"atsbibliothek, Hannover, Germany},
publisher = {{B}undesministerium f\"ur {B}ildung und {F}orschung {(BMBF)}},
doi = {10.2314/GBV:83540806X},
url = {https://www.tib.eu/de/suchen/id/TIBKAT%3A83540806X/}
author = {Handmann, U. and Dose, M.},
title = {{G}esichtserkennung auf mobilen {R}oboterplattformen},
booktitle = {{DESIRE} - {D}eutsche {S}ervicerobotik- {I}nitiative},
year = {2010},
address = {Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universit\"atsbibliothek, Hannover, Germany},
publisher = {{B}undesministerium f\"ur {B}ildung und {F}orschung {(BMBF)}},
doi = {10.2314/GBV:638644445},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2014.09.01}
author = {Dose, M. and Handmann et al., U.},
title = {{Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion auf Grundlage der Gesichtsdetektion}},
booktitle = {{MORPHA -Kommunikation, Interaktion und Kooperation zwischen Menschen und intelligenten antropomorphen Assistenzsystemen}},
year = {2003},
address = {Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universit\"atsbibliothek, Hannover, Germany},
publisher = {Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung {(BMBF)}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2015.12.30}
title = {{L}ernen zur {O}rganisation komplexer {S}ysteme der {I}nformationsverarbeitung},
publisher = {Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung {(BMBF)}},
year = {2003},
author = {Handmann, U. and Dose, M.},
address = {Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universit\"atsbibliothek, Hannover, Germany},
doi = {10.2314/GBV:393993019}
author = {Handmann, U. and Dose, M.},
title = {{L}ernen im {K}ontext der {S}zenenanalyse},
booktitle = {Lernen zur Organisation komplexer Systeme der Informationsverarbeitung},
year = {2003},
address = {Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universit\"atsbibliothek, Hannover, Germany},
publisher = {Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)}
author = {v. Seelen, W. and Handmann et al., U.},
title = {{Multimodaler Sensor zur Fahrzeugf\"uhrung: Teilprojekt: Architektur, Rundumsicht und Objekterkennung}},
booktitle = {Projekt: Elektronisches Auge OPEL},
year = {1997},
address = {Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universit\"atsbibliothek, Hannover, Germany},
publisher = {Bundesministerium f\"ur Bildung und Forschung {(BMBF)}},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
timestamp = {2015.12.30}
author = {B\"uttner, S. and Irrek, W. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Kompetenzzentrum Zirkul\"are Wertsch\"opfung NRW - Den Wandel zu einer nachhaltigen und kreislauff\"ahigen Wirtschaft voranbringen}},
year = {2022},
issn = {2750-6215},
month = {January},
number = {RETHINK. Impulse zur zirkul\"aren Wertsch\"opfung / Enabling the Circular Economy 2022/01},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
institution = {Prosperkolleg e.V.},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/2022-01_rethink_kompetenzzentrum-zw.pdf},
url = {https://d-nb.info/125311935X/34},
urn = {https://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:101:1-2022030816353422580175}
author = {B\"uttner, S. and Irrek, W. and Handmann, U.},
title = {{Kompetenzzentrum CE.Hub.NRW - Den Wandel zu einer nachhaltigen und kreislauff\"ahigen Wirtschaft voranbringen}},
year = {2022},
issn = {2750-6215},
month = {December},
number = {RETHINK. Impulse zur zirkul\"aren Wertsch\"opfung / Enabling the Circular Economy 2022/07},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
institution = {Prosperkolleg e.V.},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/20221219_rethink_kompetenzzentrum-cehubnrw.pdf},
url = {https://prosperkolleg.ruhr/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/20221219_rethink_kompetenzzentrum-cehubnrw.pdf}
author = {Handmann, U. and Abou Baker, N.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{Digitalization \& Circular Economy (Poster)}},
year = {2023},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/HN-NRW-HanBak2023.pdf}
author = {Handmann, U. and Grimm, M.},
booktitle = {{APFel: Analyse von Personenbewegungen an Flugh\"Ƥfen mittels zeitlich r\"uckw\"arts- und vorw\"artsgerichteter Videodatenstr\"ome}},
title = {{Videobasierte kameraĆ¼bergreifende Bildsequenzanalyse}},
year = {2014},
address = {Technische Informationsbibliothek und Universit\"atsbibliothek, Hannover, Germany},
publisher = {{B}undesministerium f\"ur {B}ildung und {F}orschung {(BMBF)}},
url = {https://www.sifo.de/sifo/de/projekte/schutz-vor-kriminalitaet-und-terrorismus/mustererkennung/apfel/apfel_node.html}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{Plant Control for Fully Automated AI-Driven Product Type Recognition (Poster)}},
year = {2024},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/PlantControl2024-poster.pdf}
author = {Handmann, U. and Lorenz, G. and Schnitger, T. and v.Seelen, W.},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Vehicles '98, Stuttgart, Germany, Proceedings},
title = {Fusion of Different Sensors and Algorithms for Segmentation (Poster)},
year = {1998},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/IV-HanEtAl1998-Poster.pdf}
author = {Rabie, A. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{Multimodal Biometrics (Poster)}},
year = {2014},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/Multimodal_Biometrics2014-poster.pdf}
author = {Malysiak, D. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{GPU Cluster (Poster)}},
year = {2014},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/GPU_Cluster2014-poster.pdf}
author = {Hommel, S. and Grimm, M. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{APFel - Analyse von Personenbewegungen an Flugh{\"a}fen mittels zeitlich r{\"u}ckw{\"a}rts- und vorw{\"a}rtsgerichteter Videodatenstr{\"o}me (Poster)}},
year = {2012},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/APFel2012-poster.pdf}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{Multi-Class Classification (Poster)}},
year = {2016},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/MultiClassClassification2016-poster.pdf}
author = {Kopinski, Th. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{Smart-Control-Device (Poster)}},
year = {2012},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/SCD2012-poster.pdf}
author = {Grimm, M. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{Motion Capture \& Virtual Reality (Poster)}},
year = {2016},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/Bewegungsanalyse2016-poster.pdf}
author = {Abou Baker, N. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{Circular Digital Economy Lab - Digitalisierungsprozess (Poster)}},
year = {2021},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/CDEL_Digi2021-poster.pdf}
author = {B{\"u}ttner, S. and Beitz, B. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{Studie Digitalisierung als Enabler der Circular Economy (Poster)}},
year = {2015},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/Digistudie2023-poster.pdf}
author = {Schwahlen, D. and Niess, C. and Reimann, M. and Handmann, U. and Fey, J. and Thelen, V. and Maldaner, P.},
title = {{KEFIR - Entwicklung eines (teil-)automatisierten Erfassungs- und Auswertemoduls zur Identifikation von Fehlern in Innenstrukturen der Rotorbl\"atter von Windkraftanlagen}},
year = {2018},
issn = {2197-6953},
month = {March},
number = {internal report 18-01, sec. edition},
address = {Bottrop, Germany},
file = {:IR-SchHanEtAl2017b.pdf:PDF},
institution = {Institut Informatik, Hochschule Ruhr West},
owner = {handmann.uwe},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/IR-SchHanEtAl2018.pdf},
timestamp = {2},
url = {https://epflicht.ulb.uni-muenster.de/content/titleinfo/504770},
urn = {https://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:6:2-99356}
author = {Rabie, A. and Handmann, U.},
booktitle = {HRW},
title = {{NFC-Based person-specific Assisting System in Home Environment (Poster)}},
year = {2015},
pdf = {http://www.handmann.net/pdf/nfc2014-poster.pdf}
author = {B\"uttner, S. and Szabo-M{\"u}ller, P. and W{\"o}hrmann, T. and Beitz, B. and Handmann, U.},
journal = {Prospektiven - Neues zur zirkul{\"a}ren Wertsch{\"o}pfung - Circular Economy News},
title = {{Digitalisierung als Enabler f{\"u}r Circular Economy in NRW - Bereit f{\"u}r die doppelte Transformation?}},
year = {2024},
issn = {2750-4840},
note = {Prosperkolleg e.V., Uwe Handmann, Wolfgang Irrek, Sabine B{\"u}ttner (ed.)},
number = {03},
pages = {1--31},
volume = {2024},
pdf = {https://prosperkolleg.ruhr/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Prospektiven_24-03_Digitalisierung-und-Circular-Economy.pdf},
url = {https://prosperkolleg.ruhr/publikationen/}
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